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Everything posted by NotoriousBIG

  1. I agree, most players probably DO have a problem with it. Doesn't make it right though. Fortunately, society is changing very quickly. This will be a non-issue in 20 years. Right, just like race relations are a non-issue now. The difference is, being gay is inclusive. Every race has gay people. Even the bigots are slowly acknowledging this. Race, because its us vs. them, will always be divisive to some small minded people. Especially during economic downturns when scapegoats are required.
  2. I agree, most players probably DO have a problem with it. Doesn't make it right though. Fortunately, society is changing very quickly. This will be a non-issue in 20 years.
  3. You're right it could be higher.
  4. Even if they report themselves as straight, they are still gay.... The question is whether or not the same percentage would be applied to professional sports, and why wouldn’t it be? You could argue that it is a small sample size compared to the general population and the stats would be skewed somewhat, but by that rationale, the percentage could just as easily be larger as it would be smaller. Seems people want to believe that the percentage would be smaller because professional athletes should be more “manly”. Its more like, professional team sports -- especially football, hockey, baseball, etc -- are life long pursuits. You start when you can basically walk -- those that make it to the bigs are those whose talent matches their ability to endure 20 years of training, 20 years of locker rooms, 20 years of not so subtle homophobia. Its only logical that many gays -- especially until the last 10 years or so -- would gravitate towards non-team endeavours where their sex life would never come up. Its why many gay men went into diving, rowing, fencing, even martial arts.
  5. To be fair, even if 10% of the population is gay -- which I would argue is far closer to reality than 3-5%, as so many men (and women) that are gay force themselves to live and "report" as straight -- I do think 4 per football squad would be exaggerated, especially at the pro level. At least not til after another generation or two of societal tolerance. But percentage of gays in something less stigmatized like swimming or track or tennis? Sure, 10%. Percentage in something like figure skating? Haha likely a bit higher.
  6. Because it's the CFL. Even a former player like Garcia thinks he can come in cold with no experience & be successful. I like Jeff but it's the height of arrogance that he thinks he can be a better coach than some of the guys who put in the time & sacrificed to learn. Slap in the face to them if he does get hired. . Hope he gets hired as HC and OC somewhere. Cause he'll make a good TSN analyst when he gets fired in 4 months.
  7. Awesome. Hope he comes up here. Wish it was for the Bombers!
  8. Pretty sure we hear a string of announcements starting next Monday. Hope the Bombers are part of it.
  9. I want a new DC and OC cause they under performed. But also because it gets rid of two meat shields. You're up next Mike. And then Walters. Get your smug heads out of your arses and find some decent players. And then coach them!
  10. If they can't be fired right now to keep all the attention focused on the events surrounding the festivities and the game itself, it would be bad form to interview people for a job that isn't even open yet. To me that sort of looks bush league. If they were going to fire the coordinators they should have done it the way BC did. Fire before the moratorium. That being said... if the decision's been made to fire one or more coordinators and those folks have been told, then there's nothing bush league about doing interviews during GC week. Brice... Steinhauer is a good DC who's on a team that's made it to the GC two years running. Other than a big raise, there's nothing in it for him to leave Hamilton for the same job on the Bombers. Terry ... You don't know what its like working with Austin. OS and Steinhauer are friends. If the Cats get AnallyPounded next Sunday, I'm sure he'd at least entertain a job offer, especially if more money was attached
  11. One will be gone for sure. Considering the media caught wind of the Etch "struggle" it's his head that will fall. Can see them waiting. A very good DC in Steinhauer is about to get hammered in the GC. Could see OS wanting to talk to him about a DC-plus position. BC's DC woudl be in the mix too.
  12. Is that a fact you heard from someone. Or is just your own speculations. If they indeed going to fire Etch (and Marcel), why not do it now? Its reading the tea leaves for 30 years. Plus knowing Miller. I said Etch WILL be gone. Marcel is probable. And I said waiting for after GC and/or talk to a few potential replacements.
  13. Etch will be gone. Likely Marcel too. Team is just waiting for after GC and/or talk to a few potential replacements. Don't want to appear like fan pressure/media "forced their hand" but its obvious what needs to happen.
  14. Here's a thought -- maybe Milanovich leaves TO to coach in BC? Same owner so he would just slide over. No contract to pay out. Now doesn't have to contend with TO baggage. And TO hires Lapo. Hmmmm.....
  15. As much as I like KJ as a person and a Bomber, not sure he's right for the Bombers now. I'd like to see us get Cortez as OC. As for DC, Steinhauer in TO, Washington in BC, or even Benevides would all be upgrades.
  16. Wally likes Lapo. Could see that happening. And Lapo does not have the testicular fortitude to stand up to Wally. Can you imagine Austin working for Wally? Holy gunfights.
  17. Depressing thing is, if you look back at posts on the day Etch was hired here and folks were unhappy. Now that could be seen as already having their mind made up -- which isn't fair -- but also the prevailing prediction was: "We'll come out hot and surprise other teams and then they'll all catch on and by Labour Day it will be a mess." Which is basically what happened. Sad thing is, Marcel also met our expectations it seems.
  18. I tend to agree with you Mr. Burgess. I really got tired of O'Shea's answering without answering during the season and some of the nonsensical lengths he seemed to go to in order not o be seen "throwing someone under the bus". As for Walters, I did like his comments in that he acknowledged that despite 4 more wins, they were not good enough. Of course while he seems to say the right things, I'm not convinced he can actually deliver. My main worry for the off season is that O'Shea is just a bit too loyal and is going to give both of his coordinators another year. He seems to forget that when you hire mediocrity you get mediocrity. He needs to get his first coaching pink slip. Then he'll learn that loyalty, while noble, doesn't equate to success if you're being loyal to incompetent people.
  19. I hate using an Appeal to Authority to justify my argument, but when the TSN crew (not Rod Black; the guys who actually coached and/or played like Dunigan, Milt, etc). continually point out that the scheme needs to change perhaps there's some legitimacy there. I'm sure if Etch had the Cadillac of players, all veterans, lining up at every spot his D would work. But this is a young, 1st year team and his SCHEME was not successful in that context.
  20. I don't mind the Bombers waiting. I'd like to think our fanbase is smart enough to not need an immediate firing to give the impression that work is being done. That said, there's something to be said for giving the co-ords as much time as possible to find new work. And based on their results, I think Etch and Bellfool will need LOTS of time.
  21. I wonder if the tears streaming down Migs's face will make Durant's balls extra salty?
  22. If that is his coaching resume and the Bombers offer him an OC job then this organization will never see a Grey Cup parade .
  23. I could see Steinhauer happening.
  24. He isn't Cortez but I think he'd be step up over Bellfool .
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