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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG

  1. It doesn't bother me. I really don't give a rats what someone else does, provided it doesn't affect me. But if you are not happy with your progress -- and you asked me -- this would be among the first things I'd change.
  2. Cardio is horrific. I only do it 8 weeks out of the year and only when I absolutely NEED to. And yes, I use music/distraction to get me through it. But I lift weights most days and do some martial arts stuff. Both have a "cardio" effect, and the latter is the epitome of mental engagement. And obviously I watch what I eat.
  3. Exactly, but once you reach a point where training is no longer something you "have" to do and is something you "love to do" your methods have to change. Thats why it's a shame to me when you read about athletes who hate working out. If they learned to love the process as much as the end goal, their results would improve.
  4. People using their phone in the gym are literally the worst people on the planet. I have an iPod (blech...) for my tunes, and other than that...NOTHING. If I see someone texting in the middle of their "workout", I want bouncers to evict them from the premises... What about using the club hairdryer to dry one's nuts ? After 25 years of seeing that I decided to try it. It was not fun. I do not get the appeal. And the smell of bacon attracted a bunch of stray cats.
  5. I wouldn't tell you what to do. But if you asked for advice I it would be the first thing I'd tell you. I don't have a problem with electronics for recording sets and reps. I use an iPad with clients. But for me, when I'm hitting it? A 99 cent notebook, then dump the info into my iPad later. As for rest intervals, buy a fricken Casio. $10. I agree about the straps.
  6. "Training" is more mental than physical. It's connecting the nervous system with the intended muscles to perform a physical task. The brain is notoriously singular. There is scientific evidence that multi-tasking is a myth. All you really do when performing two things at once is perform two things sub-optimally. When you blast your ears with stimulus (music), you are giving brain something else to consider/accommodate -- the feel of the weight and the goals of the exercise loses focus. There are exceptions of course. When doing something "robotic" like cardio or (like an Olympic athlete doing a routine for the 10000th time) or trying to reach a more relaxed mental state (like a QB before a game) music has merit. But for most? Totally counterproductive.
  7. I work with clients every day. Rule #1 -- unless your wife is 9 months pregnant, no phone. Phones have no business on the gym floor.
  8. Miss the Jim Daley call in show so much. Caller: "I think you're a terrible coach Daley. You have no idea what you're doing and..." Irving: "All right caller, you made your point. Let Jim respond." Daley: "The caller is absolutely right. It was a bad performance. But we had a tremendous week of practice. And when we reviewed the film, I saw tremendous effort...."
  9. Glenn will be a Bomber for next to nothing. Hope they can spin it to Willy okay.
  10. "Freedom" is a flag flown by the weak and cowardly. You don't oppose gay marriage because you're Christian and believe in "your right to religious freedom." You oppose it because you don't like gay people. Wish these people would just admit it. They'd still be repugnant in my eyes, just less swarmy. Its the same as the birthers here in the US. Its not because you think Obama might have been born in Kenya that you don't like him. That's a constitutional red herring. You don't like him because he's black. Admit it, be an honest racist, and grow a set.
  11. Troy Westwood talked about this yesterday and agrees that Sam will have trouble with many players. He talked about the influence of American players on the CFL and their Christian faith, though clearly they choose certain aspects of Christianity to embrace. There are still racists among us today but we dont tolerate it in police society. No doubt racists exist in pro sports but overt racism is simply not tolerated. Is Bruce an idiot? Absolutely. He's actually a two-time loser. 1) for having those backwards opinions and 2) for being stupid enough to express them in public. Yes, because every American who identifies himself as devout Christian is homophobic. Troy should stick to discussing what he knows best. Which is.....? If you want to be moved to tears, go to Gay Pride in New York City and see the support/love the Christian gay community receives. There is certainly still homophobia in sports but it is in the minority, and shrinking, thank God.
  12. Walters is eyeing Glenn, who won't make it to TC.
  13. Its a ploy. Ottawa will dump Glenn and we'll sign him as a "back up."
  14. Pretty sure I recall Bauer wanted him cut. As did most of fans after the loss in the playoffs. Zactly right. Frankly, I was done with Glenn's "meh" attitude too. I also thought Mike Kelly was a good hire (on Day one). I wasn't sure about LeForeskin, but I trusted Kelly. What a difference a few months makes.
