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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG

  1. I've seen the Etch a Sketch way before. Lets see how we feel after we play a few more good teams who know his schtick. Still, two in a row is one hell of a start. Great day in Bomberland.
  2. Nothing against you, but that in itself, is a sad statement. No offence taken. I just know hundreds -- and that is not an exaggeration -- of men over 35 who have turned their lives around with a similar protocol. Granted that isn't the same as a 22 year old athlete taking Winstrol to bang out more reps in a combine test, but I think most lay people have absolutely no idea what PED's do. And more importantly, what they DON'T do. Funny you say that. I remember listening to Barry Bonds, when asked at the time about his alleged use of PED's, explain that PED's can't help with eye-hand coordination, proper way to hit/field the ball etc. implying either you have these superior skills or you don't, PED's won't solve that for you. I thought this was a creative, albeit limited, argument. Bonds is/was an insufferable a-hole. He's also dead right. The PED's helped him hit it farther and play less injured. That's about it.
  3. Nothing against you, but that in itself, is a sad statement. No offence taken. I just know hundreds -- and that is not an exaggeration -- of men over 35 who have turned their lives around with a similar protocol. Granted that isn't the same as a 22 year old athlete taking Winstrol to bang out more reps in a combine test, but I think most lay people have absolutely no idea what PED's do. And more importantly, what they DON'T do.
  4. Haha, I dunno -- if you were 30+, starting to break down and its contract time, 200 mgs of Test a week and 2-4 IUs of GH a day would look awfully appealing.
  5. He likely was on last year and beat the test, either by timing it better or using different gear.Just doing sprint training will shave a load of time off a big guys 40. OL and DL generally don't know how to sprint, they aren't the type to run track. So they run a 40 just based on instinct and put up whatever time, train specifically on how to run the 40 and shave a bunch of time off, combined with them getting in better all-around shape for the combine.Going from 5.11 to 4.82 under the circumstances isn't necessarily due to PED's IMO. I've seen lots of big guys shave time off their 40's just by learning how to run properly. Thats what I thought. Having that kind of improvement makes his story of not really knowing seem somewhat believable. Although I could be totally off-base with that. You never know.Going through his history on the concordia website and his high school he's been the same weight and size since grade 10. And I doubt he's been on it since then. Also you do have to give the kid some kind of recognition to how he handled the whole situation. He could have tried to defend himself or blamed someone but he didn't. I don't think this is going to affect his draft stock that much. Yeah, sorry, you are. No one gets caught for Winstrol without knowing they were on it. It is POSSIBLE he thought he was taking a different drug and got sold Winstrol -- thats happened -- but the whole "Winstrol in my protein powder" thing is laughable. Doesn't make him a bad person. And he's not the first FB player to take gear. Just wish he'd man up and move on.
  6. Doesn't work that way. You still have a genetic ceiling. The only measure I could see him getting consistently better, year after year, would be the bench press for reps test. And that's if he trained for that test all year, which no football player does.
  7. He likely was on last year and beat the test, either by timing it better or using different gear.
  8. 1. I work in the field. Have for 20 years. 2. Steroids are not "unhealthy." Supra physiologic doses, sure, but not normal doses. Fact is they are extremely safe when used under the guidance of a medical professional. 99.9% of athletes don't do that though, as 99.9% of athletes wouldn't qualify for a legit script. Some older guys might though. 3. Once you understand and respect the drugs and get past all the fear mongering and misinformation you see them for what they are -- drugs with an intended purpose. It's like Vicodin. If you need it, it's a God send. Use it as a party drug or take 10 a day and you have problems. That's fairly cryptic, what field would that be? Because there is more than one field that offers important perspective to this issue of steriod use in sport. Also, curious with your #3, what point exactly are you trying to make in relation to Quinn Smith's predicament? I work in training/fitness, with roots in higher-level athletics. I am not commenting on the issue of drugs in sports. If a sport is mandated to be drug free and you geared up anyway and got caught, that's on you. If you legitimately need the stuff, get a script and contact your union rep. But none of that is the drugs' fault. Its the players. But the media blames the drugs. I don't really know Quinn's predicament. If you got dinged for Winny then accept your punishment like a man. Supplement companies used to taint their stuff with methyl test and even clenbuterol back in the day, but those days are done. I did hear a Gaspari product had traces of a legit anti-estrogen though. I hate that whole industry. See your doctor -- if you have low T, get a legit script and go on good, clean medication with doctors monitoring.
