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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG

  1. JON. Thread didn't make sense otherwise.
  2. Yup. Turns out the speech is a nerve damaged in his face. My bad. He WAS still caught with 50 viles of HGH in Australia and admits to steroids but alas, my rumour de jour has been smited. Yeah it's not too hard to figure out Stallone is on steroids of some kind. ... which is perfectly legal under the auspice of a doctor. While he's clearly gone "off label" he also has an outstanding physique for a guy at any age and likely gets more tail than anyone on this message board. God bless him.
  3. Speech issue has nothing to do with HGH. I'm mostly convinced he used HGH during his ACL recovery. I suspect he's a regular user but not as certain there. Nah, he honestly doesn't fit the profile. Not that I would hold it against him if he did. Speech issue with HGH? Thats a new one. Well I saw on the 30 for 30 on Ben Johnson that affects your jaw/teeth so that doesn't seem impossible. My very flimsy theory on speech is actually based on a rumour that Sylvester Stallone's physique came from early HGH and that for some reason caused his speech to become so garbled later on.. Kinda believed it cuz I mean, he was huge and I didn't think he was much of a weight room rat.. I believe -- can't be bothered to check online -- Sly was in a car accident in his late teens that affected his speech. Or something. Certainly wasn't hGH as he's talked that way since the 70's. But yeah, today he's a pretty heavy user.
  4. They all cheat -- so in that respect, "cheating" isn't really cheating, it's keeping up!
  5. Speech issue has nothing to do with HGH. I'm mostly convinced he used HGH during his ACL recovery. I suspect he's a regular user but not as certain there. Nah, he honestly doesn't fit the profile. Not that I would hold it against him if he did. Speech issue with HGH? Thats a new one. Well I saw on the 30 for 30 on Ben Johnson that affects your jaw/teeth so that doesn't seem impossible. Ben wasn't on HGH. He was on the standard gear and had come off perfectly to beat the test (like everyone else) but the moron got nervous and took some Winstrol, which they picked up immediately. Still, an outstanding athlete. Travesty really. Talk about getting a speeding ticket at the Indy 500
  6. Welker, on the other hand, fits the profile.
  7. Speech issue has nothing to do with HGH. I'm mostly convinced he used HGH during his ACL recovery. I suspect he's a regular user but not as certain there. Nah, he honestly doesn't fit the profile. Not that I would hold it against him if he did. Speech issue with HGH? Thats a new one.
  8. Anderson said he *should* be ready for the first game of the season. My bet is he misses some regular season games this year.wow, dont go out on any ledges with that prediction lol. pretty sure odds are good you could throw darts at the roster and that player would miss time sometime this season.I meant he misses games to start the season because of not being fully recovered from his ACL injury. I think you are forgetting that football players heal much faster than regular people. I think it has something to do with their diet and exercise ... and stuff. *cough* growth hormone *cough* Thanks for editing it to give the proper emphasis. I have much to learn. I know that ACL is not an injury that can be rushed. Just jokes. It is amazing how much trouble turf toe is - I am hoping more from Vega this year too. To be fair, I would lay huge odds that Adrian Peterson is 100% natural. Just a genetic freak among freaks. Its the guys who are more on the *cusp* that tend to look for shortcuts. That and old guys.
  9. Anderson said he *should* be ready for the first game of the season. My bet is he misses some regular season games this year.wow, dont go out on any ledges with that prediction lol. pretty sure odds are good you could throw darts at the roster and that player would miss time sometime this season.I meant he misses games to start the season because of not being fully recovered from his ACL injury. I think you are forgetting that football players heal much faster than regular people. I think it has something to do with their diet and exercise ... and stuff. *cough* growth hormone *cough*
  10. Riders are in for a rough year. Unless Taman does some serious Free Agent voodoo (or just ignores the cap, surprise surprise) I could see the knives coming out for Shambles pretty early.
  11. Really happy with this signing. An experienced, successful coordinator, and a nice guy to boot.
  12. Given his passport, I would offer Morley a back-up spot at a reduced rate. OLmen always get nicked. I would send January packing. I would sign Heenan. I would support nuclear testing in Saskatchewan.
  13. I would agree if resigned and re-signed didn't mean totally opposite things. Its like commas: :"Lets eat, Grandma" and "Let's eat Grandma." BIG difference.
