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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG

  1. Durant had a good news appt with Dr this morning. The 1st round offer for Burris was a tweet from Madani with no credible source. They schedule good news appts Monday mornings in Sask? When do they schedule bad news appts, Fridays at about 3pm? And love him or hate him, Madani is typically spot on. Unlike that house organ you guys got.
  2. Thats just Madani making stuff up because he loves Ottawa and hates Saskatchewan. So there.
  3. Or as Ed Tait once referred to him, "Fanstone."
  4. Cool. I guess all the off season conditioning work he pays Bomber great Milt Stegall for is paying off.
  5. Maybe being on IR will help Taj deal with all his legal problems without the stress of the game weighing him down.
  6. Sucks, hate to see talent go down.
  7. No offense but how would you know? There's lots of us can remember exactly how it went down. Calgary wanted to make a big splash and sign a big name qb to wash the stink of the Feterik era off the team and they paid Burris a ton and gave him the starting job outright. Riders offered him nice money but they were keeping Greene around and wanted competition at the position. Burris doesn't like competition and he likes gettin' paid so he went to Calgary. Why should I be surprised that Calgary completely overpaid a player . They seem to be the Ottawa of the west. This coming from a fan of the team that over shoots the salary cap without fail since it was implemented The ironing truly is delicious here yup.. How quickly they forget being on death's door as a franchise. Bunch of hypocrites. CFL's "greatest" fans -- such a joke. Maybe if by "great" you mean "insecure" and "two faced."
  8. So many reasons to dislike Hank as a QB (especially in cold weather/clutch time) but going to CAL is not one of them. Idiots gonna idiot.
  9. No offense but how would you know? There's lots of us can remember exactly how it went down. Calgary wanted to make a big splash and sign a big name qb to wash the stink of the Feterik era off the team and they paid Burris a ton and gave him the starting job outright. Riders offered him nice money but they were keeping Greene around and wanted competition at the position. Burris doesn't like competition and he likes gettin' paid so he went to Calgary. Exactly. The fact that so many Rider dweebs took it personally was embarrassing. I actually felt bad for Hank. You only have so much time to make starter money so he was doing what was obviously best for him and his family. The gap toothed should've ripped Shivers a new one, not Burris.
  10. Burris is not coming to Riders. The only people suggesting this are a couple imbecile journalists & a few drunk fans. But the fact fans are royally flip flopping on such a central and traditional concept of hating Burris and actually entertaining the idea of him returning. What do you expect from a bunch of bandwagon jumpers? The whole hate for Burris is stupid anyway, it's long past time they got over it. It was like 10 years ago he went to Calgary. The funny thing is, if you remember the context of Burris signing in Calgary, he would've been crazy NOT too. Calgary offered big money, fresh regime & coaching, being named THE Starter, a job for his wife, and likely a condo & car. SSK offered big money and a last second flip from Shivers that he'd have to compete with Nealon for the starting job. The gap toothed homers have such an inferiority complex with Calgary its mind-numbing.
  11. ... in Calgary, at an Italian restaurant in Mission. Was going to go say hi but he was with an entourage. Although when I went to the bathroom, I looked behind the toilet tank to see if there was a gun taped behind it. Jokes aside, looked like a nice guy and was having a good time.
  12. Riders have had very good late round draft picks the last couple years. Steinheurer, Vonk, Anthony, Moore, Webster, Etc.Those aren't exactly "very good" picks.for NI depth they are, they all made the roster of a 9-3 team coming off a championship.You know I was going to make a mocking post about how being on the riders added to their awesomeness as player, obviously, but then you went and made a serious comment stating essentially the same thing so I got nothing. Oh you Rider fans, you are joke.Well that is rude. My point was the Taman's late round pics made the roster of the championship team that is also having another good year. The point is that the pics must be good if they make the roster of a winning team. Same thing would apply to say a Stamps late round pic.No your point was Riders = awesomesauce! How dare you question it! All you homers are the same. Your heads are so far up your own asses you can't see how deluded you are. Your posts are saying more about you than anything. All I was doing was talking football & I've already explained my point. Try & have a nice evening. Don't let the door chafe your arse on the way out. Your grade two logic -- "our draft picks made the roster and we're the defending champs so therefore they must be good players" -- is embarrassing, even by Riderfans standards. Listen, its late in the year. I'm sure there's manure you should be spreading.
