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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG

  1. All class. I'm here to talk football, are you here to make homophobic jokes? Who said anything homophobic? I didn't say you sniffing Durant's tackle was a bad thing. To each their own. Any other Riders throwing balls your way?
  2. Throwing balls in the locker room. Sounds like said balls were landing squarely on Migs's chin.
  3. Might that not indicate that they were unsatisfied with Dyce as OC and went on the search for someone better? Just as likely probably more so! 2010-2011 Riders has Doug Berry (running game) and Bob Dyce as OC's . Howell is a great idea for OC. I mean, he played for the Blue and has coached our outstanding receiving corps -- good enough for me. Was thinking, we should drive a Brinks van down to Walby's house and see if he will coach the O-line. He was a great player! Also, I wonder if Blink would coach the running backs -- he was incredible! --- and then move Pierce to assistant HC. Pierce bleeds Blue and Gold so he stays of course. I'm thinking for DC we see if Juran Bolden would be interested. He loved Winnipeg!! I guess you're being funny... but Howell deserves as much or more consideration as Jarious Jackson, Maas or Steinhauer... Yeah, I was a bit tongue in cheek. ;-) Its very Riderfanish to assume a former player will be a good coach. Not sold on Howell yet for OC as really, what the heck has he done? Bobby Dyce is at least realistic as I know he still lives here.
  4. Howell is a great idea for OC. I mean, he played for the Blue and has coached our outstanding receiving corps -- good enough for me. Was thinking, we should drive a Brinks van down to Walby's house and see if he will coach the O-line. He was a great player! Also, I wonder if Blink would coach the running backs -- he was incredible! --- and then move Pierce to assistant HC. Pierce bleeds Blue and Gold so he stays of course. I'm thinking for DC we see if Juran Bolden would be interested. He loved Winnipeg!!
  5. I can think of 5 regulars here -- myself included -- who were bemoaning "anyone but Etch." Half of SK was in on it too. I think even O'Shea knew but somebody needed to to take the job
  6. Fack, sign Kackert!
  7. You can't bring back Etch. When you are even getting called out by the douches on TSN, you have been exposed. Canning him now does nothing but he will not be invited back. If we could somehow wrangle Cortez from a bitter SK I would do a rain dance.
  8. HOTSEATS? -- O'Shea -- free ride til end of 2015 -- Walters -- death watch begins Labor Day 2015 if we come out with little progress -- Etch -- Hot seat NOW. Will be surprised if he is asked to return -- Special Teams -- ditto -- MB -- could earn a return next year if offence finds a groove. The Cotton move was stupid.
  9. You're right, not a popular opinion. Etchs scheme can not work unless he has the quickest, fiercest players. And if the other coach isn't wise to him. Its the same story every year with that guy. I was bummed when we settled for him cause I knew by week 10 or so we'd be wishing we'd went elsewhere
  10. that is taman MO. backups are a great place to save money I didn't mention that in my post, but there is very likely some truth in your statement. Durant is very durable, probably there were some costs savings in mind also considering how little the Riders ever play a backup. Durants age also a factor, by the time DD was done Willy would have been past his prime. There is no question about it, saw it all the time when he was in Winnipeg. Guy pays his starters great, but saves money on the depth. Goes for more than QB too. I don't think it was an entirely bad move on his part with Saskatchewan either. They were already breaking the cap and guys would need raises and I am sure he had an inkling that Dressler might make his way back from the NFL. With Durant being as durable as he has been no one would consider it likely he'd see his season end permanently. They took a gamble and lost but it wasn't really a terrible gamble. They had to save money somewhere (if they wanted to even make an attempt at looking like they were being cap compliant) Its funny that the guys who've been Bomber fans for 20 years-plus all say this, while the asshats in SK who used to laugh at Taman when he was here all seem to forget this. "Oh its cause he had no money in WPG, thats why he was so lousy." -- So what you're saying is Taman needs a blank check to be a winner? Well, hell, sign me up. I can do that job too. Fricken Jim Daley could.
  11. It's not better than last year just because, it's better than last year because it's better than last year. We've used the same qb every game this year, that alone is leaps and bounds better than last year, and he's even performed well! The team doesn't just roll over and die this year. It's better than last year because the bar last year was set so incredibly low. I don't disagree & even agree with you to a large extent 17 but like TBurg said that alone shouldn't be good enough. This team is better in some areas like qb but on the OL other than Morley it's the same or even worse than last season. We can't consistently stop the run & I think at times this season last year's defense under Casey Creehan has played better than this year's version under Etch. And for me to say that The Crazy Man had a better defense well, that's an indictment on the work Etch has been doing & the kind of schemes he runs along with the kind of personnel he likes. I really do think that there are much better DC's out there that would do a better job than what we have now. I can live with MB as an OC but not Etcheverry as DC. You are letting your bias against Etch cloud your judgement here. I don't like it either and ideally we'd have someone else there, but the D with all it's warts has been a lot better than we got last year. There has been a lot of progress made this year, enough that there shouldn't be criticism of it. Now if they don't improve the depth and their recruiting in the offseason then we will talk about whether or not there has been enough, but for one year considering the mess that was going on here it's plenty. You have to keep in mind how unappealing a destination Winnipeg was. It was always going to take time to get away from that. Agreed. I have nothing bad to say about Etch. I'm glad he took the job and has (seemingly) been a pro. But now we need to continue to get better and his scheme is just not working. A stud MLB would help but not that much. Since he does not seem like the type to change his ways I'd like to see him move on.
