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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG

  1. I think you're right, though the KABOOM will likely come after Labour Day/pre Banjo Bowl -- when we're already out of it -- just to see if the shake-up gets more bums in the seats.
  2. Okay, so I suspect while the players have all fled the firestorm Mack and Burke are looking at their options. * Fire Crowton? Not gonna happen now. Crowton just played his mulligan -- the QB switch -- so they have to let him try to make chicken salad with Goltz. Plus, who else is going to OC? Burke can't, we don't have a Doug Berry kicking around, and Lapo isn't going to happen. * Fire Burke? See above. He will last the season, cause who the hell else will do it. Creehan? * Fire Mack. Highly doubt Joe is the falling on the sword type, so he'll wait for Botch to do it. But he's on vaca, so likely no change will happen there. Plus, what would it accomplish? If you're paying Mack, might as well let him have more time to see if he can make some moves -- you can always dump him in the fall and still have time to line up his replacement. Guaranteed, however, that a short list of new GMs is being quietly prepared. SO what does that leave? A player purge/swap. I say Denmark will get shipped (somewhere) or cut outright and you MAY see Bucky go before vet cutdown day. JJ won't get cut cause he's improved but Im sure he's being dangled as trade bait. Any other predictions?
  3. One guy used to be very good but isn't even serviceable anymore -- the other has shown sparks but isn't ready to lead a (struggling) team yet. Great place to be. Thanks Joe Mack!
  4. For what? GM? I assume you mean HC, but you have to get the GM first.
  5. No one in the Bomber offices is blind. They know, standings aside, this team is a long way from being competitive. The big blow up is only a matter of time.
  6. We need a full purge guys. Can't just spackle the cracks and hope this boat will float. If I'm on that board I am quietly putting together a short but impressive list of potential GM's that can finally fix this. Because, we are in a GREAT spot -- if we act. Our team is young and the dispersal draft is going mean a lot more league parity. With the right GM hiring people, including a decent QB, we could easily be a playoff team next year.
  7. I like the McEvoy suggestion -- doubt Mack would be a good scout for the club after being fired. I'd rather try to poach someone like Murphy for that role to assist McEvoy I would "Buck Pierce" Mr Mack......he has proven he can kind find talent here and there but he has also proven he cannot build a winning team. Bombers should work out a deal to get Mack to take a pay cut and re define his role. Making him a Scout or player personnel type guy or somtehting creatively similar and assitant to the GM, Who should be Neil McEvoy. His 18 years of experience in the CFL all the while learning and waching Wally would be the exact type of guy we need around here. Evoy.
  8. How utterly ridiculous. As fricken IF Mack would do a damn thing if demoted and sent home.
  9. The Bombers are on the edge of a serious fan revolt. The next GM has to be a winner with no baggage, and that is NOT Tillman.
  10. So you would keep an assistant that didn't "play ball 100%" with the previous man who signed his paycheques? I say the new GM, whomever it is, should have free reign to hire/fire whomever they want. It's their show. And the thing is, no really good GM would agree to anything less.
  11. It's not drawing conclusions -- it's business. Anyone I know who's bought a business has done a complete purge of management. Those who didn't do that -- they wanted to be nice or whatever -- have ALL said they regretted it. Not saying Walters couldn't 100% play ball with a new regime, but its obvious his predecessor Ross H couldn't.
  12. No, because when you change a regime, sometimes you need to go all the way to prevent One Rotten Apple syndrome -- like when the old "assistant GM" is bitter because he didn't get the GM job he might've been promised during the previous regime. Happens all the time in business. Clean house completely and get a new staff all on the same page. If Walters is any good he'll resurface unscathed.
  13. Uh, guys, Mike Riley makes over a million dollars a year at Oregon -- and his kids get a free ride to boot. Its not like courting Kent Austin, who was pulling in okay dough at a school that could care two sheets about football. I'd imagine if Mike did get fired that it would take a VERY nice offer from the Bombers to get him to even answer the email. Start with Higgins. Maybe see if we can package Higgins with Murphy or Forde (obviously punt Walters). That would be an awesome tandem.
  14. The bolded part is a joke right? You like how Mack deals with trades? You mean by boarding himself up in his office and setting a vacation message on his phone and email? Have to say Higgins would be the logical choice. He'd be a good fit. Just not sold on his contacts (maybe sub-contract Murphy too?)
  15. I agree, Crowton will likely last a few more games with this latest QB change, and the fact that Burke has ZERO offensive acumen is job security for Crowton, for this year. I still say the Board will can Mack after Labour Day. While I can appreciate 17to85s argument about the offseason, if the team is in a tailspin and realistically out of contention, they have to do something that shows they are taking steps for next season, if for only optics' sake. It also gives would-be candidates a heads-up that a GM job has opened up, long before their current employers can renew their contracts. Having Mack fumble around when everybody knows he's going to hang isn't good for business, the team, or Mack.
  16. I would be cool with Higgins, though I'm not certain about his connections down South (he's been up here a while). Im sure it wouldn't be hard to just hire a scout to complement him. As for Burke, talk about a HC just waiting to get fired.
  17. Always liked him as an OC, at least in WPG.
  18. I'm inclined to agree. He's be safe, make good choices, wouldn't embarrass the team, be good with the media. But he had the luxury of Ricky Ray. Made him look a lot better. And did he even find Ray? Also, I meant the assistant GM in BC. Although Chap or Dickenson would be my choices for HC
  19. Doubt we hire Murphy. Seems like a more personable version of Mack. I'd like to see them take a run at the assistant in BC. I have a feeling Duane Forde rumours return (yeesh)
  20. Not sure if Denmark will get cut -- may try to trade him first. I suspect Crowton is next -- but Mack knows this is his last year. He may want to really shake things up.
  21. No, but there is one in "pedantic."
  22. I was bullish on the Bombers getting their act together and taking advantage of a season-long Als implosion. Now the Als should be at least a .500 club, making the TiCats the only team we can realistically catch. Lucky EDM is so lame otherwise we'd have the cross-over to worry about, too.
  23. Nah, Popp knows his own limitations. Berry will be highly involved in things, if only behind the scenes. If they gas the OC too then Berry may get the OC or ass't HC title. Als just got better.
  24. I agree, although we're at point where the only viable thing to do will be to fire a LOT of people. I'm sorry, swapping Goltz for Hall or bringing back Brink won't do much for the O, nor will a tweak from one lousy o-lineman to another. I bet Crowton goes first, likely two weeks from now. Til Labour Day, when the big blue axe starts to fall.
  25. Mack for a can of Alphagetti. Seriously, were quickly approaching "deck chairs on the Titanic" type thinking.
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