  9. 1. I work in the field. Have for 20 years. 2. Steroids are not "unhealthy." Supra physiologic doses, sure, but not normal doses. Fact is they are extremely safe when used under the guidance of a medical professional. 99.9% of athletes don't do that though, as 99.9% of athletes wouldn't qualify for a legit script. Some older guys might though. 3. Once you understand and respect the drugs and get past all the fear mongering and misinformation you see them for what they are -- drugs with an intended purpose. It's like Vicodin. If you need it, it's a God send. Use it as a party drug or take 10 a day and you have problems.
  10. Oh God don't be so naive.University educated man intent on playing in the CFL & he claims he didn't know that what he was taking (Stanozolol) was a steroid? Who is being naive here? I think it's you Atomic.You misunderstood. I don't believe that Quinn Smith didn't know exactly what he was doing. My comment was referring to Duressler47's apparent shock at the fact that some athletes use steroids and other drugs. It is incredibly widespread.Duressler (to me) was stating that it seems like more athletes today are using illegal drugs like marijuana or performance enhancing drugs like Stanozolol. I think his comments are directed towards them either not being very bright or that they are cheaters. Hence the integrity comment. Some will get caught & others won't but why take the chance? Because for every one that gets caught, 99 get away with it. And the rewards are money, glory, beautiful women, and making a career out of playing a game you love. I can't blame guys for trying to get every edge they can. Not likely he's going to be all that popular with the ladies for long- any steroid is essentially synthetic testosterone, and if guys are on it for extended periods, the steroid suppresses the natural production of testosterone. The testes slow down and finally shut down production of testosterone, eventually permanently. While on artificially high levels of the drug, typically male attributes like aggression and sexual attentiveness are heightened, but once back off the steroids, arousal and erection are very difficult to impossible, and estrogen begins to take over. The testes shrink to almond size and the person has to be on daily injected synthetic testosterone permanently to avoid losing male sexual differentiation characteristics. And that doesn't even talk about possible cardiac myopathy and loss of bone density. Wow, is this 1982? Come on man. That's painfully outdated info. I don't even know where to begin. The bolded line is particularly LOLsy.
  11. AAS helps mainly with combine tests like bench reps, vert jump, etc. Maaaaybe 40 time but that would be a stretch. Does NOT make you a better athlete. Winstrol dries the joints out like crazy so he's a fool for going that route. Then again, its not like it was for training camp. If he chose winnie for the fast clearance times he would've been better off with a $20 bottle of test suspension.
  12. Poor choice of gear. These guys should really hire pros to plan their cycles if there's a chance of drug testing.
  13. Should've went downtown. I understand they needed the U of M partnership but it was still a mistake. Downtown WPG is ghastly. It needs all the commercial development it can get. A stadium, the MTS center, and the baseball stadium all within walking distance would've been cool.
  14. We're going to "surprise and confuse" opposing teams for a week or two, then slowly regress into the usual bickering and nonsense. Methinks he'll be Osh's first firing, likely before Labour Day.
  15. and yet, given the other choices, he has my vote. I agree. I think Harper is a bully, a cheat, a manipulator, and a pious right wing A-hole. Yet given the choice between him and Trudeau and Mulcair, it isn't even a choice. Sad.
  16. And is why Manitoba is increasingly lagging behind the toilet bowl SK.
  17. Please God just get this NDP out of Manitoba. This has been far too long. Forgive me, I'm living in the US and not as up to speed -- who's running the show in Alberta now after that lady bailed? Is it still a business-friendly climate or are they going Left too?
