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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG

  1. Just peculiar that (presumably) it was such a hand-wringing decision. Is Mike that stubborn or that delusional? Or worse -- are the available replacements that bad?
  2. Had to be done. Even Richie Hall would be an improvement. Much work yet to be done.
  3. The information has been provided for Bomber fans….how you choose to assess it is up to you. At least bearpants got it right. Thanks. It's nice knowing I'm entitled to my opinion.
  4. It's awesome that our PR guy had his mind blown.
  5. I can't see Trestman surviving the season in Chitown. Wetenhall will find a nice home for him in MTL.
  6. Awesome. Welcome back.
  7. He sounds like a washed-up douchenozzle. That said, our DC sounds like an incompetent hack -- which is what he sounded like before we hired him too. We should take a chance on a decent DB or LB coach from another team. We already know what were going to get with Sketch.
  8. Just because stuff isn't announced doesn't mean there aren't plans being made and steps unfolding. Keep in mind, its a Grey Cup year, which means a highly orchestrated, very expensive PR push. I would suspect they have made at least one if not more coaching decisions, and are simply trying to "time" releasing it to get the best media impact (or something.) If we're well into January, when teams are back at work, and have the same coaching staff I'll be far less forgiving.
  9. Cortez - cortex, do they both connote cerebral? For me, the mystic of Cortez has worn off. He was unremarkable last year in handling Sask.'s offence, especially with DD out. He's morphing into what looks like, a grumpy old man and if he can't get along with anybody, then why would we want that? And what's with our own fans disrespecting our own OC's name? Why is he deity or something? It's a football forum. And I'm sure Marcel wouldn't care. Get over yourself. You sound like a Rider fan. It's an easy but unoriginal mangling of one of our coach's name, and gets old. And it isn't about me. You need to understand the difference. You sound like an utterly humourless person. To each their own. Uh... Dees freakin hilarious and I agree with him... Nating out and giving our coaches lame nicknames? Not cool brah.. Humourless even.. If it helps, I read that Costco is having a sale on Vagisil this weekend. Should you two need to stock up brah
  10. There is a chicken salad from chicken **** factor. Georgie isn't a miracle worker. That said, he would be ideal for the blue. Strong minded OC with a good track record developing QB's
  11. Cortez - cortex, do they both connote cerebral? For me, the mystic of Cortez has worn off. He was unremarkable last year in handling Sask.'s offence, especially with DD out. He's morphing into what looks like, a grumpy old man and if he can't get along with anybody, then why would we want that? And what's with our own fans disrespecting our own OC's name? Why is he deity or something? It's a football forum. And I'm sure Marcel wouldn't care. Get over yourself. You sound like a Rider fan. It's an easy but unoriginal mangling of one of our coach's name, and gets old. And it isn't about me. You need to understand the difference. You sound like an utterly humourless person. To each their own.
  12. Cortez - cortex, do they both connote cerebral? For me, the mystic of Cortez has worn off. He was unremarkable last year in handling Sask.'s offence, especially with DD out. He's morphing into what looks like, a grumpy old man and if he can't get along with anybody, then why would we want that? And what's with our own fans disrespecting our own OC's name? Why is he deity or something? It's a football forum. And I'm sure Marcel wouldn't care. Get over yourself.
  13. This sounds highly probable. Georgie in and Bellfool out as well is a long shot but a guy can dream.
  14. Sorry, watched that video -- Sam did not say anything out of line. He WAS the SEC d-player of the year. Facts a fact. Those TMZ guys were just on him too. Total no-win situation for him there. Head north Sam!
