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Everything posted by LeBird

  1. Fixed it
  2. While some of us are wondering if we have enough time left to see another one. It's hard to make suggestions without appearing to be beating up on O'Shea but I wish he would do an impartial review of the MLB situation. Kind of miss the days of Henok getting 10 tackles a game.
  3. The perfect storm. I was unable to see the game because of an anniversary but seeing it this morning really did not upset me. Stoudermire had two brain farts but he's still our best bet. When you think we took them to the last minute we did well. We found out we had a good third receiver and Richards seems strong. The things that cost us the game we probably won't have happen again. Another real positive, we came out healthy I think.
  4. The world and especially sports cannot be viewed so such a black and white version of the world. There is a plethora of grey area to consider IMO. I guess my larger, over arching point is that this is still a sports league, where championships matter. No championships in 24 years, compounded with a really poor regular season record has left me with almost no fuse left for this team. And it sucks because I recognize that this club has improved and we're 2-2. So what's your point?
  5. Losing a game, albeit close but still losing, is exorcising a demon? Hmmmmm, ok. I think you are in the wrong thread bud. Not happy? there's plenty of threads today you can visit. We lost but many of the things that occurred are not our usual thing. With a minute to go we still had a chance so all is good. No reported serious injuries. Time to more on to next week.
  6. Greaves is a starting Canadian offensive lineman. If anything his value goes up during the season with injuries. But he is still more valuable to us. Need oline depthI could be a Canadian offensive lineman but I'd probably suck. Does that mean my trade value just went up? All depends on how much O'Shea likes you. From first round draft to a bag of Lays.
  7. To be fair Adams has been open. Just not getting the ball. I don't understand why. In fact on one play last week he was wide open down the middle of the field. We got a first down anyway, so it did't hurt us too bad, but he was scoring if he got the ball there. I think Willy said after the game too, that he needs to get Adams more involved. That's easy to answer (though you may not like it). Drew Willy (specifically) and CFL QB's in general. That's the way the game is played today. They have their 'favourites' and they also have their 'plays' they are comfortable with. I said it many times last year when I was screaming for Willy to be benched - he has tunnel vision and doesn't see the field well. But there a ton of CFL QBs you can paint with that brush. I remember Brock and Clements both being masters of 'spreading' the ball around. Brock had his fav's too for sure but usually for the deep ball. Anything short to middle he was able to find the open guy. Clements was brilliant at it. Willy is the new generation. They're told the play and are afraid to improvise. You watch him against the Stamps, watch how he um, ahem, 'surveys' the field. He's usually zoned in to one guy (maybe two) that's it. And with his happy feet he's too uncomfortable to scan anything more than that. Oh well.................... Can't really disagree with this too much considering the way the Offence has looked this year. Willy certainly likes Moore and Denmark. Kholert too. Nothing wrong with it, but we need to spread the ball around to be successful long term this season. He used 7 receivers in the first game but things seem to change after.
  8. They should go for the two points. Not only do they have a reasonable chance of making it they also are able to work on different plays that could be helpful when they need a few yards to score a touchdown.
  9. I think Bob Irvin has passed his Good Before date. He was a very good reporter but like most once you retire things that were once important now seem very pedestrian. How times have changed! Maybe it's not time but more the responsibilities of people in it.
  10. New game, new hopes, a new bottle of Glenlivet with a new sore head, and a password on the keyboard I won't remember until the grey matter starts processing fresh blood. Man, you just can't beat the football season!
  11. Good news: The Bombers are loaded up with a whack of MOAB plays and a trigger happy QB looking down the bomb sight Equally good news: Riders are 0-2 trending to 0-3 Bad News for Mtl: They have targets painted on top of their helmets.
  12. You're missing one important piece to that puzzle - they wouldn't let him anywhere near the field even to be a decoy if it was as serious as people thought it was. And how would that fit into O'Shea's statement Brohm was rusty because of lack of reps.
  13. They aren't but most people 'round this city lack a little thing called perspective. FIFY The riders put perspective to our loss. The only difference between them and us is they lost a close one and we got whipped but tomorrow morning we both will be two points short. Well I guess there's another difference. We spent maybe six threads on the game, they spent pages of them. I appreciate there are posters on this site who keeps the good ole' ship on course. It might be a good idea to count up to 10 (hours) before posting after a loss.
  14. Officials never like to be told what they should be doing. It's an insult to their great knowledge of the game and their superior capacity to judge. Hummm, Makes me think of "Scent of a Woman". He too had great knowledge, judgement and was also blind.
  15. There's probably 10 penalties a game as a result of the IC/PI and new Oline kicking rule so once they catch on things might settle down.
  16. Well mules are not the smartest, that's why they're called dumb a$$. Thanks but that doesn't answer my question... Too many years of frustration
  17. Well mules are not the smartest, that's why they're called dumb a$$.
  18. Hamilton was impressive in their first game, we had film and a pre-season on them so how much did that help?
  19. After watching the preview last night we might be in for another bad show on next Friday. I don't know if it was beginners' luck but this Cato sure made Calgary look silly. What has happened to the weak cousins in the East? With Paredes kicking last night Calgary might have been just lucky to have beaten Hamilton. What will the producers bring to the big screen Director MOS?
  20. If MOS is going to use Brohm as Kelly used Bishop Marve as a third stringer should be ready in perhaps 10 years. Kelly plain refused to put in anybody else while Bishop was spraying the field with errant canon balls. Unfortunately Brohm did not used the opportunity he was afforded to claim No.2 spot.
  21. I've been waiting for him to poop his pants and he hasn't done it yet. Meanwhile, I watched Brohm play the whole second half weighed down by pants full of poop. I'm not sure how wishing one of our most promising QB prospects in years poops his pants helps the team, or anyone for that matter, but what happens if Marve goes in and lights it up? Five years from now are you guys still going to be waiting to do the Nelson "Ha ha" when Marve eventually does have a bad outing? Hey I like Marve a lot just because he's an exciting player that seems to be able to make it work no matter how ugly it is and I want him to turn into a star... but the fan club has gotten to the point where it's annoying. I am convinced that Brohm could throw 80% completions and a few tds and people would still be screaming for Marve. Just so over the top I kinda want to see how the fanbois react to a tough outing by their shining star. A loss + Terrible QB play = Frustration + a need for better QB Brohm 80% completion ≠ sniff of reality
  22. The scoreboards are part of the stadium and should not have to bring in revenue any more than the concourse. What gets my goat is for years they bragged about how huge the scoreboards would be. So, when you use only half of it for its intended purpose you have to wonder. While they are showing a play or a replay you could be showing a girl wearing nothing else but a smile on the side panels and no one would notice. So why not use the full screen than after the play fill the screen with all the ads. Not being sexist, that line comes from a song about a billboard.
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