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Everything posted by LeBird

  1. I guess if wanting to see the Bombers finally start to win is an agenda, then I have an agenda. It's pretty obvious you have an agenda. You're not quite at the point of making stuff up, but whenever Brohm is brought up, you make excuses for his lackluster play and whenever Willy is brought up, not only do you downplay his abilities, you go as far as padding your valid points with a bunch of nonsense just to try and get extra jabs in at the guy. I literally saw you downplay Willy's numbers in the pouring rain and criticize him for not being productive and then when someone pointed out that he was playing in a torrential downpour, you ignored it entirely. Then the next day, when talking about Brohm's performance in the same game, you let him off the hook because of the weather even though it wasn't even raining when he played. If that's not having an agenda, I don't know what is. On top of that - I keep seeing you mention "exciting" ... is Ricky Ray not exciting? Because that's the mold Drew Willy fits into. Is he Ricky Ray? No, but he's getting there and that's the style of pro QB he is. I feel like you don't like Willy because he doesn't dance around and get you out of your seat. The most exciting thing to me is winning, I don't care how the guy gets there to do it and the truth is, Drew Willy can and will be a winning QB in this league when they give him the best possible chance to succeed (which will basically be when our OC stops making dogshit play calls) I'd like to see Drew Willy succeed. But right now I believe he's over-rated, and probably not as good as you think. And so I disagree with you, partly because I think he has already been given every opportunity to succeed. Like I said, it'll be interesting to watch Winnipeg vs BC and Willy vs Lulay on Thursday. Tedford, an exQB, had them practicing a high-tempo offence right thru training camp. So far this season that is much more fun to watch than anything Bombers have come up with, designed, as I said, around the 3-step drop pocket style passer. One thing that's being forgotten here is Willy has not been getting the protection the other quarterbacks are getting. Look at the first game. He got reasonably good protection or at least time to get the play off and he was as exciting as any. In the other four games the Oline was not good but Willy still managed to get get some decent stats considering. Given reasonable time he can do serious damage.
  2. On one play against Calgary where Willy was sacked the Dline was at Willy at about the time the ball did.
  3. Could it be O'Shea has the same bias about Brohm he did last year about EJ? Where's that guy now? I'll freely admit I am not the smartest guy on this site. So I have to rewatch plays a lot of times to see what was probably apparent to many on the live showing. So after having watched Brohm's every play with the use of the PVR I am not convinced the two interceptions where the player did not catch the ball were all the receivers's fault.
  4. My thoughts exactly. Bellefeuille isn't good at adjusting. Wonder if we could send him to the Adjustment Bureau. They seem to have pretty good success.
  5. But if you hit the peg long enough it will become round however if that peg is a QB he will tend to throw a lot of bouncers as required.
  6. Yep he acknowledged that Marve moves the ball, but Brohm plays within the system. So the coaching staff prefers someone who obeys orders over winning. That has to be the worst answer except "There will be consequences" X8.
  7. Bob sure seem to be looking after O'Shea tonight. Keeps saying they have a lots of call to answer to proceed and put a string of 9 commercials in a row. Excuse me but if there are a lot of calls how can you take them when you have 6 minutes of commercials.
  8. Yep, Brohm has pictures of O'Shea sitting on he toilet. He's threatened to post them on Twitter if he loses his backup job! Seems a few others have taken the same pictures as in EJ and Hurl.
  9. And while we were telling them about that the pickers went and re-op'd the guy.
  10. And we know who could help in making that happen. With a decent defence they could very well be say 4-1. Thanks CC for making it fun to watch Brack and the guys send spinning like tops. Body checks works well in hockey, in football not so much.
  11. Then the question might be: Why is it other teams come up with guys that can light it up from the word go? We got cleaned by a third stringer last night. So they're still around. Just need people who can spot talent. Also, why is the team wasting all that time trying to develop a 30/31 year old recycled NFL reject.
  12. If you've ever been to a practice and seen how attentive the media are it would be hard to call out O'Shea for not telling the truth based on Irving's "observations." Do people really think there's a Marve conspiracy? If they didn't like him he wouldn't be on the team. Yeah the Marve stuff definitely makes me laugh and shake my head but just like MB and his O this place this season after a loss is quite predictable. Every loss so far there's been topics and posts that go on and on about Marve. The son of a ***** in me wants Marve to play and fail because I think some people's heads would explode. As opposed to watching brohm play and fail and have people's head explode?
  13. Can you spell stubborn as in ccoach?
  14. You don't……..and yet there will be 50 or so posts with variations on "Brohm sucks", "fire O'Shea/Bellefeuille/Hall/Walters", "Hurl needs to go", "Marve is our saviour", "you guys are just negatrons", "positrons are deluded", "blow it up and re-build", "we can't blow up again, give it time" (did I miss anything?) in the next 24 hours, all of it in CAPS LOCK YELLING. I'm going to enjoy my Sunday instead. The problems will still be there on Monday, but maybe the emotions will have cooled enough by then. You are absolutely right. However, even by Monday the situation will be the same. This is not like losing by one point.
  15. Yeessssssss. Dunigan is TSN's best colour guyEDIT: Crap, looks like Black is doing play by play. Gonna have to get more beer Black and Dunigan? Weird mix. Why not Miller?It probably is MillerIt's Black and Dunigan. Let's just hope CJOB syncs the audio.
  16. Sounds like this will use up a bunch of court time and in the end only the lawyers will have come on top. Governments are not known for being able to defend their positions that well but saying a stadium was not built for concerts might be a problem too. We like things cheap and it looks like they all obliged.
  17. I don't want to sound like a downer but we have to do something about the MLB.
  18. Man, do I hope they play Suber. If he plays like he did here Hamilton will get lots of free first downs. And, Glenn is due for a genuine Glenn game. At 0-5 there would not be enough manure in the province to fertilize CC's lawn with a pinch on Taman's.
  19. CBC...Consider the source
  20. Just wondering if the riders might have been involved in Smith's bail application. I remember reading something to that effect. That could explain the weird way the deletion from the team was handled. As for Rod he probably goes to sleep with a melon on his head and as the melon dries up it squeezes his head and scrambles his brain. His grey matter is green. Glenn has been lights out for four games now. It's about time he gives us a glimpse of his dark side - The reason he never quite made it as a number 1.
  21. We get lucky and win a game that is gifted and we're cool with it even if we did not even score an offensive TD We get unlucky and lose a game basically in the same way but now we forget we are in a new year with lots of guys new to this team, a new DC and the rfact we took them to the wire. What would have been the difference if we had lost to Montreal and won Saturday night? Moral victory? Still just two points and still 2-2.
  22. How this that happen? I clicked to read the thread and ended up in the Riders site with most looking for blood. The guy was just back for his broken hand and was trying too hard. He's still our best bet returning kicks/punts. He had some bad returns but he also did very well on most. There are other things that did also contribute to the lost.
  23. Durant did a great job of working himself into shape after his elbow injury but at his age will he have the will and courage to fight another year of painful rehab and if he does will he be the same?
  24. Tough to disagree with that one... even Elimimian can't stop Cornish dead once he gets moving... Tough to disagree with that one... even Elimimian can't stop Cornish dead once he gets moving... Agreed, he's something else. If a team can keep Cornish to around 100, they've down well. That being said I think he is on the downhill of a great football career. That hill can't come soon enough.
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