  15. There is no way Hamilton will dangle Glenn to anyone given he's under contract to Ottawa. Fair point. I think, with 600K tied up in 2 QBs, that OTT will still cut KG in camp. Henry will NOT accept Glenn breathing down his neck. Even if Glenn (God forbid) was on life support and breathing with the help of a respirator, Henry would not feel comfortable. We may be able to get Glenn much like how Calgary got him after we were forced to cut him to avoid paying his bonus. Glenn went from Winnipeg to Hamilton to Calgary to Ottawa. Point is, we cut 'em for nothing cause the whole league knew we didn't want to pay his bonus. Will Desjardins want to pay a guy 200 plus just to stress out his 400-plus prima donna?
  16. There is no way Hamilton will dangle Glenn to anyone given he's under contract to Ottawa. Fair point. I think, with 600K tied up in 2 QBs, that OTT will still cut KG in camp. Henry will NOT accept Glenn breathing down his neck. Even if Glenn (God forbid) was on life support and breathing with the help of a respirator, Henry would not feel comfortable. We may be able to get Glenn much like how Calgary got him after we were forced to cut him to avoid paying his bonus.
  17. They will quickly anoint Willy as The Man, The Starter, and The Future, so when HAM dangles Glenn we won't appear needy. Make no mistake, we need an experienced pivot behind that cheese cloth O Line.
  18. They'll trade us Glenn for a pick plus possibly a NI. Do we even have a NI left? Sofa Muamba? Actually, I would do Glenn for Sofa right now.
  19. This is a great move by Walters et al. Now we won't be as over a barrel when the COCKBLOCKS inevitably start dangling Glenn our way. I still want Glenn, but with out future guy sewn up, we can be less needy. Still will sting to see up lose another pick for Glenn, but a Glenn Willy QB stable is pretty appealing.
  20. That would be the dumbest move of all dumb moves to make. .... so bank on it happening?
  21. Like what other GM's have on their phones when Walters' name comes up....
  22. I feel better knowing the Walters is working tirelessly to fix this. I hear like 23 hour days. With one hour commuting.
  23. Ya kno, it doesn't surprise me one ounce that you already think this without even getting out of the off-season.. Stay classy bud. Keep the faith!! Forget class, sell me on all the great things that have transpired this off season. Granted, he still has many months to make it happen, but so far are you honestly impressed? Or are you just being "positive?" Oy. Can we sell you on the fact that we avoided a giant albatross of a contract on Burris; and that Hamilton and Kent Austin were a flashier sell for Collaros instead? Way too early to be passing judgment on Walters. The mess that Mack left the organization in... pile on all that you want. But way too early to judge Walters. Fair response and I appreciate you indulging my question. Still, he could've easily over paid for Burris and just cut the guy next year. I am fine with Glenn, but Desjardins is going to anally pound us for him. And Lizard is going to have to take it. Which is a great idea if you're looking to solve one problem by creating another one. If that's how he thinks business is done, he'll quickly develop a reputation that is just as bad as the one we have now. We're trying to rebuild our image as an appealing football club to join up with. Signing guys only to cut them a year later for no reason other than money troubles is not how you establish that. .... as opposed to the reputation the OTT management group has after the Glenn thing? No one gives a shite about "reputation" -- they care about money, wins, and opportunity. And I seriously doubt anyone would say "they signed a rock solid personality like Henry Burris and then turfed him after just a year. That guy was all class and deserved so much better!" No one? If your answer is yes, then you're misguided. First, evidence suggests organizations with horrible reputations are the ones who usually don't have the money, the wins and the real opportunities over a sustained period of time. Second, organizations reputations are built by the individuals who manage and lead it. If these individuals, even if their highly skilled in their craft, predominatly lack in the areas of emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills sets, it significantly affects the reputation of the organization, ergo, the ability of the organization to attract quality people, from a player perspective, from a management perspective, from a sponsor perspective etc etc. Reputation affects an organizations bottom line no matter how you spin it, some more than others, but plays a part in the equation of success. Blah blah blah. Wally Buono has a rep for being total hard nose, "no loyalty" GM. If he ever wore all his GC rings in Vancouver he'd set off a metal detector in Victoria.
  24. Get Willy and Glenn and all is forgiven Walters. I just have zero faith in that happening. I doubt he can even ink one of the two.
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