This is amazing. But unsurprising. When the Americans want to bomb and invade a country, they always go for the Hitler comparison. Sadaam was hitler, gadaffi was hitler; Probably some leader of Iran is probably called Hitler; How can so and so not be bombed? He's as bad as Hitler.
Bascically this dolt Spicer just went a step farther and said, assad is worse than hitler.
His biggest problem is that he really is bad at bafflegab. It's not easy, and he's just not smart enough to do it properly.
Wouldn't surprise me to learn that he was a holocaust denier, nor would it surprise me to learn that he has never heard of the holocaust. Or anything in between.
A pack of dimwits.
also, Bush was called Hitler.
If America was a person, the non American adults would be confiscating the nukes.