  18. He's going to have to have one heck of a raise to live in Vancouver full time. Not necessarily. What, cause his rent will go up 30%? Big deal. I'm sure after the winter WPG apparently just had he's stoked.
  19. No kidding. I had a good laugh-out-loud at this too. CFL owners basically compete to see if they can lose less money this year. Not one got into the CFL biz to get rich or even stay rich -- its all about the prestige and fun of owning a team. But Doug loves to hear himself talk, so I certainly wasn't surprised.
  20. I also would like to see this...but not as much as I'd like people to understand that it's Co-She, and not Couch-y... Actually, seeing him play better is much more important to me than how I or others pronounce his name.
  21. Lawless is a loser? Lead reporter in Winnipeg. Lead sports guy for lead newspaper Lead sports guy for only 24 hour sports radio station. featured on TSN Jets and TSN broadcasts. If by lead you mean the chemical element, whereby, lead reporter means he's capable of "killing" a story with the angle he chooses to write, then I would agree with your point. The fact is, in an analogy, that if Lawless were our starting or 'lead' QB, we would not settle for this mediocrity, but rather would demand a change. He is the Steven Jyles of writers, when we really want the Tom Clements or Khari Jones. Just because he "is" where he is doesn't mean he should be. The people making those decisions who have money on it disagree with you. I suppose I could be wrong. Its possible that people who's only medium for expressing their sports opinion is a message board are in fact, far more insightful than the guy being paid by the Free Press and TSN. But I doubt it. Chill with the appeal to authority schtick. Lawless is a lazy reporter -- when was the last time he even had a quote, much less figures and stats? You are correct, he is a big deal in WPG with multiple channels, which likely explains why he only has time to pen opinion pieces masquerading as reporting, but he is certainly no Ed Tait.
  22. Mack was ignorant of the CDN game and, seemingly, too arrogant to let others in his employ who did understand it (Walters) make decisions. He was also completely out of touch when it came to Free Agency and obviously was above or didn't understand the importance of working with GM's from rival clubs. Thats on him. However, its come out his wife is/was battling cancer, and speaking from experience I can see how his focus might've been elsewhere. He simply was not the right man or in the right position to do the job. However, the media -- especially Neckless -- does seem to have a boner for Walters, simply because he gives interviews and returns calls. And I agree with 17-85, some of his decisions have been fair at best.
  23. Don't forget his attitude. Doesn't matter if you win or not. Always sounds like he doesn't mind losing. Very disappointed to hear Walters & Co. have expressed even the slightest interest in KG. This hugely diminishes my confidence in their judgment. What kind of message does it send to Drew Willy, who is our #1 QB, according to O'Shea, and who is earning starters $$$? I'd be wondering if this regime is trustworthy. Also shows the new regime is out of touch with the experience Bombers had with KG first time around. It was too bad we didn't get anything for him when Kelly cut him loose, but so many fans were ecstatic to see him go. KG is a me-first heartbreaker who always, always, disappoints at clutch-time. Having him here would be a terrible distraction (thousands would be booing every time he trots on the field) and any playing time he got would take away from the development of our future QBs. I'm sure this has been put to rest now that Pierce is aboard as coach, but I am officially alarmed by the questionable decision to go after Glenn. Glenn was run out of town here cause he couldn't win the big game as a starter. Probably still can't. But he's the best back-up in the league by a mile. And I think he has the right attitude to mentor Willy. And believe, Willy ain't ready to lead this band-aid of a team.
  24. Obby Khan is a "legend?" Wow.
  25. I agree mike, the name alone was dumb enough, but that whole capitalization thing is just hilariously bad. So............. basically you're admitting sour grapes on the whole Burris thing ? Because I don't see how else they're Cockblocks as you say. Forget Burris, I just thought they jerked Glenn around, and i didn't like the shots their GM was taking at us and our roster. For an expansion team on its 3rd or 4th kick at the can to be talking smack before a game has even been played is weak. So piss on them.
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