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Everything posted by LeBird

  1. Possible option: Thursday sit Willy and start Davis. He did show a lot of go in the preseason so why not? Maybe this is where Miller grabs MOS by the ear takes him behind the barn and reads him the riot act as it relates to dealing with ineffective quarterbacks. MOS might be a good HC but he's too stubborn for his own good. We might be looking all over the place for something that is sitting right in our own backyard. I like Willy a lot but winning a bit more.
  2. One on one I would think Corney wins his fair share if only because of endurance and speed.
  3. B ox scores: 4 + 5
  4. I am not too sure where I blamed the fans for the Bombers problems. What I said was if the Bombers don't get their act together and soon the fans will react in the only way they can and not go to games. Miller as GM can not let that continue and will have to do something and changes will be made. That is what I said and if you misread my post that is unfortunate. I believe the chances of a GM becoming unemployed is far greater if he ignores the fans. Football is a business as its success is measured by how willing its customers are to buy its products.
  5. As you said, end of story
  6. We traded Glenn because the fans insisted he be gone. Now we want him back. We are now insisting we trade Willy. Would it not be ironic is we did and like Glenn came back to clean our clock? Why don't we trade for AC?
  7. To be fair Willy started off here with five straight wins and two POW. We did not change our game plan, coaches got wise and Willy started getting hit.
  8. Your plan of action makes a lot of sense but the Bombers sort of promised this was the year they were going to do it. At the very least the team has to show something, anything next week. If they do not i'm afraid the decision will be made by the fans like in all the previous years. And I don't think anyone can blame them. How many other team would still have a real fan base after that many years? The only thing I will say that might be too popular is I don't think Willy is the biggest problem. Maybe going with a tight end two if we have to would help. Willy throws a lot of short stuff so they could release for that also. It's useless to send out five receivers when we can't stop the rush. This might not make sense but so is what we are doing. Just saying.
  9. The loss was terrible but after promising the fans a good team, keeping butts in the seats might be the greater concern. We have been given a terrible front end in the schedule and coming out of it with a decent record could be a challenge right now. I read the prologue of a book we have been given before and it sounded familiar. I don't know or can't speculate about the solution but I do have a pretty good idea how the book ends. I really, really hope that those who command and those who make it happen get it right soon. You owe it to your fans. So, have yourselves a hefty serving of roasted cats. One of the few times you're allowed to kick a cat and have us enjoy it.
  10. I'm not sure if saying he's day to day really means much anymore. It now has a range of maybe tomorrow or 6 game. Further, I don't think it really fools the opposing coaches. They have their own sources. However, not knowing what the injury is does not bother me at all.
  11. Sure we can change and it's unfortunate for Calgary that they got in the way.
  12. We should quit saying that because those jokers don't know we're kidding.
  13. All is well in the land of the cousins
  14. Time for another bomb. Ray has them relaxed now. Well it only took 7 minutes for the riders to say Jones defence stunk.
  15. Play hard and have your buddies back.
  16. Well, the one on the right was on the left And the one in the middle was on the right And the one on the left was in the middle And the guy in the rear was a Methodist Johnny Cash said it best
  17. Didn't Lemon get that spot already? Please Ray, turn that arm into a deadly cannon tonight.
  18. ^^^^^ Well said. I feel this man has bought himself one big heap of hurt. Could there be any truth to the rumour he wants to flip Durant to free safety and replace him with Jordan Reaves ?
  19. From what Lemon posted there does not seem to be any problems in the camp. He might be taking the high road.
  20. I really hope we win a string of games to make this site more liveable because the way things are it's not good for anybody.
  21. When you have 35,000 cousins drinking beer you need a lot of ventilation. is that canvas on top.? That fence they show on one picture sure is not going to help the sight line.
  22. I sure hope Dressler gets better soon. We need him but in good shape.
  23. This thread has really gone south in a hell of a hurray.
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