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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG

  1. Don't be such a stick in the mud. The day Captain Radio produces a product that doesn't give me GI distress is when I'll start take the spelling of his name seriously.
  2. Uh, because we don't care? When our posts are submitted to the New York Book Review is when I'll get all type-A about how I spell our illustrious leader's name. You're Grumpy Old Man, from the other site, aren't you?
  3. If Botch or Bell actually said something publically about personnel or team performance it would completely undermine both Mack and Burke. Those type of subjects should be behind closed doors and/or in the off season. What the hell would fricken Radio Garth know about evaluating a QB or o-line play?
  4. I think out of the entire clown car, Jim Bell is the only guy I'd keep around.
  5. It starts above the GM and the president -- the whole organizational framework needs to be assessed. Too many old cronies making big decisions.
  6. I'm not Nate. Gimme a break. It's a message board, not the NY Times.
  7. Nah, during the season you shouldn't see or hear Botchko in the media, and he certainly shouldn't be on the field like certain other presidents. The exceptions are matters pertaining to revenue, parking, legal matters, advertising, etc. During season, the team's performance is all on Burke and Mack. They should be held to the fire, and will be the first to go if the team stinks all year. Bothcko's hour of reckoning will come in the off-season -- how his hires have panned out, the attendance, the numbers -- I only hope the board has the balls to punt him back to radioland if this ship keeps sinking.
  8. MAck is garbage, plain and simple. But he's not the cancer -- its the whole organization. Getting rid of Bauer turned out to be a band-aid, we need to overhaul the whole board and organization.
  9. Might I suggest a mass trolling of the other site to see if we can give Shankman a heart attack?
  10. Yeah, the excessive modding burnt me out too.
  11. Mack in September...status quo till November.....board hires Higgins/Forde by December, who announces Burke/Crowton/Creehan can look for work. New HC announced very early Jan -- likely an O mind like Dickenson. Bank on it.
  12. It begins at the very top. The board hired a poor GM, because they won't pay more and seem like a glorified city council. That pee-poor GM has been basically brain dead as a CFL GM since day one, and couldn't make a trade, evaluate a QB, hire coaches, or navigate free agency if his life depended on it. The HC is way over his head and has "lifetime coordinator" written on his golf visor. The OC is so inept it's a wonder he can find his way to the stadium. Oh, and the talent on the team is there to a degree, but they're young and have few capable vets to look up to. So where do you start. I say Mack obviously, but now I think you have to go even higher. After Labour Day, whereupon the Riders will hammer us, attendance will be slumping so the Bombers will "make a change," likely canning Mack and Crowton. That will be Botchko's mulligan, his one meat shield of his career. But I think, after 23 years, we have to go further.
  13. You guys are way too glowing on Mack. Sure he can find DB's and receivers -- obviously a good pipeline there -- but it's clear he knows nothing about building a championship caliber team. His approach to Free Agency (or lack thereof) hasn't worked. The offence is pathetic. Nausea inducing. And hanging his hat on Buck has been exactly what was expected, maybe worse. And his coaching hires? Obviously not successful. Sorry guys, we will be much better off when we get someone else in who can finally address the obvious problems this team has.
  14. Only way they move to KG is if Bucky gets injured (not "banged up") and Goltz craps the bed for a couple games. But by then, it will be all too late.
  15. Despite coming across as a major ass-hat, you are also a 100% correct; all your posts on this topic are. Unfortunately, I don't think the Bombers will make a move for Glenn -- this season is Mack's defining moment. He's hitched his wagon to Bucky and suddenly turfing him in week 4 for a retread from '07 just isn't the Joe Mack way. Sad thing is though, like Swaggerville, this D will be figured out by mid-season, and then we will NEED the O to step up. And with Pierce it can't.
  16. "Jim, we're in luck!" "It's Guy."
  17. Calling Zontar! This is Hank Bain -- I've almost secured the SCTV offices! Although, according to the Planetary Almanac, the planet Zontar is about to get hit by a giant asteroid....
  18. Why should he be glowingly positive? We haven't been a good football team offensively in a very long time. And Game One was no better. If you want all sunshine and rainbows, read the Leader Post in SK. Their GM can fondle little girls and the reporters don't even have the balls to ask the team to comment on it.
  19. I'll organize a Joe Mack Mea Culpa campaign when we start fielding an offence that isn't cringe-worthy.
  20. Could see him turn up in Argo land.
  21. Will never happen. Too much money being made by the insurance companies. Sad but true
  22. I would put a bit of the blame on the flood, at least for this year. But Calgary definitely needs a new park. That would certainly help.
  23. This, in a salted nutshell. That MTL team is no big deal and rookie head coach Gary Busey trotted out a very sloppy crew, especially by MTL standards. But when you got AC, even a 40-year-old AC, you're always in the mix. 6 win season in Bomberville.
  24. Sure, but who's going to get the ball to him? Our O-Line is still as suspect as ever. That shoulda been priority #1B this off-season, after figuring out our QB mess.
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