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Everything posted by LeBird

  1. http://www.cfl.ca/article/bold-new-cfl-signature-uniforms-coming-soon It took 18 months to do this? A two year old could have done that in say 10 minutes. Hmmmmm, looks like some are trying to escape the blame or might it have been:"We looked at your design but felt ours was better so stuff it". Why are we stuck with Reebok?
  2. You can really only fully see his "MO" in the last three years as this is truly the only time he has been running the show. He has been quite adept at compiling mid to late round draft picks and these have been decent players. Taman does like to pay for veteran talent but it is hard to argue with his recent level of success. Let's not forget Taman went into Regina when the team was in a very sound position. He is still living off that position. However, He will have 11 players who are going to be 30 years old or even reaching 35 at year end. How he replaces these players will demonstrate his capacity.
  3. Taman's M.O. In full effect. Steal from Peter to pay Paul. And when it's he wants to pay Paul, it's napkin time.
  4. The league used the fact the millitary is highly regarded and tried to cash in. Reebook thought they'd be cute and I'm not so sure they succeeded. Personally I think they missed an opportunity to to design a uni that could have been appealing to all age groups and would have sold well. They failed to realize that most of the jerseys worn by kids came from dad/mom's wallet. Those parents who like it will buy it. I'm ok with that.
  5. Including Taman's
  6. Gribsby is still No 1 in the league. O'Shea says the problems are breakdowns in which any one player causes the whole play to fail. He did not seem too concerned of that remaining the same. So we've lost two games. Watching the games over again and looking only at the running plays, I can't see how any other running backs could have done much better. As soon as he got the ball he was looking at one solid wall of players. He runs to the line where he thinks the hole that was supposed to be opened only to find nothing there. It seems we are replaying the first two games and the other guys are no longer buying it. We have to develop a system where we make them pay big time when they empty the defensive backfield. Gribsby play package has changed very little since the start of the year. I can't talk to Cotton's ability other than to say he might not have done better in the last two games. I believe S'Shea when he says it will take time to get the guys in sync.
  7. Maybe we will get a few guys to shore up the lines and if we can customize our game plans to what is given us we could spread some hurt. Sticking to the same plan for the whole game does not make us very scary. Even if we miss the playoffs we will go into next year with others finally taking us seriously. When I look back at what I was expecting I'm very happy with where we are. There's nothing to say we can't lay a few licks yet and sneak in.
  8. Looks like Toronto are running out of gas.
  9. Cheering for Toronto is like cheering for your ex-wife in a divorce court.
  10. Yikes! that baby blue uniform is hard to look at. It looks like it would be just great on a girl's team. Perhaps that is why women like these unis more. Watching this game makes we wonder if we could not have taken Toronto the way they are playing right now.
  11. Never happened here so no worry
  12. Burris was 18-28 which is surprising considering the plays of the receivers. With some support he could have been 25-28 and looking at having defeated the cocky Jones. Man, some guys fall into a cesspool and come out smelling a rose.
  13. I would like to see what he would do behind Sask's Oline. I can't see why so much is mentioned about the last game. The Riders had a mission to take the running game away and with our depleted oline they did. How do you think Messam would have done in his place considering he's much heavier? It's not the job a a 190 lbs running back to run through a wall of 250 lbs Dline pushing back an Oline. It seems before he even got the ball they were set for him. Why don't we just see what happens with a better line. Cotton didn't do much either so do we jump on him too? I think it's unfair to blame him because he can't run through people. Let's get a decent line then see if he's just an open country runner. we might not see another game like that one. I'm pretty neutral on Gribsby but I feel he's wearing the horns for 5 other guys too. My 2 cents worth and you know how much that's worth in the stores.
  14. Did the Colts hire Joe Mack. Must have missed that.
  15. Winnipeg - We could use the short week could hurt us excuse but we'll leave that to the Riders. Edmonton Calgary Sask - Com'on Garcia, you have a week to get Smith firing torpedoes but for just one week. BC
  16. It's all about getting a combination that will win them games. Titles don't do it. I'm glad for Dinwiddie.
  17. Gribsby did not have a good game no doubt but I would wait and see what he does on Tuesday and see what happens there. It seems to me every time he got the ball he was looking at a brick wall. How many times did it happen by the time he got the ball their Dline had broken through our line? I think (making this a personal observation) we need to fix our Oline before asking our guys to run through people. Replaying the game and pausing at the times he got the ball I can see why he would dance around wondering "where the heck do I go". If we don't take care of that problem we will continue to have Edmonton/Regina type games on a regular basis.
  18. Tough crowd. Despite all of our shortcomings we were in this game most of the night. I was hoping very much we would pull it off but then I remember last year and see how far we have come. Lets not forget we were playing the Grey Cup champions so having a very young team with all of its injuries hold them to no offensive touchdowns and just over 100 yards passing has to be encouraging. A loss to any other team would be so much easier to take. I am sure the club learnt a lot from this game so let's just go and take it to Toronto.
  19. Turnovers, Messam
  20. Those that can do, those that can't talk
  21. Yikes! That was a pretty good joke. If those are for real there will be a lot of them left at the end of the year for cheap. Very good gift for guys you hate.
  22. It was Frank, his cock-eyed brother. The old switcharoo trick again.
  23. except their sister-wives, their banjos, their out-houses and their moon-shine stills. We have to leave them their bare necessities. Other than the stills the rest is just on a rental basis sort of.
  24. The guy came here in peace.
  25. When comparing this team with last year's and saying we are so much better it is also likely we were better than an 3-15 team then? The team improved a lot with the additions but those here were not motivated by a coach who seemed to be in outer space except for when he was throwing someone under the bus. My reason for saying his is when you look back at the predictions before the season many felt 7 or 8 wins were quite possible. To be fair no one would have thought that after 6 games Willy would be nipping at Ray's heel for first place in the QB ratings.
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