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Everything posted by LeBird

  1. Thanks very much fellows! much appreciated. Now you know how easy it is to rattle some old farts.
  2. Pretty much on par with this year. Considering the outrage of Jets fans blaming the Bombers on the cancellation of the Heritage Classic, and all the negativity surrounding the stadium, that's pretty impressive. ??? I never heard about any of this? The Bombers cancelled the Heritage Classic? Personally I think it's stupid to call something a "classic" before it's even been played, and I also think that paying $300 for the privilege of sitting in a stsdium in -40C to watch a bunch of millionaires skating around at half speed is just stupid. I move all future "Classic" games be played at AT & T Stadium. If you're going to spend $300 you should be able to enjoy a beautiful day and cheap beer.
  3. Didn't they just have 32,000 for the US soccer game? No safety problems there. The Bombers did not do their fans any favours by losing most of their home games last year. Nothing would cure the fans like a few wins at home.
  4. Why does it keep saying pending? Just in case something isn't right my picks are Hamilton, Calgary, BC and the Sask's pickers
  5. Fixed it for ya
  6. Ah! one of those things governed by some sticky rule. Supposed to stop conclusions
  7. Grey Cup preview Baby!!! no. What? doesn't hibernation end sometimes in March?
  8. Brady is coming in on Wednesday to deflate his helmut to get all that hair in it. Sure anxious to see him play. Did anyone hear if we had gotten any injuries on Saturday?
  9. Why did Kuale and Romby play so much last season? I do think Oshea can be stubborn, overly loyal and has his pet projects. I would like to think he had no other choices. It is extremely hard to believe he would let his stubborness get in the way of winning.
  10. He must be thinking Hurl is his best option right now or that Hurl can be trained to become a good MLB.
  11. Not that anything Sask does interests me, but I am curious in how they will use Glenn this year behind Durant. For example, outside of injury, what's the mindset with Durant's play that would tell Chamblin to call Glenn's number? All Durant has to do is fumble. Seems to work for the RB's
  12. I nominate Mike. He only starts drinking aftert the game is over. Might impair his vision.
  13. Three more sleeps and real bullets will fly. Glenn will finish the game. Ever wonder how Irvin would look wearing Blue and Gold? Pretty hard to take Pederson seriously when he's photographed in green
  14. Yeah like pass the suck on to the pickers.
  15. So according to Ritchie we should not expect to be better than 13-5?
  16. Football is a business but if he was told he would get a fair shot I think he should have gotten it. The Bombers management have to maintain a high level of trust and I beleive they so it might have been a matter of miscommunications.
  17. Great fans when things are going well. Let's see how it plays out if the team starts 0-5. You have to take your hat off to a team who is able to go strong after 25 years of misery. No, not too much wrong with Bomber fans.
  18. This is a stupid post, TSN is part of the basic cable package everywhere is it not? This is just people whining about not wanting cable and that sort is entirely screwed up in their thought process. I want to watch TV but I refuse to pay the price to get tv channels so I can watch TV. Netflix won't last as it is forever, content owners are already looking at ways to have their services themselves. Netflix itself has even stated that it's goal long term is to become HBO faster than HBO can become Netflix. They are putting a lot of emphasis on their own original content rather than getting bent over trying to get other content providers to license them content. It's going to be cable packages on the internet rather than TV in the future and that's a damned shame. TSN is not part of the basic package. You have to pay extra to get it.
  19. But then what is there to gain? Don't you think the coaches have known for a while who will be cut ? But then if that's the worst we have to complain about we"re having a bad day.
  20. Not sure I like this new football. It's going to take some time to adjust to having three teams on the field, two throwing balls and a third throwing flags. Seems the PI's are going too far. The receiver goes downfield, over-runs the ball, cames back for it running into the BD and the DB gets flagged. Final scores: Sask 24, Edmonton 31, Flags 67.
  21. Thanks very much guys for the great updates.
  22. Its the way you write your posts that makes me skip over them usually That's preferable to whining about them. For a guy who always says "argue the post, not the poster", you sure do have an interesting habit of always turning everything into a personal matter. Just wish you were a little more honest with yourself, not even with us. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to observe the fact that you love the role you play around here as the forum agitator. Would that be like the guy who removes the nuts from a rocket's innard?
  23. Read on RF (admin) the game will be streamed on TSN.ca
  24. I would be happy with that Hoping that Picard / Wiley can get Greaves playing with a bit more of an edge but outside of that, this is probably our offensive line to start the year. Greaves playing between Bryant and Picard should be a good start. Left guy mean, right guy mean, works for me.
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