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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG

  1. I've heard this as well, from my understanding Higgins was initally interested in the GM & HC role, but seems to be taking a step back now. I swear, Miller's comments to the media -- or the way the media is interpreting or presenting his comments -- are going to, or have already, scare any qualified potential GMs away. The more the impression builds that he is going to be "hands on" the more he will be left with a handful of nomads, has-been failures, or sock puppets..... Which is maybe what he wants -- if you drive away all your candidates so you're left with Tillman, three rolls of tape, and Walters, I guess Walters wins the race.
  2. I would agree that a Wally Buono or Huffer would've extracted more talent out of this group. That said, a Wally or Huffer would never have hitched the wagon to Bucky and then Goltz -- whether that was Mack or Burke or a mutual thing, it killed this team.
  3. Nice to know Friesen hangs out here to get his predictions. Some of us were predicting that over a week ago.
  4. If he gets a real good solid staff around him I don't see why he can't be successful. He's a smart guy and his team mates all said he was a hell of a leader, but he's such an unknown as a coach right now just really looks bad and is a big gamble. I think I'd be much more open to that gamble if it hadn't been such a **** show the last few years. Khari Jones with a sock-puppet of a GM being prodded by a highly "motivated" CEO is not a good situation. Wade should hire a quality football man and then get the firetruck out of football ops. Work on biz development and revenue streams. You're right. I guess I failed to acknowledge the dozens of years he spent working in various CFL organizations building and rebuilding teams and producing Grey Cup winners. In fact, the last time I shook Wade's hand I felt like I was gripping steel he had so many Grey Cup rings.
  5. If he gets a real good solid staff around him I don't see why he can't be successful. He's a smart guy and his team mates all said he was a hell of a leader, but he's such an unknown as a coach right now just really looks bad and is a big gamble. I think I'd be much more open to that gamble if it hadn't been such a **** show the last few years. Khari Jones with a sock-puppet of a GM being prodded by a highly "motivated" CEO is not a good situation. Wade should hire a quality football man and then get the firetruck out of football ops. Work on biz development and revenue streams.
  6. It's only a dream job if its the right job for you. Burke never had a chance with this club. He should've stayed in MTL. With AC his first year he would've transitioned much better into a rookie HC.
  7. I like Khari Jones a lot and I'm seriously worried that him becoming the new HC of the Bombers in its current state could effectively ruin both his career and his image in the city. Please, KJ as OC (if Cortez isn't available).
  8. As someone who knows Wade lets just say the odds of him "staying outta the football side" are somewhere between slim and none. He'll be in his GM's ear whenever he sees fit, which for him makes a sock puppet the ideal GM -- or Walters.
  9. Here's my newest prediction -- this is light of Miller's recent comments and dragging his feet on Burke. And it pains me! GM: Walters Player Personnel : Worman HC: Tim Burke OC & Assistant HC (the guy in waiting): Khari Jones DC: Kavis or Casey ST: C Dickenson QB: Collaros or Willy, Hall as back-up
  10. ....which means we are either strongly considering retaining Burke or an an organization we don't know our arse from our elbow.
  11. Yes, just GC week not the entire month of November. Sorry but what that twitter message said was bull****. Coaches get fired in November after the season is over. They have before in the past. Correct. It's always been GC week only. Which makes sense. Props to the Eskimos for getting a jump on their re-build.
  12. It's not about what their background is, it's about whether they'd be a good head coaching candidate or not. I'm not saying don't hire an offensive guy, I'm saying don't hire an offensive guy just because he's an offensive guy, hire someone because they're the best option. When you hire a rookie HC with no experience you never know how it's going to go.... That's why I like Tom Higgins. Experienced, won a GC in Edmonton, rebuilt Calgary & has a ton of connections in the US & Canada. Yeah, you and I have been beating that drum since July. Sadly, I think the GM position is already locked up. It will be Walters as GM with Khari as HC. Where are you going to stand for the GC parade next November?
