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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. Difference between Soviet Union, and The Republican subset of America.... book review "Russian novelist Victor Pelevin reminds us of a time when the words of Lenin were looked to as an authority on every subject from human consciences to outer space. At the same time, Pelevin makes it clear that Russians living in Soviet times were aware that the Soviet system was built on lies. To survive, Russians had to play along with the system though. Pelevin's novel unleashes pent-up anger at the wasted lives and years of the Soviet era." Americans are propagandized heavily. re service vote. very interesting. They saw how much Trump loathes them.
  2. same kind of b.s. as the "climate change is a hoax" throw up enough manure, you can fool people.
  3. idea. put Belichik in charge of Democratic party strategy .
  4. a few years ago the saints were in minneapolis v vikings for a playoff spot. saints up, seconds left, and pea?yton trolled the vikings fans. seems like an ass to me. course the saints lost the game, minneapolis miracle
  5. bizarre. hope the Democrats can stumble their way to accepting... there is nobody to " reach out to" on the right wing. It is far beyond that point. If Pelosi biden et al cant see that, we are all in trouble.
  6. cardinals v seahawks coming up. cardinals are the no. 1 offence in the Nfl. last two series in their game last sunday were classic.
  7. General cienfuego now released......just two weeks ago..... this is rancid. ap LOS ANGELES (AP) — Mexico’s former defense secretary helped a cartel smuggle thousands of kilograms of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and marijuana into the United States in exchange for bribes, according to court documents unsealed Friday. Gen. Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda, 72, acted on behalf of the H-2 cartel while defense secretary from 2012 to 2018 under former President Enrique Pena Nieto, authorities said. Thousands of intercepted BlackBerry messages show the general ensured military operations were not conducted against the cartel, and that operations were initiated against rivals, according to prosecutors. Cienfuegos allegedly introduced cartel leaders to other corrupt Mexican officials. Cienfuegos — also known as “El Padrino,” or “The Godfather,” according to the indictment — is accused of alerting cartel leaders to a U.S. law enforcement investigation into its operations and the use of cooperating witnesses and informants, which resulted in the murder of a member of the cartel that leaders incorrectly believed was assisting U.S. law enforcement authorities. Intercepted communications between Cienfuegos and a senior cartel leader discussed the general’s historical assistance to another drug trafficking organization, as well as communications in which the defendant is identified by name, title and photograph as the Mexican government official assisting the H-2 cartel, authorities said. the American "war on drugs" is a joke.
  8. wow. how much did that cost? or, whose name did the general have in his files. I was always amazed that Noriega didnt have some photos stashed.
  9. attention: Jason Kenney and friends Britain to ban new petrol cars by 2030 on road to net zero emissions. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-climate-change-britain/britain-to-ban-new-petrol-cars-by-2030-on-road-to-net-zero-emissions-idUSKBN27X2Z0
  10. learned his lesson from mr look forward not back Barrack Obama. Democrats, still comfortable, weak, and stupid. new direction needed, or the next dictator of America will succeed.
  11. get out the cheque book uncle sam.
  12. cue cubic kilometre flood of "I stopped Trump from _______________ thus saving the world; thats why I stayed with him..... please have me back, you owe me. Pence the fake Christian, your reputation as a grovelling sycophant is irredeemable.
  13. one of their leaders of the frauduent fraud effort was himself convicted for election fraud. send in the clowns.... theme song for these dopes
  14. read that Rudy is going to take a larger role on trump legal,team election challenge. 🤣😜🤣 starting to enjoy this
  15. trump cult now migrating to newsmax have a look, it is comical.
  16. Fox news qualifications for female tv staff: bleached blond hair willing to repeat ad nauseum, outlandish lies, as directed, with apparent sincerity. skinny. appearance of having gene spliced jack fish genetic material a plus. oh yeah, theres this future republican star: Senior campaign and GOP officials vented that Trump’s finance team, led by former Fox TV host and Donald Trump Jr. girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle, underperformed and was an HR nightmare,” reported Politico. “Trump couldn’t compete with Biden’s small-dollar fundraising machine, and some donors were horrified by what they described as Guilfoyle’s lack of professionalism: She frequently joked about her sex life and, at one fundraiser, offered a lap dance to the donor who gave the most money.” Question..... did some donors take her up on it? what scumbag trash these people are
  17. the ad at alternet "democracy is in peril..... send us money" Somebody get America a fainting couch.
  18. Biden Harris win election. yet all eyes are on Trump. Americans love melodrama.
  19. no its not. he said nfl doesnt take out the qb on third down. I gave an example where they do. and it works. anyway, kyler murray is small. games i watched he runs outside and relies on speed. on plays that have broken down. he is not in any way a short yardage ball carrier. he got hit once running the ball the other day, and was lucky to get up. good luck stopping streveller for three inches. Just cause its the nfl, doesnt mean it makes sense.
  20. At this point, the main purpose of all the false promises that the courts will invalidate the election appears to be money — the fine print on the solicitations for Trump's "legal defense fund" makes clear that the money will mostly be used to pay down Trump's campaign debts. Since Election Day, more than 130 such emails begging for cash have gone out to gullible marks — sorry, I mean Republican voters. Considering what a practiced con artist Trump is, he's probably already working out how to leverage his fake victim status to squeeze his hapless supporters for more cash down the road. salon.com
  21. not on the saints. they put in Taysom Hill on short yardage. anyway, its an example of nfl stupidity. Streveller is a much better short yardage player than kyler murray. they do it cause they all do it. not a goos reason.
  22. I think Trump knows he lost. he was in the wrestling game, hes treating the Presidency like a wrestling event. he will never admit defeat, he got cheated, he will fight on, he will be vindicated, or make a valiant comeback im 2024. he will be escorted from the whitehouse, not in shame, but triumphantly, pausing to make an inspirational speech to his cult. great photo op to run ads from to fleece the suckers. then bilk them for all he can, on his take back the country tour and telethon. I think thats what its going to be. even throwing him in the slam wont stop it. He has no platform, no ideas. this is the greatest scam in history.
  23. I guess the R strategy is going to be that Biden lost. not going to stop with this. sure. cooperate with that. got some gold mine shares for your consideration. hugeupside. holy gack go read the comments at the pompeo youtube video. "radiantly intelligent, grounded in common sense"
  24. Christianity/ Pence 🤣 "Kiel Bros. Oil Co., once owned by the Pence family, left behind contaminated sites in Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois since the company filed for bankruptcy in 2004, the Associated Press reported. Indiana alone has spent at least $21 million on cleanups thus far, or an average of about $500,000 per site, the report said." perfect vp for trump. wow popmpeo is a strange character. how do such baffoons reach such high levels. my viewpoint: " Sure, bilateral civility would be a monumental achievement, if it were at all possible these days. Unilateral civility, on the other hand, is an outstanding recipe for being constantly pantsed by the other side, and the Biden White House would do well to keep its eyes open. We all will. Trumpism isn't going anywhere, and neither will the Trump copycats. There will continue to be a trend toward acting like Trump — among 71 million or so Americans — whether at department store checkout lines or in Congress or in discussion threads on Twitter. This is America now. Either the Democrats continue to win elections, or this corrupted faction of idiocrats and easily-led conspiracy cultists occupying the Republican Party will bring it all down on our heads" salon
  25. would not have thouht the patriots would be this bad. jets owner.... trump ambassador to Britain. so their record checks out.
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