  15. Thinking about it more..... a Lapo-Cortez coaching combo in BC simply wouldn't work. Lapo is an offence-guy. And after playing Telestrator coach on TSN he is obviously dying to call plays again. They'll go one or the other for HC and that guy will get a puppet for OC. I bet BC hires Lapo, leaving George available ... if we want him
  16. a little over fifty years ago, blacks were regularly strung up from trees, for things like going out with a white woman. in 1963 white racists blew up a church with a bunch of little black girls in it, the kids all died. a few years or so ago, cops in New York gunned down an unarmed black bridegroom on his wedding night. He was doing nothing. they shot him a hundred or so times. a few years ago a black kid in texas was hooked up and dragged behind a car, till he died. The police wanted to say it was hit and run. Colin Powell, Secretary of Defence for Bush, has been racially profiled. A black harvard professor was arrested going into his own home. Cops broke into an old black guy's apartment in New York last year, as a result of a screw up on a medical alert. A false alarm. He told them he was ok, and told them to go away. they broke in anyway, and tasered him to death. He was doing nothing. unarmed innocent man returning from dinner gunned down. "The Shooting of Amadou Diallo occurred on February 4, 1999, when Amadou Diallo, a 23-year-old immigrant from Guinea, was shot and killed by four New York City Police Department plain-clothed officers: Sean Carroll, Richard Murphy, Edward McMellon and Kenneth Boss, who fired a combined total of 41 shots, 19 of which struck Diallo, outside his apartment at 1157 Wheeler Avenue in the Soundview section of The Bronx. The four were part of the now-defunct Street Crimes Unit. All four officers were charged with second-degree murder and acquitted at trial in Albany, New York.[1] get m sam for the bombers!!! And I'm sure that white people are never the object of racism right? If white's are so evil maybe you should paint yourself a more pleasant colour. Racism will ALWAYS exist, on ALL sides, TO all sides. This is life, this Earth, this is the human race. Where's Atomic -- someone other than me has to help here.... Black people, or Natives for that matter, can't really be "racist" -- racism requires a system where the oppressive group is in a position of greater power or privilege. Minorities certainly can be racially prejudiced, yes. And it's not semantics -- cause it all boils down to power, and control over one's destiny. People a lot smarter than me have written about it. It's a nuanced argument, and its helpful if you step away from the moronic "don't like it go join Isis" type of rhetoric and actually investigate -- without prejudice -- what the other side is saying. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..............................oh what? sorry were you talking. All I heard is "white people are evil" So... I guess what you're saying is .... you're not too bright?
  17. {Facepalm} Because you will only accept your own definition of the word! Look, do me a favour -- if you take nothing away from this conversation, please understand that -- Racial Prejudice and Racism are not the same thing. And it has much to do with power and privilege. So far you've been incapable (or unwilling) to grasp this.
  18. No this is flat out 100% wrong. Racism has nothing to do with oppression. Any kind of ism has nothing to do with oppression. Your opinion, and you're welcome to it, but its wrong. You'e confusing racism with being ignorant. Racism is about power. Its about controlling who access resources, and deciding who's restricted from it. No I think you are confusing racism with something else. Racism has nothing to do with power, racism has to do with holding ignorant opinions about specific races. There's another post in this thread that defines it, you should read the definition and adjust your thinking on the matter because you have an incorrect opinion on what racism is. And there are dozens of books written by experts and scholars on the field who completely disagree with you. Rather than tell me that I "should" read a post on a football forum and "adjust my thinking", perhaps you "should" go to a book store or library.
  19. He has CFL star written all over him. Lets get real -- he'll have a Cam Wake-like year and be gone, likely to an NFL team that will say "his lifestyle was never an issue." Blah blah. Its going to happen. And hope it does.
  20. No this is flat out 100% wrong. Racism has nothing to do with oppression. Any kind of ism has nothing to do with oppression. Your opinion, and you're welcome to it, but its wrong. You'e confusing racism with being ignorant. Racism is about power. Its about controlling who access resources, and deciding who's restricted from it.
