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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG

  1. Yes because 9-3 and defending Grey Cup Champs = "awful." How about 3-0 versus the Bombers with 2 wins at IGF? What does that make the Bombers? Why are you bringing up the Bombers? It was a poor football game on both sides, especially at QB. Accept it or go back to Riderfags in your Tito Sunshine jersey. . Poor At QB?Sunseri 20/32 260yds 2TDs 0ints 107 QB rating Did you watch the game or just read the stats ticker afterwards? Its okay, I dont blame if you bailed out after the 1st quarter and washed the car instead. Tito Sunshine don't care. Tito Sunshine don't give a ****.
  2. RedBlacks got gifts too. They shoulda been called for no yards in OT when Ott punted it out of the end zone. The fact that you are arguing about such esoteric rules not being called is a testament to how bad that game was. Ignore contact the kicker and non-stop holding -- cry about "no yards not being called when punting out of end zone after missed field goal." Gawd the CFL is in dire straits.
  3. Yes because 9-3 and defending Grey Cup Champs = "awful." How about 3-0 versus the Bombers with 2 wins at IGF? What does that make the Bombers? Why are you bringing up the Bombers? It was a poor football game on both sides, especially at QB. Accept it or go back to Riderfags in your Tito Sunshine jersey. .
  4. Tino looked "great." Good lord. That's almost as bad as Drew Willy is "clutch." Just goes to show how watered down the CFL product has become, especially at the QB position, when people are pleased after performances like that Rider -- Ott debacle. If that was an away game you could say "meh, do whatcha gotta do to win on the road" but the fact your paying fans had to sit through that mistake filled OT gong show is embarrassing. How many defensive players did OTT lose in the final 5 minutes? It was ridiculous. Take your two points and thank your lucky stars. At least Peyton vs Russell Wilson was on at the same time.
  5. I really don't think our depth is appalling at all. My problem with it is that it is lackluster in spots where there's just no excuse. To be relying on guys like Kuale and Romby is atrocious. Considering O'Shea had a prior connection with them, it seems like they were his "grasping at straws" choices. Which lays the blame on Walters. He needs to do better this off season at providing options.
  6. O'Shea inherited a lame roster and had no options as co-ordinators. Now that the team/front office is perceived as "legit," he should have some options to replace Etch. Still not sold on Walters. I know its only been a year but our depth is appalling and our Oline is laughable. Watching BC blow up our pocket with 4 guys play after play was painful.
  7. I'm Paul Wiecek. Sports reporter for the Winnipeg Free Press -- the largest daily newspaper in Winnipeg -- and I cover the Bomber beat. I love football -- the sport the Bombers play -- because it's a lot like curling -- my true love -- except it doesn't take place on ice and they hold practices -- which I don't bother covering.
  8. Yeah, but it's the system that's at fault. Not just the players. You change too many variables at once and you can never tell what works and what doesn't. Science 101.
  9. No need for a massive airlift or make a bunch of low-end trades -- that's for teams "on the cusp" or making a last-ditch run That's not us. We're a first year club. And we're overachieving. What we need to do is finish the year with the girl we brought and then in the off season evaluate what we need to take the next step to the elite level. I would rather us finish the year with Kuale and then give both him and Etch the boot than start airlifting random NFL rejects and seeing if they can somehow figure out Etch's no-system system in 6 days.
  10. Nothing like a 60K a year douchebag bar-star with a coke habit. Fact remains, there are many very rich people who are "functional coke addicts." Its just part of their workday. Max Hall is not one of those people. I hope he gets help.
  11. Oh ease up surgeon general.. Its a horrible drug but its no meth,heroin, krocodile, oxy or even mdma.. The fact he is injecting it tho tells me he has an addictive personality and probably stuggles mightily with addictive substances.. Hopefully he gets the help he deserves.. Wouldn't lump in MDMA with that. Pure, pharmaceutical MDMA -- the stuff developed by Bayer in the '20's, not the garbage street drug or Molly -- is being considered as a (highly controlled) psychotherapy drug for its ability to break down psychological treatment barriers. Fascinating stuff.
