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Everything posted by LeBird

  1. We should remember that for some time we were without Adams, Wessler and Smith at the same time. That has to affect the way the game plan is drawn up. It's hard to complain when we are averaging 29 points per game.
  2. As we have seen in the last few weeks we now have some gravy on top of our pile of players and injuries has not been critical. With extra first picks we will soon be in an envious position. We can thank both for getting them and coaching them. Let's show them we have confidence in them. As we discuss this we can thank our lucky star we did not end up as have our next westerly neighbours.
  3. Good luck to you both and hope all is well!
  4. Could be so. I just can't see how the Club would not have become concerned with him going off like a loose goose every day. Well, there's always the choir that is still on pitch.
  5. Come February we will need to have some spare cash to resign some players who will no doubt want more.
  6. My concern is: How will the fans feel like having to return to the scene of the crime? Will they wear raincoats on a sunny day? Only two more days. This is like a cancer, painful and slow.
  7. Pretty good non-opinion expression. I'm not too sure if your topic is one we want to get into here.
  8. Not much of a score card either!
  9. The committee says we don't want to pay the Price
  10. Here i thought it was when Saskatchewan cuzzins did the bunny thing.
  11. So Carter is the decoy this week. Wouldn't you love to see Carter in Regina? First day the fans would have his picture next to Mother Theresa.
  12. There will always be incidents where your better judgement or experience will raise flags. there will also be incidents that will be sensationalised by the media by clever editing of the tape, coaching or leading the interviewee. But in the end you are left with two choices. You accept it as is or you just accept it. Got to go and check how ISO is doing in his project to resign MOS.
  13. Good. While you were out for a beer you were voted the one to chair the meeting. Walters expects your findings by game time Saturday so like an egg get cracking!
  14. If they are looking at the film it would be just for internal use. The Bombers have taken the high road with the lumps that went with it and I am sure they have moved on. Look at it like the credit card company getting fleeced on a perhaps stolen card.
  15. So... how do we stay occupied now? Bombers suck, no Willy was a bad trade, no what?????
  16. never mind..
  17. If she did it after the Bombers had gone out of their way to attempt to make it right than she sure looses some compassion.
  18. You beat me to it.
  19. I just want to put this here for consideration. What are the odds of a mother and a child who's only sin is wearing a green sweater get accosted by four different group of people and get told by all of them:" We're wearing green, you don't belong here, go back where you belong"? So we spent a small fortune to install like 27 security cameras some 4K to help identify the bad guys and this is the result?
  20. Did you ever get the feeling the dots did not quite connect? However, it is what it is. Kudos to the Bombers for showing such goodwill.
  21. Suggesting the idiot might be one on any Bomber site hardly makes it irrelevant as we are all lumped by the insinuation. I still say the people here are gentle people who can talk trash with the best but would help any Rider fans should they need it.
  22. I for one can not believe this guy is from any football sites. We might be very vocal but that as far as it gets.
  23. Stock market was abuzz this morning.
  24. Mos:" So TJ, what can you tell us about how the defence is run?" TJ:"psssss like this,pssss over there on top, psssss down the middle etc". Milo:" So Drew, What was Winnipeg doing to be so good?" Drew:"Ask Matt, my job was counting pigeons".
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