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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. good article about barr etc. https://www.salon.com/2019/05/02/bill-barr-runs-from-house-judiciary-hearing-will-democrats-let-him-hide/
  2. https://truthout.org/articles/oil-companies-will-be-bad-investments-within-five-years-survey-predicts/
  3. It's clear, Trump has no morals, no standards of any kind, nor do his supporters. This explains why they have to refer to somebody else's standards. Obama did it, Hilary did it. Must be ok then. If you're a Trump supporter. It's been a short, strange trip with Donald Trump.
  4. This isn't really true. It should say "some" scientists have believed. Some scientists have been warning about this for years. The UN reports have been slanted into the direction of the least amount of harm from greenhouse gases, and rising temperatures. Stupid. Also, they were timid, and afraid of the fossil fuel lobby. Scientists were not prepared for the onslaught, and didn't know how to deal with it. It's now obvious that the most dire estimates, were / are the ones in line with what's happening. https://thinkprogress.org/ny-times-did-denier-intimidation-tactics-move-ipcc-to-lowball-sea-level-rise-and-climate-sensitivity-1ecb7ad875f4/
  5. Let's not forget this.... asked for four years for Cohen, if Trump was not President, he'd be looking at the same. He should be impeached just for this one thing.
  6. No need.In the right wing fascist leaning world:
  7. Author Marcy Wheeler, says that Barr's answers show that he has not read the Mueller report. If he hasn't read it, he can't be accused of lying about what's in it. https://www.emptywheel.net/2019/05/01/bill-barr-absolved-trump-of-obstruction-without-having-the-faintest-clue-what-he-obstructed/ I just watched a minute or so of it. Barr is spectacularly arrogant.
  8. https://mavenroundtable.io/theintellectualist/news/lindsey-graham-received-campaign-donations-from-firm-tied-to-russian-oligarch-pavoDoUI-U6je1HgaF2sag/
  9. Nauseating in a number of ways. Basically these people are squatting and crapping on their own Country. This is why Nancy Pelosi is not the leader for these times. She's inclined to let this slide. Hard to follow this stuff, it's getting so sickening.
  10. Thing is he'll appoint some other liar to replace this person. One thing is clear out of all of this. If you aren't willing and able to lie every day, about anything, trivial, or vitally important, you are not qualified to work for Trump, and will not work for him for long. That's actually the only thing he wants in an employee. skill, experience, knowledge, non of those things matter.
  11. apropos Ontario conservatives dropping tree planting program https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/china-tree-plant-soldiers-reassign-climate-change-global-warming-deforestation-a8208836.html?fbclid=IwAR0ojSFtx9wTchh2QBkwzh5r8_SWK4jqVz-Ue8Uo-DJUQcXlM_eRp_qevyo&utm_source=reddit.com
  12. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-family-sue-banks-prevent-financial-documents-being-024900287.html comment there:
  13. was there just a game tied O all after three periods, and went two overtimes? Hustler and R.R. said is was dump, chase, fight along the boards. Not interested in the NHL playoffs now anyway, but who could watch that? Player's family and friends.
  14. For about five minutes there was a move to get them back doing their job, european union started to do this. Then, didn't matter after all, and nothing was done.
  15. flooding in Eastern canada is very bad just saw that a dam was overtopped, or failed and an entire town of several thousand was flooded in minutes. wow. The Canadian Press Published Sunday, April 28, 2019 7:16AM EDT Last Updated Sunday, April 28, 2019 1:43PM EDT MONTREAL -- Emergency workers urged another 1,500 residents of a flood-ravaged suburb west of Montreal to leave their homes Sunday, one day after floodwaters broke through a natural dike northwest of the city and forced some 5,000 others to flee with only the clothes on their backs. https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/dike-breaks-in-quebec-forcing-thousands-from-their-homes-1.4398536 https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=1670348
  16. Methane release Siberia (This one of the feedback loop, that scientists warned about..... from melting permafrost, the permafrost is a huge methane/carbon sink) starting to happen now, with heat waves at the N Pole. "No way to stop it" https://m.outdoorrevival.com/travel/mysterious-new-landforms-appearing-in-siberia-2.html?fbclid=IwAR0MWpGYV6QYiHBUVluh8xnJKa75BdHUxViG0LITbi-KY6WrOH-GkiRU5Vg
  17. Trump’s Stonewalling Pushes House Democrats Towards Impeachment https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-stonewalling-pushes-house-democrats-towards-impeachment?source=articles&via=rss If he ignores them and they do nothing, they will be viewed as impotent, useless wimps. again. Not only that, Republicans will just turn it on it's head, and use it against Democrats. "If he did something wrong, why didn't they impeach him?" Proof, to lots of people that he did nothing wrong.
  18. Santos Knox frequently mentioned that he learned much from Adam. Bighhill will make sure that santos replacement will play well.
  19. Astounding. and seriously, keep your cat inside.
  20. I
  21. not climate but anyway plastic in caribbean sea. https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1121451974216552449/pu/vid/1280x720/od8e6GgIqrWaXMw7.mp4?tag=8
  22. Tesla Model 3 Performance Crushes Fossil BMW M3 fossil fans’ favorite sports saloon, around Race Track. A lead of almost 2 seconds on a 2 mile track (with lap times around 85 seconds in total) is significant. Both vehicles were stock without modifications, and were lapped by the same driver. On the feel of the two vehicles around the track, the testers found that for the BMW, compared to the Tesla: “when you floor it, the throttle response is glacial by comparison, and the accompanying racket isn’t quite as glorious as you remember — more of a distraction from listening to what the tyres are doing and getting on with the business of going fast.” We’ve already seen battery electrics beat out fossils at the Pikes Peak hill climb (outright record), on the Nürburgring Nordschleife (production cars record), and at other racetracks. In each case, these are just the first tentative generations of full electric sports cars, with huge scope for further improvementshttps://cleantechnica.com/2019/04/25/tesla-model-3-performance-crushes-fossil-bmw-m3-around-race-track/ Used 35000 km Nisssan leaf, is around 15,000.
  23. Don't like to generalize, and Mulroney actually was good on environment, but modern Conservatives are extremely stupid and shortsighted on the environment. I'm not sure why.
  24. Republicans: "Can someone please explain why don't women like us? " Dolts. other news
  25. Fire Babcock !!!!
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