  21. a little over fifty years ago, blacks were regularly strung up from trees, for things like going out with a white woman. in 1963 white racists blew up a church with a bunch of little black girls in it, the kids all died. a few years or so ago, cops in New York gunned down an unarmed black bridegroom on his wedding night. He was doing nothing. they shot him a hundred or so times. a few years ago a black kid in texas was hooked up and dragged behind a car, till he died. The police wanted to say it was hit and run. Colin Powell, Secretary of Defence for Bush, has been racially profiled. A black harvard professor was arrested going into his own home. Cops broke into an old black guy's apartment in New York last year, as a result of a screw up on a medical alert. A false alarm. He told them he was ok, and told them to go away. they broke in anyway, and tasered him to death. He was doing nothing. unarmed innocent man returning from dinner gunned down. "The Shooting of Amadou Diallo occurred on February 4, 1999, when Amadou Diallo, a 23-year-old immigrant from Guinea, was shot and killed by four New York City Police Department plain-clothed officers: Sean Carroll, Richard Murphy, Edward McMellon and Kenneth Boss, who fired a combined total of 41 shots, 19 of which struck Diallo, outside his apartment at 1157 Wheeler Avenue in the Soundview section of The Bronx. The four were part of the now-defunct Street Crimes Unit. All four officers were charged with second-degree murder and acquitted at trial in Albany, New York.[1] get m sam for the bombers!!! And I'm sure that white people are never the object of racism right? If white's are so evil maybe you should paint yourself a more pleasant colour. Racism will ALWAYS exist, on ALL sides, TO all sides. This is life, this Earth, this is the human race. Where's Atomic -- someone other than me has to help here.... Black people, or Natives for that matter, can't really be "racist" -- racism requires a system where the oppressive group is in a position of greater power or privilege. Minorities certainly can be racially prejudiced, yes. And it's not semantics -- cause it all boils down to power, and control over one's destiny. People a lot smarter than me have written about it. It's a nuanced argument, and its helpful if you step away from the moronic "don't like it go join Isis" type of rhetoric and actually investigate -- without prejudice -- what the other side is saying. Haha I agree with everything you're saying but I also know how hard it is to change people's minds on subjects like these. I say my piece and get out. Haha, yeah, you got me there. I'm out as well.
  22. ... they would automatically lose their jobs so I highly doubt that. Calm down with the hate, eh? No kidding. Say what you want about Lawless (I know I have) but there is no way in bloody hell he would go there. Any media that did would be fired, immediately. And rightfully so.
  23. a little over fifty years ago, blacks were regularly strung up from trees, for things like going out with a white woman. in 1963 white racists blew up a church with a bunch of little black girls in it, the kids all died. a few years or so ago, cops in New York gunned down an unarmed black bridegroom on his wedding night. He was doing nothing. they shot him a hundred or so times. a few years ago a black kid in texas was hooked up and dragged behind a car, till he died. The police wanted to say it was hit and run. Colin Powell, Secretary of Defence for Bush, has been racially profiled. A black harvard professor was arrested going into his own home. Cops broke into an old black guy's apartment in New York last year, as a result of a screw up on a medical alert. A false alarm. He told them he was ok, and told them to go away. they broke in anyway, and tasered him to death. He was doing nothing. unarmed innocent man returning from dinner gunned down. "The Shooting of Amadou Diallo occurred on February 4, 1999, when Amadou Diallo, a 23-year-old immigrant from Guinea, was shot and killed by four New York City Police Department plain-clothed officers: Sean Carroll, Richard Murphy, Edward McMellon and Kenneth Boss, who fired a combined total of 41 shots, 19 of which struck Diallo, outside his apartment at 1157 Wheeler Avenue in the Soundview section of The Bronx. The four were part of the now-defunct Street Crimes Unit. All four officers were charged with second-degree murder and acquitted at trial in Albany, New York.[1] get m sam for the bombers!!! And I'm sure that white people are never the object of racism right? If white's are so evil maybe you should paint yourself a more pleasant colour. Racism will ALWAYS exist, on ALL sides, TO all sides. This is life, this Earth, this is the human race. Where's Atomic -- someone other than me has to help here.... Black people, or Natives for that matter, can't really be "racist" -- racism requires a system where the oppressive group is in a position of greater power or privilege. Minorities certainly can be racially prejudiced, yes. And it's not semantics -- cause it all boils down to power, and control over one's destiny. People a lot smarter than me have written about it. It's a nuanced argument, and its helpful if you step away from the moronic "don't like it go join Isis" type of rhetoric and actually investigate -- without prejudice -- what the other side is saying.
  24. Of course most of the murders are black on black -- the town is 87% black. The issue is the police force not serving and protecting those people. And sure, walk into the middle of a race riot and start lecturing and you'll eat a hammer or two. Maybe go down there in a month and ask some people, respectfully, why they were/are so angry and distrustful. The answers might surprise you. Still might not convince you, but at least you offered them a chance to be heard instead of listening to your own narrative.
  25. Ugh. So disgusting. That said, even though I brought up Ferguson, to start going into the nuances of that case will really get us off track... EDIT: And the other thing to remember too -- people in Ferguson aren't rioting because Brown was murdered and a white cop got off. They are rioting/rioted because it is YET ANOTHER time something like this happened in that area. These incidents don't happen in a vacuum. It's a Doug Berry-esque powder keg that's been built for a long time.
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