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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG

  1. And if he qualified for pre-med, he is no dummy. Oh yes, "I'm in pre-med." Translation -- I've got my BSc. Talk to me when you've at least been accepted into med school.
  2. If this were 2011-12 I would agree with you. 2015 KG not so much. All I'm saying is a year ago a lot of guys were happy to pick up Burris LOL. KG at the right price (150-175k) wouldn't be so bad. Do you really think marve or portis is going to perform better than kg? For a CFL back-up? No way that's a good deal. Glenn's prior contract (now expired) that he signed in Calgary had a base of $90,000 but had bonuses based on how many games he started. He was a bargain before & he'll be a bargain now. 90K plus 5K per start would be highway robbery. We'd be crazy not to. Gives you a guaranteed chance to win
  3. The great Gary Strydom. Looks pre-insulin/GH era. Amazing physique.
  4. Whenever I think about the last few years of the Burke-Mack era I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Wonder how Botchko is doing....
  5. And J Richardson, Emry, Watson. Its the roll the dice year for us. We apparently are just going to wing it from here on out. You guys are nothing without Durant. Proved it last year. Any team without its starter is in big trouble. Pretty basic football 101. The more surprising part for me was how ineffective the passing game was when Durant was still healthy. It's one thing to be a run-based offence, but the passing game looked completely out of sync for most of the year no matter who was under center. I don't know what to expect from that team this year. The O looked bad all year. Hopefully getting rid of Cortez helps that situation I'm all for blaming the OC -- this is WPG after all -- but Chapstick is only an "upgrade" over Cortez until DD sours on him too.
  6. When there's persistent rumours of late night "cruises" with Rod Black your market value tends to take a hit.
  7. I'd take Nik Lewis on a 2-year contract. Awesome as a 3rd receiver and blocker. Too many fans on the couch beaking about the guys weight. He's chubby, yes, but there is some serious athleticism at play there. Its not like some frumpy IT guy who got fat at the cubicle after college.
  8. Violation ... …for mis-identifying Glen Johnson, intentional or not. Ha! Sorry. Guess I got "Proulx Brain" today.
  9. Bruce Johnson leaving? Better than Andre Proulx and Al Bradbury. Or the heart throb, Murray Clarke.
  10. So is there anyone decent coming to FA that would actually benefit our team? I like our drafting potential but we need some experience too
  11. Exactly. Guy is yet another born in the ass-belt of Canada product. He will be tackling dummy in the NFL or Rider-for-LIFE. Methinks he's an early cut and will slide into the Green trough.
  12. I really wish the Mod team would punt this latest Migs sign-up. Guy is forum cancer. Either that or let us at him. I can guarantee he will be crying in the washroom of whatever lame Regina hospital he empties bed pans in.
  13. So sad. RIP Ritch.
  14. That's BS. Yes, there are team financials, but the CFL has ZERO authority to go beyond the league boundaries . I shouldn't have to remind people here of Wetenhall having Xmas parties in MTL where Als players were reportedly given envelopes of "gifts?"
  15. There is no way we get Heenan. We would have to GROSSLY overpay for SK to let him go -- he's a local boy, old man is a Riderdouche, blah blah. He wants to go to the NFL. Or play in SK. I would like to say take a huge run at him to get SK to burn a bunch of cap money to keep him, but they dont follow the cap anyway so whats the point? I love the CFL and defend it up and down. But the way the cap is treated makes me think it needs a serious cleansing
  16. And you call them out on Riderfans for it and they ban you.
  17. Cap is a myth in SK. No way a Regina boy sees Free Agency. Amazing how skilled a GM Taman is when he gets to play with Monopoly money. They will sign Heenan at the last second to a lower than expected contract. Then they will restructure Getz to something less. And we'll all be like "how?" And the answer will be when Heenan and Getz show up in new cars or fat off season jobs. Seriously, screw that entire province. I liked them better when they were poor.
  18. The only fly in the ointment is that SK will break the cap and do all the dirty underhanded stuff their fans used to whine about. I remember when Burris's wife got a 60k a year job in Calgary when Hank signed from SK. They all screamed bloody murder then. Wouldn't be surprised in the least if Heenan sticks in SK and suddenly his spouse is a "consultant" for Sasktel for example.
  19. Exactly, he is making way too much and Taman knows it. And now, the entire fan base knows it. I wouldnt be surprised if he gets renegotiated. The home town card can just as easily be played against you if the fans see you as using it to over value yourself.
  20. Puts pressure on Walters to get Heenan. But I don't think he will. Heenan wants to stay in SK, so he'll dangle the Blue to get the most he can out of Taman. The only upside is that this might put Taman in a pickle as he HAS to sign Dressler too. So if we lose out on Heenan and Dressler to SK, someone else HAS to shake free. And I'm thinking its (barf) Getzlaf.
  21. Fantuz had a legit (although slim) chance of making an NFL squad. Getzlaf would get laughed off the field. The patience the Riders have shown him is enough; 225K is lunacy.
  22. Watching Taman corn hole the Riders is legendary. Though I do think he has more in the works. Getzlaf's disgusting salary suddenly becoming a talking point tells me he's going to get restructured.
  23. Maybe Walters is trying to extend Watson and he denied it and (1) expressed intentions to be traded close to home or (2) will walk out as FA after this year and sign on any East team. So Walters, instead of losing him for nothing, pull the trade when Taman bit the bait. I don't like to put the cart before the horse, but the "why" of this trade as far as Taman's concerned doesn't have a lot a good answers - except for one. Taman really wants to make sure he has 3 bonafide NI starters at receiver for next season because he knows they are going to have to change the ratio, because he's fairly certain Heenan won't be back. Taman has a different philosophy than I do but he's not an outright dummy. This trade doesn't make much sense unless I view it from Heenan angle, which doesn't make it a spectacular trade for him, but at least a logical one. I apologize for any hopes this may raise, I know there's a pretty good chance they'll be dashed later on. I agree with your assessment. Watson is way too expensive not to be a starter. I think they know that they are in tough with the ratio and needed to make this move. It would appear that Taman has given up hope of signing Heenan for the price tag he is willing to pay him. That could mean that Heenan ends up in the NFL as well....either way, I love watching the Riders squirm just to field 7 Nats. I have never seen a GM decimate a teams overall NAT talent so quickly. Not all of it his fault, but he must wear it, Ever hear of Mike Kelly?
  24. Rather middling player when he was here. Methinks he's simply flourishing under Jones. Not too upsetting.
  25. Not surprising. Good move for BC. Agreed it hinges on Lulay. Unfortunate we didn't make a play. I think Cortez would've been a great OC for us.
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