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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG

  1. Kind of like Tim Burke's defense of the last two years? I'm sure opposing teams were shaking in their boots. Let's be honest with each other, there is a lot more than the coach that goes into how a defense performs. I'm thinking if we are going to make any noise this year, it is going to be because Mr. Walters finds us a couple nice free agents. Overall, the players are going to make more of a difference than the coach. Just my opinion. Again...Tim Burke sucks as a motivator. He had Coach Harris helping him out before that. Notice after he died the defense started sucking? No, I think the loss of Harris affected LaPo more. Once he was gone, Lapo couldn't recover. I am far more concerned with the quality of the players than the quality of the DC. Marshall as DC + a ferocious D-line + DB's that can cover would be far better than Burke or Jones or Miles as DC + a bunch of pylons and 5 foot 6 DB's who Tweet more than cover.
  2. Talent on the field is more important than coaching, especially at the key positions like QB. If you think Huffer or Trestman would have somehow made Max Hall into a world beater than you are well, delusional. These players have been playing the game for 20 years. The margin for improvement at the pro level is marginal. They are basically as big, fast, and talented as they are going to get. That's why the GM (and scouting) is so important -- all the scheming and pre-game speeches won't matter a lick if guys are slow or just plain suck.
  3. LOL nice one. Why would Miles stay as a DB coach with the Riders when he'd probably make more coin here as a DC? Because Saskatchewan is the place to be! They just won the Cup, and they have potash!!
  4. Oh come on, if you think that was Kelly showing he was "in control" you are nuts. He should've come prepared with a statement (they knew it was topic #1) or had the PR guy draft a release and refer to that -- having a fit on TV only makes him and the club look bush league.
  5. I'm pretty sure the fans Maybe. But there is a pretty wide disparity between what coaches have to deal with from the media here versus any other place in the CFL. Winnipeg is the only place where the media really "grills" the coaches and GM... in Toronto, BC, etc, nobody cares enough and in Regina the media eats right out of the Riders' hands regardless of how poor they are doing. Even in 2011 when the Riders were 5-13, it was tough to hear a negative word spoken about the Riders in that province. Nope, the amount of media bullshit that coaches have to deal with is highest in Winnipeg and its really not even close. Im pretty sure the fans are more sensitive to this than the coaches. The only coach we've had who couldn't effectively handle the media was Mike Kelly and he would've had a hard time in any city.
  6. Pretty sure "dealing with WPG media" is probably far down the list of worries when coaches/players consider coming here.
  7. Hey you're putting in the effort to defend an indefensible position, you can try and back track and say it's not bitterness over the guy thumbing his nose at the Bombers but it's not flying with anyone cause we all know your reactions better than that.Welp since this has clearly reached the "i know you are but what am i" stage of bomber forum "discussions" im just gonna leave it as is.. Happy New Years guys and heres to Marcels offenses shredding calgarys defense in 2014 Yes, the Shotgun Draw will leave that Stamps D stymied for days. You DID watch the grey cup, right? Cuz it pretty much did. Bellefailure wasn't coaching in the Grey Cup game, nor were the Stamps playing in it, but your point is, uh, well taken (?) Marcel was the OC for the Riders for a spell when they couldn't move the ball well. His Shotgun-draw heavy play calling was soundly criticized.
  8. And it was Mack who said he'd fix the QB position.
  9. Hey you're putting in the effort to defend an indefensible position, you can try and back track and say it's not bitterness over the guy thumbing his nose at the Bombers but it's not flying with anyone cause we all know your reactions better than that. Welp since this has clearly reached the "i know you are but what am i" stage of bomber forum "discussions" im just gonna leave it as is.. Happy New Years guys and heres to Marcels offenses shredding calgarys defense in 2014 Yes, the Shotgun Draw will leave that Stamps D stymied for days.
  10. I'd put that as Problem #1B. His biggest problem was a completely delusional approach to roster management (QB and free agency in particular). Huffer & Trestman wouldn't have made the playoffs with that sad sack line-up. Well, maybe they'd have coached them into the semis, but theres no way in hell they'd post a winning record.
