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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. Doubt this guy will make it "Jarryd Hayne's anticipated transition from rugby league superstar to NFL running back will begin with the San Francisco forty-niners" Hayne, who was revered as a megastar in Australia, won the Daily M Player of the Year award in 2009 and 2014. Plenty of Australians have had success in the NFL, but none has done so as a legitimate offensive weapon, which is what the former rugby fullback is aiming to do." Bleacher report. New Zealand top Rugby player.
  2. Key and Peele are Laugh out loud funny. the reclining fat guy that phones out for food, and takes orders from all the comicon figures around him,Key in the pizza joint taking the order falls in love….
  3. Both those guys are very solidly built. Wilson especially. He is short for the NFL, but he is not small.
  4. Key and Peele do a good routine on football player names
  5. wasn't it wonderful monds the third?
  6. I am starting go over to Spud's side…. the impulse to make a negative comment is prevalent
  7. Netflix will get more respect, when it puts on "The Regular Show"
  8. Under Jewish religious law, Jews are buried the day after they die. It would be unusual to not do this. Same for Muslims. (I think)
  9. you nailed Capitals game, so…… Who wins today and why?
  10. good idea.
  11. Spock was a Patriots and Brady fan Follow Patriots !! Don't ever count Brady out. LLAP 8:34 PM - 10 Jan 2015 http://www.boston.com/sports/blogs/obnoxiousbostonfan/2015/02/even_spock_knew_believing_in_t.html
  12. but but but that was only after a cannonading drive.
  13. notwithstanding some stupid thinking from the past, the Europeans and American players made this happen. along with the really advanced training that players now get starting when they are young. I stopped watching NHL years ago because of the lack of talent after the expansion. guys who couldn't really skate were starters on stanley cup winners. From what I can see, the skill / conditioning level now is miles better than those days, and also better than the six team league days, when players smoked cigarettes in the locker room. The players from the past would die after two weeks of skating the way these teams play now. The hockey can be a bit raggedy sometimes, cause the checking is so relentless, but it is very exciting to watch.
  14. isn't fighting in hockey great? So much skill involved. way better than an actual, boxing match for instance. And he really proved something with that effort didn't he? anyway, it sure helped the team a lot. Who knows how much they would have lost that game by if he hadn't had that fight.
  15. a bikini model on sports illustrated cover seems insignificant to the point of zero, compared to what kids are doing at home with their phones.
  16. use today article "Police in Rhinelander, Wis., have long been aware that "sexting" — sending sexually explicit photos or text messages — is popular with teenagers. But until November, when the mother of a Rhinelander High School student turned over a nude image of one of her son's classmates that she found on his cellphone, law enforcement officials had no idea the problem was so pervasive. That single image led police to identify dozens of students, all of whom had been trading explicit images with one another on a regular basis. "It was overwhelming how many kids were involved," said Oneida County sheriff's Lt. Terri Hook."
  17. ditto
  18. yes that one.
  19. kbf did you go to the niverville pop festival mud fest? …… The Bombers sure had great linebackers for a few years, I guess the Cal years. Do the Bombers have someone at the NFL combine?
  20. yeah, makes sense. therefore…… need more bot posts in "general" discussion. the bot gets more replies than my threads.
  21. looks very fast in that video
  22. jasper what say you?
  23. your best post ever spuds.
  24. she's pretty thin. really thin.
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