  14. Uh huh. Don't travel much to the US do you? Fly from WPG to NYC and you're looking at basically a full day and over a thousand bucks, due to the connections in TO or MPLS or MON or CHI. Whereas you can fly from Calgary (much further west) to NYC direct most of the year in 6 hours and 400 bucks. Fly from LA to WPG takes at least half a day. At least one connection. LA to Calgary is 3 hours, nonstop, and way cheaper. Not saying WPG is a travel backwater but its certainly not an easy or affordable place to leave. Not true. I just took a flight to LA in June, connected in Denver. Left at 8 AM local, arrived at 12 PM local (6 hours total) Exactly -- connection. I just did LA - Calgary last week. 3 hours. And because no connection, my luggage arrived with me. WPG airport is as cute as a bugs ear but it aint an international hub (though neither really is Calgary). You really can't appreciate how lousy that is until you live in the Northeast USA, and can literally hop a last minute flight to London for $399 and get there in half a day.
  15. Uh huh. Don't travel much to the US do you? Fly from WPG to NYC and you're looking at basically a full day and over a thousand bucks, due to the connections in TO or MPLS or MON or CHI. Whereas you can fly from Calgary (much further west) to NYC direct most of the year in 6 hours and 400 bucks. Fly from LA to WPG takes at least half a day. At least one connection. LA to Calgary is 3 hours, nonstop, and way cheaper. Not saying WPG is a travel backwater but its certainly not an easy or affordable place to leave.
  16. Hall or BVD would be fine choices. Actually think Hall would be a better choice for our team -- could see him want to hunker down and have a great stretch as DC here. BVD, being a freshly fired HC, might be in a different head space. Not that having something to prove is a bad thing, just might not be as good a fit for OS. Either way, serious upgrade over Etch. Now Walters finds a MLB and signs Alex Hall and kaboom.
  17. Nah. Just dumb. ;-) We should hire Archie Manning so more Mannings want to come here. Except Cooper.
  18. Discussing races does not = racism. Don't agree. How can it not be? Gcn11 thinks hiring a black DC will attract more black players. To me that's racism. Some black players may gravitate towards a black defensive coordinator, sure. But it could also be said that there are some white players who would gravitate towards a white defensive coordinator. If you asked the Bomber defensive players who'd they want as their new DC I'm thinking that most would say anyone as long as he is a good coach that gives them a much better chance to win. I think skin colour would be way down on the list of qualifications. At least I hope it would. And for the record, whenever I think of Ritchie Hall, I never think of his skin colour. I always think of him as a darned good defensive coordinator in this league for years first & foremost. What made you even think of mentioning racism gcn11? Actually, saying a black coach may appeal to black players isn't a racist statement. But I also don't think it's a correct statement. Part of Richard Harris's appeal to many of the young black players was that he was an absolute mammoth human being with a spirit to match, and the epitome of a father figure, something a lot of them didn't grow up with (according to the legendary Jim Brown). Those traits are far more important than skin tone. Now does Richie Hall have it? I don't know....
  19. Speaking of Fat Greg Marshall, whatever happened to The Other Greg Marshall?
  20. That's an impressive staff. Sure would've loved Cortez as OC here.
  21. I really think Hall would be a good fit. Could see him having a few good years with us. Certainly wouldn't complain if it was Bene either. Just no Fat Greg Marshall, Anus Reed, or James T Daley.
  22. I have zero problem with them taking their time. Knee jerks to appease the fans reek of desperation. It looks like they did their homework, evaluated things, and then sat down with Etch and gave him his walking papers. I also dont buy this "losing out on others if we wait" stuff. Its a small league -- if there was a rock star coming available for the job the club would have initiated preliminary talks with him months ago. I would hope the club has been talking to Cortez. My guess is we have and simply can't afford him.
  23. Police chief Devon Clunis was spotted in Winnipeg, I hear he is interested in the Bomber DC job.
  24. No. FWIW, they are both Canadian and from Ontario province. When I was in NYC, a friend found out I was from Canada. "Maybe you know my doctor," she said. "He's Canadian." Yeah right I thought. Like theres not 40 million people up here. 3 minutes later, and not only did I know the guy, he grew up in Winnipeg, on my street. Played hockey together. Yep, I reinforced the stereotype.
  25. I disagree. Your argument would hold water if last years Etch experience didn't play out exactly the way some of us thought it would. Start hot, other teams get film, then start getting earholed, and players begin grumbling. Sorry to see a guy get fired but thats pro sports.
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