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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG

  1. SOme people are not cut out for roles where they need to network and work with people they don't always like personally. These types are not suited for GM or coaching type positions, but can do just fine as scouts, analysts, advisors, etc. Mack had no business being in the big chair. Thank you WBB BOard!
  2. I was saying a year ago that Mack's rumoured standoffish approach with other CFL GM's was going to bite him in the ass. When the guy took a flyer on attending the Grey Cup, the biggest event of the CFL year, to me that was a huge red flag (though not to some others around here).
  3. Well someone's going to take the job. And if it's not an experienced guy it's going to be someone like O'Day. A lot will depend on Wade's ability to convince someone that things will change. ie. they will answer only to him, not meddling hobbyists on the board and that the money will be available to be competitive. O'Day might stay where he is. So might McEvoy and Murphy etc. But these jobs aren't falling off trees and I doubt O'Day sees Brendan going anywhere soon. Having done business with Wade, I can tell you he is VERY convincing. Quite the haggler. I have confidence in him in that regard. That said, I don't have confidence in Wade hiring someone he doesn't have a personal relationship and/or reciprocal business stake with. Hope he proves me wrong there.
  4. You guys (not just you) put way too much stock in what is said to the media. What do you expect Burke to say to the paper about one of his coaches? "Yeah, the guy's a little green, keeps coming up with 4th down plays no matter how many pamphlets we leave him..." Ditto Lapo speaking on Crowton's hiring. He was forced by Mack to take on an OC because our O was lousy. Everyone knew that. Of course he would publically endorse Crowton to the media as it was a way for him to save face and make the team look cohesive and on the same page. and some of you are so dead set on making things into a conspiracy that you ignore the obviousness of situations. Oh spare me, how is it a conspiracy to suggest that a Head Coach wouldn't want to throw a member(s) of his staff under the bus? I get the impression some of you have never worked in a corporate environment before.
  5. After the past few years I would welcome BT back. He still makes mistakes -- Odell Willis, getting fleeced for Geroy -- but he has done a commendable job in SK versus what Mack/Kelly have produced. That said, it sure is easy to play GM when you show up with your box of napkins and the starting QB is already firmly in place.
  6. No way in Hades they go with another "new guy" (Mike Kelly) or an "interesting" choice (Mack). Next guy will be very well established. There's just too much at stake.
  7. No, that's not why most of us dislike him. Don't be lazy.
  8. I disagree. Kives is the best writer that paper has by a country mile. What, would you prefer Paul "I write in Morse code" Wiecek or Gary "I write in soundbites" Lawless? Even better, Gordon "I love to write about my rich friends and the plight of Aboriginals who aren't my friends" Sinclair? Lawless is the best thing the Freep has going for it Sorry, you lost me there...
  9. You guys (not just you) put way too much stock in what is said to the media. What do you expect Burke to say to the paper about one of his coaches? "Yeah, the guy's a little green, keeps coming up with 4th down plays no matter how many pamphlets we leave him..." Ditto Lapo speaking on Crowton's hiring. He was forced by Mack to take on an OC because our O was lousy. Everyone knew that. Of course he would publically endorse Crowton to the media as it was a way for him to save face and make the team look cohesive and on the same page.
  10. I disagree. Kives is the best writer that paper has by a country mile. What, would you prefer Paul "I write in Morse code" Wiecek or Gary "I write in soundbites" Lawless? Even better, Gordon "I love to write about my rich friends and the plight of Aboriginals who aren't my friends" Sinclair?
  11. I would agree, that would be his biggest fault. But Lapo was not a bad coach. He was a rookie sure and a little high strung, but he certainly wasn't a dud. I think had Mack found him better players (esp at QB), made some decent trades, and didn't meddle with the roster, Lapo's teams would've performed a lot better.
  12. Oh come on. This is a fan message board for sheet sake. I'm sure Marcel has heard it all before and probably laughs about it.
  13. Mack has brought in some good talent, but at the same time, I think we kind of over-hyped his ability to scout talent. The o-line is at an all time low -- even Taman built a pretty decent o-line in '07. Although, it was Mack's approach to free agency, hiring coaches, and QB assessment (and apparently meddling) that was his real undoing,
  14. Have you ever walked through a mall in Regina? Ain't exactly a mecca for runway models. They put up the best of a truly bad lot.
  15. I can see this happening. Hell, Rocky Butler beat us in the LDC. Hall wins an ugly slop-fest before getting exposed for the rookie he is the next 3. Then a Buck vs Goltz tug-of-war
  16. Agreed. Give him enough to prove himself but moving forward the club needs a steady hand at the wheel. If the next GM fumbles I honestly could see serious apathy setting in.
  17. Mack is leaving the team in a better place than what he started with. I also appreciate that he never embarrassed the organization or went all Tillman/Kelly. Seems like a decent guy. Just not cut out to be a CFL GM.
  18. There was no "leak." There was an appetite -- amongst some/most of the board -- to fire Botch and replace him with Wade. When Botch made the incredibly stupid move of saying he wanted to hold a meeting after his vaca to fire Mack -- after he JUST re-upped Mack's contract -- he walked into their trap. Now they had cause -- obvious incompetency. Any one of those disgruntled/pro-Wade board member then called Neckless to meet at Starbucks.
  19. SO all this talk yesterday, that whomever leaked this really wanted Mack fired right away.. The fact is, they leaked it to get Buchko fired... They had Wade all set up... They just needed a reason to turf Buchko... And along he comes, saying that he wants to fire Mack right after he gets back from Disney world. There's your opportunity. Leak the info to the Neckless, Botch gets dumped, board gets slap on the wrist, and Wade moves in. Its like Shakespeare.
  20. Ive known Wade for over 20 years -- from the U of M weight room to seeing him bouncing at the A to doing business with one of his side projects. WHen he was young, he was an overcompensating, insecure, dyckhead. Typical Winnipeg bouncer. Couldn't stand him. As I came to know him in our 30's, the attitude was still there but you had to admire his business tenacity. The guy worked hard. My last few dealings, I've come to like him a bit more. He's still cocky, but he's mellowed, and you have to admire his success. Big Thing: Wade is successful because Wade puts Wade first. This is good for the Bombers (he loves the Blue) but I would be VERY concerned that WBB contracts/etc will suddenly get funnelled to some of his side ventures. Watch his wife start working at the WBB office again too. Bank on it
  21. Botch KNOWS this board isn't solid. He can't possibly be THAT dumb, unless he an agenda of his own. If you're honestly absolving the Board and/or Botch of any wrongdoing here then, well, what can I say -- except that you sound HIGHLY bureaucratic.
  22. Serious question: when does Bucthko get evaluated? I'd like to hear about a clandestine board meeting to remove him.
  23. So you send "official documentation" to discuss the "direction of the club." Hell, put it in a gold embossed envelope for all I care. You don't say "Agenda: fire Joe Mack" for a meeting in a week from now.
  24. Instead we shoe-horn it into a well established residential area.
  25. In a far better location IMHO. Woudl've helped revitalize a lousy part of town.
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