  12. Anything in particular he said or just a gut feeling? When asked about reasons for the current losing streak he mentioned the defense and special teams as problem areas. Kind of a stretch to come to that conclusion if that's what you're basing it on. True, but O'Shea is the furthest thing from an idiot. He knows Etch's scheme is not cutting it. I would suspect he is among the first let go at seasons' end.
  13. If you're just trying to measure progress then all you can do is look at where they are starting from and gauge whether or not they are headed in the right direction. We should be comparing our team against the other teams in the league this year, not against last years historically horrible team. If we'd gone 1-5 in the first third and 5-1 in the second third, then I'd say we are heading in the right direction and I'd be pretty pumped about our chances of making the playoffs this year. That's not what's happened. We pulled out some late comebacks in the 1st third of the season and we've been heading in the wrong direction since then, culminating in a bad loss to the former worst team in the league. That's way more important than how we look compared to last years losers. Quite frankly, this team isn't much better than last years team. Willy's the biggest difference between 3 and 6 wins and neither record is good enough. No, neither record is good enough. But to say the team isn't better than last year's garbage is ridiculous. Seriously, thats borderline trolling.
  14. It has to be said to -- Joe Mack and Tim Burke set this organization back probably 5 years. I don't think OS could've started in a deeper hole. Even in the Jim Daley-Mike Kelly years we were a bit of a joke, but the organization still had some respect around the league. After Mack-Burke-Garth Hilites -- NO ONE wanted to be here. Total punch line of a club. This year has erased that, mostly. Sure, were a lousy team -- but at least were a lousy team thats looking up. If Walters et al get a few more players and a coordinator or two we could easily be a Grey Cup contender.
  15. How do you know Walters will do what you suggest? He may be happy with the status quo? For the millionth time I'll say how about dumping our DC first & starting from scratch actually building a defense that has some actual big run stoppers on the DL & at LB that are tough physically & aren't pushed back 5 to 8 yards every time the ball is run. And who runs a conventional defense. There are some good young coaches that are ready to move up to be coordinators instead of retreads like Etch. Not sure what you are arguing against -- I said replace Etch in my post. I haven't been happy with him since day 1 and knew how this would play out -- just like in SK.
  16. I would really like to see Etch's defence in action if he had the very best players. Probably be fun to watch and confusing as hell. But ... we don't have that. And this is the CFL. So scheme for the talent you have, you egomaniac.
  17. As rough as this slide has been, for year 1 of the new regime I like what I've seen. We started off the year with bottom of the barrel coordinators, a new HC, an unproven QB, and questionable depth. At least we now we have a QB and a coach to build on. Thats not too shabby. So starting this November I want Walters to start working on the following: * Dump Kuale and Romby * Getting at least one Nat OL via free agency * A good draft. Supposedly its a deep one. At least one OL and one receiver. * If you're going to play so many imports on the OL then at least get a stud or two * Back up QB * Lost of competition at RB and receiver * Keep Marcel. I think he's done OK * Dump Etch. His scheme is NOT WORKING. * Take a hard look at special teams. Cant OS work a bit on that one?
  18. Cant forget the D. Other teams keep stringing these long drives by running the ball down our throats. Our o doesnt get much time .
  19. Did he seriously tweet that? If so I must follow him. That's actually funny. I'll take random deep, unintentionally hilarious tweets over lame inside jokes and non-stop self promotion. SMH.
  20. Uh... no, you have an editor who should do that for him.
  21. If last offseason was the important Bomber off season in decades -- firing the entire operation and installing a new GM, coach, and ideology -- then this offseason is a close second Bombers NEED to draft well, recruit well, and be a BIG player in free agency. Also need to totally revamp the defensive scheme Last off-seaosn was all Miller -- this one better be all Walters (and oshea)
  22. Too long. Turner is usually a little more succinct. Editor could've drilled away 500 words at least. Thank you for posting though.
  23. There's armchair quarterbacking and then theres arm chair coaching. You guys have no idea what goes on in that locker room or in the board room, and certainly no idea what goes on in OS's head. Look everyone with half a brain knows that the Bombers have a below average roster and way below average depth. Thats what happens when you have a terrible GM for years combined with 5 plus years of lousy coaching. OS is just careful about what he says to the media so he doesn't create a "poison" environment where the few good players we have leave and we can't get quality coaches or free agents this off season.
  24. Etch needs to go. Despite what some "anonymous" GM told Penton (*cough* Taman *cough*), Etch's schemes on D are embarrassing. Its the same crap year after year with that clown -- win a few games as teams are caught off guard, then die a slow and miserable death as other coaches wise up and start annally pounding the ball. You can blame Kuale all you want. He is a problem but not THE problem and not THE ONLY problem.
  25. I can't get the vision of SK brutalizing us right up the middle 3 games in a row out of my head. Our glaring weakness at MLB is killing us.
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