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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG

  1. SO you say, "Meeting next week to discuss the club" not "Meeting next week so I can fire Joe Mack and finish my vacation in style."
  2. Exactly. That's why I think Botch laid the egg here. He has a meeting scheduled in a week, yet he decides -- right before he intends to leave town -- to show his hand to some member of the board that he OBVIOUSLY didn't know well enough. Its such an utterly amateurish move that I have ZERO confidence he can run this team.
  3. Betcha Botch is tearing a strip off his family right now. Fricken kids and their goddamn vacations.
  4. I will say this: unless he leaked it himself (doubtful), that Board member and Neckless just completely wrecked Butchko's vacation.
  5. Exactly. Given the Board has a history of stuff like this, why not hold off on telling someone your recommendation?
  6. Yes, I suppose. Though why is Botch making these calls before reportedly going on vaca? "Hey, Board of Guys Who Can't Keep a Secret, I recommend we fire our GM...but not til net week as I have to take my kid to 6 Flags."
  7. The way this BOD leak is exploding on Twitter, I think old Garth should just legally change his name to Botchko.
  8. Tomorrow's paper: In an effort to save his job and fix the QB position, Joe Mack has signed QB Mrs. Muamba to a three-year, $300,000 a year contract. "We're hopeful that with Buck Pierce's guidance and Gary Crowton's dynamic scheming that she will flourish in our system," said Mack.
  9. does he have any other siblings that can't play for sheeit that we can overpay for just to keep him around?
  10. Hope you're right. He's my first choice. Even though he's not as "sexy" a choice as some of the others, we really need some stability and experience in the big chair. Your "misses the sidelines" is a bit of a red flag to me -- I hope he's smart enough to hire an O-minded coach and then focus on finding players, not meddling on the field.
  11. So short list is.... * Higgins * Jones * Murphy (John) * Murphy (Son Of Cal) * O'Day * McEvoy * Walters * Belichick
  12. His rumoured personality issues would make me hesitant to give him a GM job. And we gambled with Kelly, and then with Mack. Lets take a break from gambling for a bit until we have an ounce of respectablity.
  13. Yeah, could see that happening. Guaranteed Huff and DD have had a similar conversation already.
  14. I would like Murphy. He'd get the warm bodies into camp and I suspect he wouldn't meddle on the field. He'd be my #2 after Higgins, maybe even 1B. Chris Jones as GM? Are you off your rocker? That guy appears to have some control issues to boot
  15. Fair enough. To just write the guy off isn't right, though I would still do some SERIOUS due diligence.
  16. Greeeaaaaat. Another NFL guy with zero GM experience. That'll right the ship.
  17. I don't disagree with you, though this is how the board has operated since I started paying attention.
  18. The guy was as good as gone already. They need to find someone competent. Why not start now? He's the GM, not the coach. Shouldn't have any effect on Burke and Crowton turning this season around, as clearly unlikely as that is.
  19. I'm stoked for the replacement! While 2013 with Walters will be more of the same, the next guy hired could get us into the mix in a hurry, with the dispersal draft approaching. Higgins 2014
  20. Respectfully, don't be so naive. Lawless wasn't leaked this info cause they like the cut of his jelly jib. They're sending a message that people are actually working to solve this sheet-show.
  21. The guy in the glasses in the post above me was a big fan of controlling the message.
  22. He might've made "good faith" effort but I saw very little actual effort. No moves for a QB, no action in free agency, little in the way of trades. Just some decent scouting but even that has slowed down. Now lets get someone proven behind the wheel.
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