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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. Need to find more players with surnames that end with "ski" also good would be names ending "chuck". get er done!
  2. Streveller is a guy who can get fans to pay attention to the team, and to the league. A very exciting player to watch, A player who gets angry after a dirty hit, and responds not by complaining to the ref, but by throwing a touchdown pass. The very last thing the league needs is to have a fast rising star's career shortened, or worse, finished after two games, by a player "sending a message" The league should send its own message : Suspend Muamba.
  3. Ricky should have retired last year. Wonder how many games they'll wait till they put Franklin in.
  4. egads, listening to calgary radio...... not sure if I can hang in there much longer. Just reminded of when the Bombers had a Ralph for receiver.
  5. went and had a look at comments when they drafted wolitarsky, you guys were accurate in your opinions, for instance JuranBoldenRules : looking at his highlight video from the gophers, It looks to me as though he's a much better player now. A lot faster, and a more fluid runner. and things that I can't see, his understanding of the game I expect is significantly increased. Seems some of these young guys are working very hard and smart year round, and it's paying off for them and the team.
  6. yah he ran for some really good gains, and then they just stopped using him.
  7. ed tait. good read as usual https://www.bluebombers.com/2018/06/22/game-recap-wpg-56-mtl-10/
  8. didn't he do the same thing with Jennings? Just flinging it way the hell downfield?
  9. No, he thought about it, and then backed away. should be a good odds and sods
  10. Yup, that was the D line we were hoping to see. I too like seeing goosen protecting his guys. Finally got some nastiness on the O line. It's been a long time.
  11. that is a remarkable recovery for moe.
  12. Thunder storm happening,, must be a bomber game today,
  13. I think the bombers basically quit in that game. Horrible game, and defence was exceptionally awful. Even for them.
  14. must read right here http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/jogger-accidentally-crosses-u-s-border-from-b-c-gets-detained-for-2-weeks-by-authorities-1.4717060 locked up in an American prison for two weeks for jogging over a border. When Trump talks as he does about our country, it's not surprising. guards will probably get promoted. what's next? shooting us?
  15. Lets see if the US has as much guts as Argentina.
  16. This is a good time to cancel /avoid where possible any trips to the states.
  17. It was also done in Argentina by the Nazi dictatorship supported by the Americans. Some of the perpetrators are now in jail. Maybe that will be what happens to Trump for this. These “appropriations” were partly to solve a practical problem: if the real identities of the children were known,there would have to be an explanation for what had happened to their parents.
  18. U.S. Media are now attempting to recruit citizens to attempt to keep track of where children are being taken. This episode truly is an utter disgrace. https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2018/06/20/baby-boys-separated-immigrant-parents-michigan/714527002/ This really is a German Nazi tactic:
  19. What's Montreal O line like? fulton blake matte bomben jamieson
  20. Can the Bombers trade Durant rights to Sask? That would be entertaining.
  21. Chip Cox appeared to have slowed down last season. Maybe a weak link to exploit.
  22. think you'll have to come back tomorrow for your penance. looks like everyone's gone elsewhere.
  23. yah, you really don't have to know a lot about the game, to recognize a well coached defence such as Ottawa has. Sask receivers could not get open. ah well.
  24. excellent game.
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