  13. Shawn Churchill ‏@ShawnChurchill 2m Blue bombers acting CEO Wade Miller says he has never tried to hire Chris Walby despite reports whaaaaaaaaat?! the media jumping the gun and causing widespread panic? nooo way! never happens.. not too shocking really.. kinda why i figured it was best to wait for confirmation before automatically calling for millers head.. Not so fast. Miller isn't stupid. He probably called Walby to "discuss potential options with the football club" to which Walby said straight off, "forget that, I'm making 150K a year dropping off Viagara and I get a pension." Arash gets wind of it, runs it thru the media, and to save face Miller says "I didn't offer him a job, we were just discussing things."
  14. DId Taman not hire Daley? I presume he'd argue that hire was all Lyle, and that Marshall in SK was all Granpa Miller. Interesting how Taman is so adept at deflecting blame. So Chamblin is all Taman. So far I am not overly impressed -- I see a lot of blown decisions and quite a bit of focusing on the minutiae. Not saying CC is like Burke or Daley but he's hardly the second coming of Mike Riley.
  15. Can you elaborate more on the "Get Collaros or Willy"? You're the first one here to comment on Drew Willy. Maybe you could explain why you would want Willy, and what you would do to get him here. You're the GM, make it happen. I thought Willy has shown as much promise as Collaros. Both are still very much "prospects." He's a Free Agent next year is he not? Call his agent, or better yet call Willy at home. "Tamper" with him through his friends or get his teammates to do it, as Milt used to do for us. A good GM can play within the blurred lines and get what he wants while still respecting the spirit of the cap and tampering.
  16. I would prefer to have experience in the GM seat and take more of a chance on the HC (provided there are experienced coordinators to keep him in check). HC needs to be a motivator. Cortez was a huge failure there and completely lost the team in only a season. He's like Burke -- great coordinator, not a great HC. That said, I would be all over him for OC, especially if paired with a defensive-minded HC like Chris Jones. As for Richie Hall, 16-20 when you have Ricky Ray does not make my heart skip a beat. Pass.
  17. I really like Tom Burgess' approach with the exception of Doug Berry. I didn't like how poison the locker room became in Dougs last year. Higgins as GM, Worman & Walters in the office and DD as head coach. Get COllaros or WIlly. That's a really solid footing to start off on
  18. I was just starting to write this when your post popped up. We should just have a rumour of the day thread where all the latest juicy gossip has a place to fester and grow. That way we wouldn't have to wade through unnecessary real news. Say what you want about Arash's personality, he is extremely reliable.
  19. Any other former Bombers in the mix? Doug Brown? This Miller Experiment could very well make the Mike Kelly era look like the Bud Grant era.
  20. Makes sense. He was a great player, and for the last 20 years has been a pharmaceutical sales rep. Therefore he's ready for professional coaching.
  21. You really think a guy like Wade Miller would care? His life has been defined by not giving a sheet about what anyone thinks of him. That's a big part of the reason he's been successful. He should care. Success on the field together does not necessarily translate into success in management together. We need to kill this Winnipeg habit of hiring former Bombers. Mack didn't work out. Kelly didn't work out. And LaPo didn't work out. Khari hasn't really even excelled as an OC. I'd be on board for kicking his tires as an OC... but I don't get how we can take him seriously as an HC candidate at this stage of his coaching career. Oh I agree completely. Its just that if Miller wants his wing-man in a certain rule, he will make sure he gets there.
  22. You really think a guy like Wade Miller would care? His life has been defined by not giving a sheet about what anyone thinks of him. That's a big part of the reason he's been successful.
  23. Forget about sources for a minute (none of our "sources" are worth a hoot anyway) and just look at it logically and use past history as your guide. You would have to think with Miller running the show that his friend and business partner Khari Jones would have an inside track. I would like to see KJ be an OC here with a QB like Collaros. But I have an uneasy feeling he will be getting his first HC gig here.
  24. Kavis as DC and Khari as either OC or HC seems highly probable.
  25. You been paying attention since '09? ;-)
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