  13. Nothing unusual there as head coaches often pick their own staffs. I know, but Brice is stating that if Etch is still here next year, the blame should fall on Walters shoulders. Which is incorrect. Etch is O'Sheas call but what options did he have, apart from retreads even worse than Etch? Its Walters responsibility to steward the "vision" of the club, thereby attracting quality people. Right now we look like a young, athletic team with a lousy defense against the run and no o-line. Pass the buck or not, its still on Walters watch.
  14. Who's talking about the long knives? Take your hyperbole and get out, we are simply pointing out areas he needs to improve on. No one is talking about backstabbing the guy. He's had a bit of a free ride from the media, something that, competent or not, Mack never had from day 1. If we go into next year with the same lousy o-line, Romby at receiver, and Etch as DC I would start asking WTF. Fricken 3 imports on the O Line and Willy has no pocket. Stupid.
  15. Finally... this is actually something I can agree with. Some random fan watching the game on TSN, opining how much of a warrior he is because he took a sack and got up from it... not so much.
  16. Sheet, how could I forget Buck? that dude was tough too. Just not a great a QB. Its just fricken odd that all these posters keep talking like this guy is Charles Bronson on the field when he has NOT shown that yet. When a report comes out that he played an entire stretch with a broken rib like Milt then I'll join in the collective nut swinging. Until then, a jammed throwing finger does not get you a purple heart.
  17. Just think you guys tend to overstate his toughness a bit. Not saying Willy ISN'T tough -- just that he's played exactly half a season and you're already talking about what a warrior he is. Now Khari was tough. And proved it. Ditto Dunigan. Kevin Glenn was not tough. Lets hope Willy proves to be more like the first two guys.
  18. If Willy doesn't play -- and I expect he will -- then we are in tough. Heck, if Willy does play we're in tough.
  19. Based on what? (Serious question).
  20. It was a complete joke. Injury after injury. But no, it wasn't that -- Tito Sunshine just "picked them apart" with "scalpel like precision." Completely forgetting that they had Joe Paopao playing DB.
  21. Yup it's a great big conspiracy! Refs from all over Canada are instructed to do whatever they can go help the Riders win. Conspiracy? No. Gross incompetency on the part of underpaid, under qualified officials that seems to aid the Riders a lot? There you go.
  22. and this is true, but it's a win that you quietly take your two points and don't try and thump your chest over... yet here we see rider fans doing their chest thumping and boasting about how good sunseri looked. Sunseri did look good, why should we say otherwise. Tito Sunshine did not look "good." He didn't even look "serviceable." You can keep repeating it all you want but it doesn't make it a fact. Sorry to you and your QB rating of 107. You should be doing a dance that you eked out a win against a lousy team while hoping that DD gets better, fast. And saying "cheers" and "have a nice day" doesn't make your statements any less stupid.
  23. The OTT receiving corps is a disgrace to humanity. The CFL should fine them for just being so shitty.
  24. Yes because 9-3 and defending Grey Cup Champs = "awful." How about 3-0 versus the Bombers with 2 wins at IGF? What does that make the Bombers?Why are you bringing up the Bombers?It was a poor football game on both sides, especially at QB. Accept it or go back to Riderfags in your Tito Sunshine jersey. . Poor At QB?Sunseri 20/32 260yds 2TDs 0ints 107 QB rating Did you watch the game or just read the stats ticker afterwards? Its okay, I dont blame if you bailed out after the 1st quarter and washed the car instead. Tito Sunshine don't care. Tito Sunshine don't give a ****. Tino struggled at the start but finished strong, better than the opposite. Don't forget that Getzlaf had two bad drops, Tino's numbers should've been even better. The QB would have had better numbers had the receiver caught the ball. Wow. I have never seen that excuse before. Can I submit it to Ron Jaworski so he can cross reference it with the NFL archives? Maybe it's happened before. Gimme a break. Tito Sunshine looked awful. And Getzlaf had drops? You're joking. That never happens. After all, I thought Rod Pederson voted him for Most Outstanding Canadian.
  25. Now the Riders just need to recruit Jermaine, Jackie, and Marlon and they have all surviving members of the Jackson 5. Tito Sunshine feels no pain, Tito Sunshine just moves the chains.
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