  11. Burke and Mack are similar -- both seemingly decent guys, both "pros" that didn't embarrass the organization, yadda yadda -- both shockingly incompetent at the Head Coach and GM job, respectively. Burke's tossing players under the bus is also on par with Mack blaming a slow start on players still getting over Richard Harris' passing a full year earlier. Having those two at the same time was a perfect storm of utter incompetence.
  12. The Miles as DC, Marshall as LB/DL would be okay. Would feel a lot better about this if we had a really good OC. The Bellefailure hire was a real buzz kill.
  13. Well the head coach of ASU makes 2.3 million, so its probably a fair guess to say Randolph makes more there as the DC than he could here.Doesn't mean he would never want to come here..for some people money is not everything! Yep that's true. Right. So a DC for a college team making high 6 figures a year (plus his kids getting a free college education) is going to head north for 150K? Money isn't everything but its the biggest thing. Obviously it is for you...perhaps not for someone else In pro sports, the kind of people who don't consider money as the 1A deciding factor are already in the "giving back" phase of their careers. And you can probably count them on one hand. The only scenario I could realistically see happening is Mike Riley coming back in 5 years or so -- once his kids are graduated and he's even more comfortable financially and ready for a seasonal coaching gig again. And I doubt that will ever happen.
  14. Well the head coach of ASU makes 2.3 million, so its probably a fair guess to say Randolph makes more there as the DC than he could here.Doesn't mean he would never want to come here..for some people money is not everything! Yep that's true. Right. So a DC for a college team making high 6 figures a year (plus his kids getting a free college education) is going to head north for 150K? Money isn't everything but its the biggest thing.
  15. You're completely discounting the fact that Calgary is a perennial contender with a solid GM and front office framework in place. Winnipeg has a decade-long track record of being cheap and having a highly dysfunctional front office. For Cripes sake, we just blew the entire thing up! So excuse a tenured coach like Stubler for not playing "crapshoot" with his career. You gotta earn respect and being a desirable place where established, experienced coaches want to be. We have the systems in place to get that reputation again but it won't be this year or the next. And it won't come just by having a nice stadium or believing were the "most passionate fans" blah blah. Run this club like a successful business for 3 years and the see the kind of coordinators that suddenly start showing up.
  16. I'd certainly take Marshall over Etchevary, and Reed over the both of em! Yeah, I'd take crabs over syphillis and gonorrhoea too.
  17. I dunno... their QB position doesn't seem that bad They have Bo Levi who has looked good when playing and Tate who has looked exceptional when he isn't hurt... I would trade that for what we got in a flash. Most definitely I'd trade. Just the expansion draft was quite unkind to them. I won't cry for them though.
  18. Look, I've had just about enough of you disrespecting Coach Marcel. The man is smart. He is not a fool. However, he is a failure, so herein please use "Bellefailure." Also Etch-a-sketch is surprisingly accurate. So far our coaching staff isn't exactly inspiring a lot of confidence.
  19. Calgary is a rock-solid organization (save for the QB position, which I have no doubt Huffer will figure out). Once I heard they were in the mix I knew Stubler was heading there.
  20. I didn't check -- did we actually protect Couchsurfer?
  21. OC, DC, ST -- in the CFL none are as important as a good QB. That's what I'm waiting to hear. If we get Macked in the QB department then its officially another bust year.
  22. Maybe Bellefail would be a better fit with a relative greenhorn at QB. Here's my thinking -- If my options were George Cortez or Bellefail, I'd take Georgie in a heartbeat. If my options were George Cortez + Max Hall or Bellefail + Collaros/Willy, I'd take the latter.
  23. And Desjardins slammed the organization publicly by saying basically there wasn't even 3 players under contract to select so they had to choose Kohlert a free agent. I know our team is bad but to say we don't have 3 players under contract worth selecting? Well **** him. Shove it, Desjardins. And also, Fuckk you Joe Mack for completely mismanaging the team to the point that a toilet paper franchise from Ottawa has a better roster and CDN depth.
  24. Not impressed with this move based on what I saw in Hamilton and SK. Can't really judge based on what he did in a few months with the BB and no QB. Overall, I would prefer KJ.
  25. what gay imagery? Did you think the expression "take it in the arse" was a holiday greeting in Australia? why would i presume that's a gay reference...? In that case, let me know which of your female Facebook friends are single. I'm suddenly interested.
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