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Everything posted by LeBird

  1. Man that dentist has put on weight!
  2. Ah Great! a guy who goes from 12-6 to 8-9-1 gets nominated for coach of the year instead of a guy who went from 5-13 to 11-7. Isn't this supposed to be the best coach in the league? Who cares where they come from? I was going to say it should be done by the fans but who know who would be stuffing the ballot boxes.
  3. Some Riders might have been nominated if they had not been hidden in those safe houses.
  4. What position are we for our own first round pick? 7th?
  5. Fixed it for ya.
  6. Congrats to the Bomber management and the players for a successful regular season. Best of luck while playing for the Cup.
  7. Without DD it will be almost impossible for the green weasels to win.
  8. If that's the case why does the league not allow them to play the Gee Gees for one game?
  9. But his 10, perhaps 11, wins should make up for it.
  10. Unfortunately I appear to be one of the few who remember what happened in the past when we kept changing Coaches. We are in the playoffs and no matter what happens this week we still are in the playoffs. Obviously we could have done better. Calgary is good because it has mostly experienced vets on the team. We have more than our share of rookies and raw players. Some days we shoot a cool 65 the next we go south with a 85. In his first two years I was not a fan of MOS but with Walters he tweaked a crappy team and made it into what Shultz thinks could do it all. We might go one and out but at least the team will have felt the experience of the playoffs. Think about this. It would have been easy to replace the QB in the Calgary game. He kept things as were and gave them the scare of their life. How many coaches in the CFL would have done better with this team?
  11. At the beginning of the year we were hoping to be at least at 500 and perhaps sneak into the playoffs. Yesterday was not pretty to say the least but hey, S*** happens. Next week is the last of the regular season then it's a brand new season where we are all at the same level. Home game advantage is the only difference but for us it's been an disadvantage. Every QB except that robot in Calgary have seen at least one bad game. Better now then later.
  12. conspiracy and rigged are close cousins. Some might say they are inbread.
  13. The final standings could be settled by tomorrow night. The boys from Jonestown are where they should be. Man, When you look over the southern fence it can get scary. With all of our little problems we are very lucky.
  14. Remember when we used to worry if we had enough good players to fill the roster? Now we have the problem of figuring out which of the good players we will sit. Times are good in the Peg.
  15. fixed it sort of
  16. But... the Riders did not loose to Montreal, from what I read the Riders were beaten by themselves. I guess the Alouettes were just spectators.
  17. Was last week the night we had baked beans for supper? Ola from 37000 feet on way back from Mexico.
  18. I knew that but the question remains as in
  19. Who's Richards? Did we get him on the extended PR list?
  20. There could very well be four Western teams in the playoffs. That does not leave much for the poor guys near or East of the center of the Universe.
  21. I guess when you're 4-10 you can afford that soft practice time
  22. Strange, two of their top FA's went bust for them. Lemon is doing just fine in Toronto. Might it be the square hole and round peg problem?
  23. After watching the replay I'm not sure anyone could have seen that far down.
  24. Only because of the timing. That play in the first quarter would have been shrugged off.
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