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Everything posted by Engelwood

  1. I here it in Regina all the time, even some Rider fans say he is trying too hard. The only point I can see the bottom team do not have a starting QB signed and the top teams do.
  2. Issue is I live in Regina, they were already salty.
  3. I was at the Grey cup party in Calgary until 2:30 AM, got to sleep at 3:00 AM(hotel was 3 blocks from party) Woke up at 5:15 AM to catch 6:45 AM flight, was at work for 9:30 AM. I am pretty sure I was half drunk still.
  4. What are you talking about, Streveler is already a full back.
  5. The Closest comparison in the NFL you will find with Streveler is Josh Allen of Buffalo but Josh has a bigger arm, cleaned up his mechanics issue from his rookie season and has progressed in the last year as a pocket passer. Where we have not seen the same progress from Streveler. I think this will be the make or break off season for Big Chris, he needs to work on his throwing mechanics, study CFL defensive zone coverages and presnap/read option reads. I find he holds the ball to often in read option and there are times when letting it go would have been the better option than running into the teeth of the D with no hole.
  6. Well I saw neither of them, he could have been upstairs. The downstairs party was pretty crazy though.
  7. The Pants guy or the player?
  8. Nope
  9. At a club in downtown Calgary called Sub Rosa. They had dinner upstairs at The Guild, the restaurant above. then some of the bombers came down. Harris and Demski were downstairs a bunch.
  10. He did it at the grey cup after party in Calgary too. There are some crazy stories from that but the best 2 are when Harris brought the cup down to the party and passed it around with the fans. And then when we were leaving the grey cup, Streveler was outside with a couple girls and then looked at us and yelled "we ******* did it" hugged me and my buddy. After that yells holy **** that hurts, the freezing has worn off and I need a drink.
  11. Try living here
  12. I get in Saturday Morning, what is everyone doing Saturday.
  13. Maybe we can get a repeat of mosaic never looking better
  14. He was eating double teams the entire game.
  15. Funny part about Collaros is this may be the best Oline he has had since Toronto.
  16. You missed that they hate Matt Dunnigan
  17. The issue is that the substance is not something that usually would be added to any suppliment. For contamination I would lean more to it being in a bottle he drank from or he actually took something.....
  18. Didn't we win the first preseason game too
  19. 1. Big Willie Style 2. Fenner: Had some big plays 3. The Running game HH: Rios with the diving pick6
  20. Fenner stayed in because the backup was already in for an injury and the only options after that were Jones and Exume
  21. Worst part is I got stuck working through the whole first game.
  22. Don't forget Drew is not a small man. 6'2" and 220 LBS.
  23. More like the roughed-up riders
  24. And a really funny substitute teacher at that.
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