Demski has a nice highlight video, very
well done, lot of views.
anyone know how fast he is?
There's no denying, it's a great idea to have local kids playing for the bombers, if it makes sense football wise.
It's also nice to see some of their players lose. arrogant a-holes some of them.
They're not nearly as good as their on field stupid chest thumping shouting to the sky posing would have you believe.
edmonton 30 had another good game against those jerks.
If do not want Lulay to play. His arm wouldn't last five minutes.
Glenn should be able to beat Compton. Compton looks inaccurate, and might get a receiver killed.
No idea about Edmonton Saskatchewan, other than Edmonton running back got one hundred and fifty or more yards against Sask a while ago.
He was laughing at them. Great game.
Here's to a repeat of that. It was a lot of fun to watch. The humiliation of the mighty Sask Defence, specially their Line.
I also hope that Kerry Joseph survives the game without getting badly hurt.