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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. Seems nobody has succesfully explained anything to Trump, ever. Well maybe Putin, and the Crown Prince saudi arabia. It's funny/bizarre that he just can't grasp why these people won't lie about whatever he tells them to. He really is nuts, just as the psychiatrists said a year ago. When are these A holes going to start figuring out that they get nothing but disgrace from doing his dirty work?
  2. https://thinkprogress.org: Trump and the Republicans have done nothing to stop more interference in American elections, despite the obvious need. cause no collusion! case closed!
  3. https://pressfrom.info/us/news/politics/-270683-lindsey-graham-in-1998-ignoring-subpoenas-impeachable.html video. Can't say he was misquoted. probably will anyway. These people depend on their voters being uninformed. I think Trump impeachment rating is much higher at this point than Nixon's at a similar point.
  4. Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg keeps dashing any hope that the world’s largest social media platform might be a positive force in the fight against catastrophic climate change. In its latest disastrous move to fight the online epidemic of fake news, Facebook’s fact-checking effort announced last week that it was teaming up with CheckYourFact.com — an arm of the conservative, anti-science media site The Daily Caller. The Daily Caller, which has published misinformation about climate science for years, was co-founded by the science-denying Fox News host Tucker Carlson and is backed by major conservative donors, including Charles and David Koch, the billionaire fossil fuel barons who are the single biggest funders of climate science misinformation. https://thinkprogress.org/facebook-fact-checker-koch-climate-deniers-f5288be4c3f9/
  5. Fisa court: last time I read about it, a few years ago, almost never was a warrant refused by the Court. The idea that the FBI was conspiring against Trump, is typical GOP bull twaddle. Comie probably pushed Trump over the finish line for the win. Somehow, that's been turned into Comie is an evil deepstate anti Trump pro Clinton figure. Everyone is brainwashed to a certain extent, but Americans take the cake.
  6. chaos. But I read an article about the ag of New York. She is formidable. Good to see somebody standing up to the insanity. As is Liz Warren.
  7. edit
  8. Trump admires the fact that husband, father, and role model Woods porked numerous porn stars, and waitresses, and seems to have gotten away with it?
  9. And Justin !!
  10. Right now the idiot has backed Iran into a corner. They will start enrichment, and will get nuclear weapons all thanks to Trump the hangnail man and the war monger draft dodging Bolton who "had better things to do" than serve, during Vietnam war. cause the middle east needs more countries with nuclear weapons. It's not dangerous enough yet. Nobel! Nobel! Rest of the world needs to step up and defend itself from this American insanity. It actually would be the logical conclusion to the short "American era" to have an deeply ignorant, illiterate, greedy, amoral criminal, start a nuclear war just to save his own sorry ass.
  11. In Trumpworld the facts in the tweet are not contradictory. Complete breakdown of even the slightest resemblance to a normal thinking process.
  12. TOC is the "Trump Ocean Club" Global Witness https://www.globalwitness.org/en/campaigns/corruption-and-money-laundering/narco-a-lago-panama/#chapter-3/section-1 Trump says he's terribly worried about "animals" who are drug trafficking, but sells his own expensive real estate to drug traffickers who pay with cash.
  13. check these creepy photos of Trump and his daughter. ugh. https://www.metro.us/president-trump/donald-and-ivanka-trump-awkward-photos
  14. Nancy get some backbone.
  15. You mentioned the abandoned well cleanup cost..... the original estimate was this Then there was a huge fuss, and it was then said that it was "only" seventy billion. Did not see any explanation why the first high estimate was wrong. Once oil stops flowing, they'll just bugger off, and leave the poor citizens with the mess.
  16. Probably change the official spelling of the state so that Trump spell will be correct. also https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/trump-messed-up-the-clock-on-usmca-current-form-dead-former-u-s-ambassador-1.4407446
  17. Seen at that twitter thread....😂 A lot of very funny comments at that thread.
  18. He owns some racehorses, some quite good ones I think.
  19. I wrote "This is like asking a blind person to desribe a photograph, or like asking a deaf person to hum the melody to a beatles tune." People like him are either incapable of understanding the direction USA is headed, or, understand, and are ok with a fascist dictatorship headed by an unrestrained, above the law leader. There are lots of people who are the latter. Non of them lived through ww2, or spoke to or are related to anyone who fought against fascism and dictatorship in that war. Those soldiers and anyone who remembers, would be horrified and nauseated by people like Zontar.
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  21. Every day another day of Trump lying and idiocy. “If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?” Lewis B. Caroll anticipating the rise of Trump.
  22. This is a great example of the Democrats being weak, timid, afraid of the big bad Republicans, and not doing their job. After everything he dealt with with MConnell, preventing him from appointing judges and so on, did Obama actually expect something different on this? If yes, then he's really stupid. And we know, he's not stupid. And where does it say he needed approval from anyone about this? Does anyone think Mc Connell would have asked permission from anyone to release this informaiton? fat chance. Pitiful and spineless on Obama/Democrats part. Russian interference with the election of the President, and he is more worried about "bipartisanship" They really have not been up to the task of dealing with these fascists. Pelosi still waffling and "waiting to see" While their country is spit on and stomped into the ground by thugs. They definitely bear some responsiblity in this horrendous situation. /rant over.
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