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Everything posted by LeBird

  1. When Moore and Watson were hurt Willy's was pretty well down to Denmark as a reciever that could get open. I don't think our recievers really scared anybody last year. And that did not help Willy much.
  2. Thanks for the detailled analysis
  3. I missed that reference. What happened to Stamps? Years back, Hefney hit him in a "personal area" and he had to have an operation to remove "something". http://news.nationalpost.com/sports/cfl/the-sad-story-of-eskimos-slotback-fred-stamps-lost-******** Ouch. Why do you think we are issued a school bag? Surely not to keep the books laying around while playing. I don't mind not knowing other then I start thinking it's serious and he's gone for 9. The mind has no boundry.
  4. Here! when we thought he was sleeping you had to go poke him in the ribs didn't you?
  5. Slow day at the track, all the horses have gone lame.
  6. Thinking it could blast excessive amount of commercials just because it had proclaimed itself to be the Superstation is costing them. For the first time in eons they have lost the #1 spot last month for the AM shows. I guess to many the Q was a better show than Adler. When they synced the audio I would listen to Bob instead of TSN but the syncing has been hit and miss. I wonder if Bob has been asked to stay because of what might happen when he goes. Now that they no longer take a color man with them on road trips it realy isn't the same.
  7. I don't do penis jokes, they're usually so….unfulfilling. But I will relate one: “If I had no penis, how would I pee? How would I make love? How would I think?” ― Jarod Kintz Did you hear about the birth of the miracle baby boy? He was born with a penis and a brain. True, true. But then the rest who are born with just the brain use it to grow the other.
  8. 1- Ben Heenan 2- Ricky Foley 3- Dominique Picard 4- Until he got hurt Durant had near the worst stats. Ole Brendan having just fallen out of bed read his napkin backward. Calgary Winnipeg BC Edmonton Saskatchewan Hamilton Montreal Ottawa Toronto
  9. Our FOOTBALLS used to be bigger, but when they switched over to Wilson from the J5V the ball size was changed to match our American football counterparts. Adding to the confusion is the well known fact that Canadians have bigger balls. Just not footballs anyway. Fixed it
  10. Remember another guy we had that could not catch the ball as in Adarius Bowman. Seems to have found his stride in Edmonton. You can't teach talent but should be abloe to fix technique. Kito might just be another one of those guys. We don't know how many games he played injured and how much that affected his play. Not like we have a busload of good NI recievers.
  11. It's not as if the Bombers knew about this soccer tournament in advance, so how could they have been proactive and planned for it until now? How hard could it be to reschedule a soccer game or a few?
  12. The last time they were there the fans could not get inside the chain link fence so you really could not see when they were at the end of the field. My son and I had planned to go and watch them but not too sure we will if we can not get inside the fence. I'm not sure why they decided that but they had a security guy to keep us out.
  13. There is no recovery from having kids. It's a lifelong affliction, but if you are lucky, they get to have their own kids and then it's payback time. Fixed it
  14. LOL - I know you are an NDP supporter so that's why you are only mentioning Conservatives but no premier can hold a candle in terms of being downright the worst ever than Howard "the Coward" Pawley. His ultra-shitty NDP government in the 1980's - man they were some kind of suck. They are one of the main reasons I just can't stand the NDP, as I truly saw the hideous side of their tax and spend union first ideology in action with that government. They were just the worst. All governments are like diapers, they need to be changed or they start to smell. I wish here in BC we had someone else to vote for, but as bad as our provincial government is, no one wants the NDP back in power. Sure sounds like some visitors we have coming around every summer.
  15. Riders are loving this
  16. Poutine??? Nah! He's more into phone scam.
  17. Congrats from someone who can truly sympathies with you.
  18. What often gets left out of this thought process - maybe they just have better things to do with their time than appease the fans with a pointless press conference. I'd rather they be working, myself. They had a presser at the beginning of November, and people thought it was pointless. Now the same people want the same presser, just a month later? W#ell,you'd think they'd have progressed from then, don't you think? Tell you what, fans can vote with their wallets & not go to games anymore. That'll end the talk of fan entitlement. So then do that. But let me guarantee you one thing - the fan that isn't going to go to a game anymore because they don't like the assistant coach is a unicorn. Just like the unicorns that don't go to movies featuring Tom Cruise because they don't like him. It might be time for some to realize this is a free world and if one does not go to a game because or whatever that's his/her choice and I fail to see the right you might have to call them on it.
  19. Why This Is Dumb: A Play In One ActWBB: "Goodbye, Marcel Bellefeuille. We appreciate the grace with which you sailed through the Great Tim Burke Shitstorm of 2013, but we want to move in a different direction." WBB: "Hey fans, you spoke and we listened! Bellefueille is history!" Fans: "**** YEAH BELLEFEUILLE SUCKED! GREY CUP IS OURS SACK ETCH NEXT" WBB: "Hello, George Cortez. Come be our new OC!" CORTEZ: "That's great! But I think I want to see what's going on in BC. They've got a head coaching vacancy and I'm eager to prove I'm better than my 2012 season would indicate." WBB: "Okay, buddy, we'll sit tight, just don't do anything without calling us. Love you bro." Fans: "WHY HAVENT WE HIRED A NEW OC YET GET OFF YOUR ASS WALTERS YOU LAZY SLOB" WBB: "Hey, Khari Jones, come back to Winnipeg! You could return to glory as our OC and you can work with Drew Willy again!" KJ: "Oh man, I would love to come to the Bombers but Saskatchewan promised me they'd give six free Booster Juice trucks if I coached there." FANS: "WE WANT A PRESS CONFERENCE" CORTEZ: "Oh hey Blue Bombers, sorry to let you down but Montreal just fired Dinwiddie. You know how good the deli is in Montreal? That smoked meat they got? It looks like pastrami, it smells like pastrami, but brother it ain't pastrami! Anyway, I'm going there. Thanks for your interest." WBB: oh **** Fans: "BRING BACK TAMAN HE COULD AT LEAST MAKE DECISIONS." WBB: "Hey Marcel Bellefueille, would you consider uh being our OC again this year? No hard feelings bro?" MB: **** off WBB crosses off the final name from their candidate list, sighs heavily, and dials a familiar number. WBB: "Hello, Gary Crowton? Are you interested in returning to the CFL?" Don't give up your day job. You get what you pay for. On an average you pay ****, you get **** and we have gotten our pile of it in the last while. Don't tell me any one OC or DC would not come here if the cash was there. By the way, where is Crowton? Dallas? Greenbay? Good coaches have not come here because it was a graveyard it's because it was a nickel & dime store.
  20. Until it's time for the fans to renew their tickets there is nothing that says they are in any need of knowing what is happening with the team. So let their interest go into hibernation and hope it wakes up at some point unless something else has by then become their more important ways of spending their money. I'm fine with not feeling entitled to any of the news. If not getting off season Bomber news is the worst thing in my life I'm good.
  21. This has got to be the stupidest thread yet!
  22. Come over baby whole lot of guessin' goin' on Yes, I said come over baby baby you can't go wrong We ain't fakin' Whole lot of guessin' goin' on
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