As you said, this is getting serious. Trump staring at impeachment, Bolton, Saudi Arabia, Israel, been insisting on a war with Iran, (with American money and soldiers) for years.
If they attack Iran, Iran might bomb Israel. Israel has nuclear weapons.
Apparently a million dead in Iraq, hundreds of thousands of Syrians, libyans, and Yemenis, is not enough to satisfy America.
The idea that Iran would attack a Japanese vessel while the leader of Japan is in Iran talking peace, is Alice in Wonderland level surreal.
World has to stop this.
Saudis have their own massive air force, one of the biggest in the world. Why don't they fight their own war? Probably cause they can't even defeat tiny povery stricken Yemen. Iran would make mincemeat of the Saudis.
Funny thing, there are no cables, reports, or speeches in which Iran demands somebody destroy Saudi Arabia.
But sure, it's Iran.