  12. Yeah, that's a shocker. He's a practicing Mormon, too. So, it's even more surprising. Just as surprising as Wes Welker who has this squeaky clean, Weston Dressler type image suspended by the NFL for 4 games for testing positive for amphetamines. You just never know. Well, for Welker it was likely to gain some type of ergogenic edge. Hall's usage, on the other hand, sounds much more like a downward spiral type of scenario EDIT: Scratch that -- Welker reportedly took Molly laced with amphetamines at the Kentucky Derby. Wow.
  13. If he is injecting crack there is little doubt he was using last season in one form or another. Huh?
  14. I disagree. Our o-line has been below average and Willy hasn't had tons of time, but its been way better than some previous years. I remember Khari getting sacked 11 times in one game -- at home no less. (against MTL)
  15. If the Argos go down this league is on death row.
  16. Cause I'm not retracting it. I don't know the extent of his injury (or injuries) or lack thereof. Neither do you. So I can't say he is "tough" in the way that Khari and Milt and Dunigan were (just to name a few). I can say that he has done the "writing on the ground" thing multiple times in games and in practice, and APPEARS to not have physical injury. Milt played half a season with broken ribs. They didnt reveal it til after the season was wrapped. THAT is tough.
  17. I can't tell if you're kidding or not. I'm going to assume you are not. Did you SEE the play? That LOOKED nasty. I think it was the BC Sask game where Durant went down and rolled around like a goddamn soccer player, looked around, then walked off sheepishly. No way was that Willy did, not to mention that was the only time he showed any pain all season during a game. What a stupid post... Yes I SAW the play. And I also HEARD the comments from Irving and O'Shea. Durant is hardly the poster boy for a tough as nail player either but that's your comparison, not mine.
  18. I tell you what. We'll have a 270 lb football player fall on top of you and bend your ankle in a way it's not supposed to bend. And lets see how you react. Idiot Love it -- name calling on the internet, from the safety of mom's basement. You're one scary SOB.
  19. I like Willy a lot -- but he seems like a bit of a baby. Mid week, in practice -- reportedly "injures throwing hand, falls down writhing in pain." By end of practice is supposedly "fine." O'Shea, when asked about it by Irving, seems almost a little embarrassed (the defensive player in him) saying "it didn't seem too bad." Then during the game, gets his ankle rolled. Writhing on the field like he blew his ACL. I thought by his reaction he was done for the season. Comes back literally the next series and limps for all of 5 steps. I dunno -- can you picture Dunigan or Khari doing that? Our boy needs a bit of toughness I think....
  20. In a previous life, I did a little business with Wade. I found him very sharp but also extremely "me-focused," to the point that I found myself avoiding his call. That said, I got it -- he was trying to eke out every last dollar to further his interests. I would think less of him if he didn't do that. Still wouldn't want to deal with him every day.
  21. Bombers will be in tough to go .500 down the stretch as Etch-y teams don't fare well in the cold. This will take an offseason to fix. A new RB or 2, a bunch of OL help, and a new DC. I'm actually not too unhappy with Marcel...yet.
  22. Year one of the New Regime. Still lots of work to be done. I would look long term (this off season) and improve the O Line and get some serious competition at RB. (Might require a new OC too....looking far ahead of course.... not next week) This team is well on its way
  23. 11 and 7. The West is no joke this year so 11-7 is just fantastic for Year One of the rebuild. Next year, however, I see 14-4 and a GC win.
  24. I use it every week here in NYC. Its free with my Verizon subscription. Stream from my iPad to my HDTV through AirPlay. Awesome.
  25. I think with O'Shea it's huge dollops of positive energy mixed in with confidence, professionalism, a passion for and deep knowledge of the game, all topped off with an obsessive drive to win at almost all costs. We as fans are enamored by this as it has been so long since we have seen it. I think back to all my years of Bomber history to find a similar type coach and the only name that comes up is Mike Reilly. While I'm cautious to heap too much praise as we haven't seen OS have to deal with adversity yet -- such as an inevitable 4 game slide -- but I think he's proving to be an exceptional hire. Still woulda liked Higgins as a GM. The jury is still out on Walters, IMHO. But so far the OS experiment has been nothing but good....
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