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Everything posted by LeBird

  1. Crucify him!, Crucify him! And who shall I deliver? asked King Mike. Deliver Jones, Deliver Jones the faux king of the Toothless Nation. And so it was, they placed goat horns on his head and nailed him to the turf.
  2. I'd be OK with that if the cliff was straight down and at least 200 feet deep. Besides, now with compulsory insurance you only loose $200.
  3. Showing them??? Since when has Westerman become them? Maybe it felt like there were two of him.
  4. Per CFL, the Eye in the Sky can not rule on any play that is challengeable. Just as well, then you would get the coach challenging a Eye in the Sky ruling.
  5. Hamilton were without the RB and were down to mostly Fantuz. Saskatchewan are a better team but did not beat much yesterday
  6. This thing of interpretation is starting to make the league look like sandbox football. Different teachers, different rules. Those two challenges on the same play bordered on ridiculous. I don't think the refs had any effect on the outcome of our game but if that is the product we are trying to sell in an attempt to get more fans good luck with that. They tried to cover up the incompetence of the refs by having replays to correct their errors. But the replays are done by other incompetent people. They wanted to stop the holding by DB's by introducing the IC. Now an incidental contact 30 yards from the play gets called. I would assume the league had no confidence in the ability of the refs so took their ability to use discretion.
  7. You are right, just read the rules.
  8. He still had a time out.
  9. Job for St. Jude I would say.
  10. You were saying? The guy has not played for 8 weeks and now with a new team? Pretty critical I would say.
  11. To be fair we should not expect too much from Willy today. Two weeks practising with the second team.
  12. Though the score was 20-17 for Calgary, Noeller and 17 consider it a bad game and succumb from their drunken binge and pass out. The rest of us enjoy watching the fourth quarter and see the Bombers winning 24-23.
  13. I can't agree with the time issue. When you're watching a game, TSN show a replay of just about every play with time to spare. The coach has the time it takes the teams to get back to their huddles plus the better time of the 20 second clock. Another clock means more wasted time.
  14. Very good idea! Unless there is not doubt about it why not call an iffy call an illegal contact. I'm not sure if that call can be reviewed but it should not be. It's a waste of time and on most review you can flip a coin on how it will be judged.
  15. Let's just say MOS had started in his first year with the team he has today. What would be his record now? Unfortunately he started with a crap team and had the patience to chip away until this year we do have a very good team. How good? we don't know because we have had so many injuries to some key offensive stars. Why would his way of doing things change? Next year we will be much better again because of a couple of first round picks and maybe a few FA's wanting to come here. Hey, that article has got to be the best publicity he could wish for.
  16. Coming to a coach like MOS can't be a bad thing when it's FA time.
  17. deleted
  18. With all due respect I must call BS on that statement. This is the game to win and beat the snot out of them. Why? Because when we play them again they will not be so cocky and full of themselves. We will be there dancing in their head with them worrying about when and where the hit will come from. Long odds? sure, winning 7 in a row about starting 1-4...longer but it did happen. Stamps have been licked before.
  19. Almost sounds like a guy who wants to try the NFL once again.
  20. At the start of the year like many I was hoping we could end up 9-9. With six games to go we have almost done that. I just can't figure out why some are not wanting to be very happy with what we would have killed for only a few months ago. And... it's not over. I think we have a legit chance at finishing 12-6. Walters has proven he could get the right players in and could trade well and MOS has shown he can coach those players to exceed. We are now in a position where we can take some serious injury problems without tanking. Color me Thankful to both.
  21. If Edmonton (that Edmonton) were able to take them to OT why not? With Heath in there to help the hawks, if we can apply some pressure the takeaway game will make it happen.
  22. Yeah, he became so Willyish. Yeah, Jones' ego was front and center after the game. I hear that when seeing Cox make that interception Jones mentioned maybe moving him to receiver and replacing him with Demski.
  23. The Riders' fans are lighting up the sky using their supply of fireworks bought for this year's Grey Cup not realising this was just a regular season win.
  24. Right now I like our chances.
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