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Everything posted by LeBird

  1. Does he start next game? Is Brohm shown the door to make room? I'll say this .. if I have to watch Brohm one hop passes again I'll be terribly .. terribly disappointed. To that Mike said:"Out of my cold dead hands". Great move for free. How did Walters do that? HAHA Riders... You lose again.
  2. Its going to be a gong show if we lose both. I'm sure Friessen has a ton of columns set to go and Lawless has some on why (Insert Name) needs to go. Man, would that be embarrassing!
  3. There's a big difference between signing a player who was convicted of smoking pot and signing a senior member of your organization who pleaded guilty of sexual assault. I guess I am one of those who see the difference.
  4. Rearranging the chairs under the instructions of the captain. Why don't they make changes in view of the future?
  5. Now the only thing left to do is to define play. Is it like play with dolls or play house or is it busting your a$$ on every play and at every practice?
  6. I was reading the riders forum and did I read CC got fired for being boneheaded last week? Imagine, getting fired just for that.
  7. Then imagine 90% of the passes designed to go to Denmark & Moore
  8. The Riders have never been riper for a smackdown. So you might want to tweak your projection to 12-6.
  9. I think that's a bit of an over-reaction, generally other than a few positions like MLB, backup QB and overall O-Line strength I believe the Bombers have the personnel in place to compete with any team. Moving Bass to MLB and allowing a rotation of Hurl, Sherman and Newman at OLB would show an immediate improvement in the D imo. While the other two areas are more difficult to fix I think adding an extra import on the O-line would be a rational move to make at this point. We brought in someone to play MLB so why not play him there? We could not play him yesterday because we used four import receivers but between Veltung and Gordon they caught one pass between them. Our Canadians would have done no worst. They killed us with curl ins because the middle was a free spot.
  10. I would go to the doctor, get injected with silicon to grow some, go back to the field, wrestle Brohm out of O'Shea's arm, throw him on a cargo plane to anywhere, come back to the field, point my finger at O'Shea and say:"Stick it".
  11. Sooner or later MB will go down and if it's later he might take O'Shea down with him. Hearing O'Shea on the post game show saying he's not sure who will start next week is scary. If it's Brohm, the field will be all divots, with Marve and the same inflexible game plan, we get Yesterday Part 2.
  12. If I were Walters I would call in the secret police to identify the mole. Somebody is telling the other team what the play will be. My bet is MB.
  13. Have they made Marve a pocket passer?
  14. Would you say that Kuale last year was held accountable for all of his selfish undisciplined penalties? How should I know? I'm not in the locker room. However you've made it clear that you believe the only way to hold a player accountable is to bash them in the media, sit them, or cut them. I disagree. Considering that he continued to make the same mistakes over and over again and kept playing I don't think you can consider him being ''held accountable''. Look at how Bill Belichick runs things. He benched Wes Welker for the first Quarter of a playoff game. That's a coach who demands respect and accountability from his players. The way O'Shea would talk about Kuale I wonder if he was really aware of how poorly he played. That might not make much sense so take it for what it's worth. To be fair, it wasn't just O'Shea. Do you feel he played like that for us?
  15. The reality is.. that's your opinion. I get that you like to think you are in the room, and you have all the answers but.. step back a bit and realize, you really don't know half as much as you pretend you do. This isn't a shot at you, this goes for everybody really.. We aren't in the room, we don't know and honestly, you can quote steve morley all you want, it still means nothing. You are dead on when saying we are not in the room. The problem is we can only make a call on what we get to see during the game. But I have to ask: If Kuale was being taken behind the wood shed during the week why was there not any markable differences from one week to the next?
  16. Would you say that Kuale last year was held accountable for all of his selfish undisciplined penalties? How should I know? I'm not in the locker room. However you've made it clear that you believe the only way to hold a player accountable is to bash them in the media, sit them, or cut them. I disagree. Considering that he continued to make the same mistakes over and over again and kept playing I don't think you can consider him being ''held accountable''. Look at how Bill Belichick runs things. He benched Wes Welker for the first Quarter of a playoff game. That's a coach who demands respect and accountability from his players. The way O'Shea would talk about Kuale I wonder if he was really aware of how poorly he played. That might not make much sense so take it for what it's worth.
  17. This is like a Redux of Waterworld. The original movie had EJ Kuale as the main actor with a poor supporting cast. In the second attempt the producers did manage to find a better supporting cast but with Sam Hurl who's only movie was "Dirty Dancing in Regina" playing the lead role, the movie has not attracted much attention. However, the director is not about to change the script.
  18. Maybe they should bring him here. Hearing footsteps behind you is supposed to be a cure for some strains of Stubbornness.
  19. No way Higgins ends up in Wpg in any role under O'Shea. Why would O'Shea hire his potential replacement?
  20. Manitobans on the per capita basis are the most generous people in Canada when it comes to supporting those who are less fortunate.
  21. I think the bolded is irrelevant. We went to Folklarama and it was packed with people spending on food and beer, We went to Rainbow stage last week and it too was packed. We wanted to eat before the show but the restaurants around there were all full. And, who are all these people who make the MTS Centre the fourth busiest concert venue in Canada? Going to a ball game can be a lot of fun and not because it's cheaper, they just make it fun especially if you bring kids. I think people mistake cheap for indifferrent. It's time we realize time have changed. Where at one time the Bombers was the place to be now they are one of dozen places to go. And at times the games will conflict with some of these things.
  22. Think about it, stand with your feet close together and see how stable you are, then widen your stance and see how it changes. Your feet are your base, if it's too narrow you lose balance and power. I thought that would be what it was but then surely in all the years he has played someone would have taught him to widen his stance. Seems a rather trivial thing to fix yet it leads the list of negatives. Thanks for the reply.
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