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Everything posted by Onyenegecha

  1. Markett has got speed to burn. I'm not sure if he's ready to be a full-time starter just yet, but wow does he have wheels. Ian Wild got big-time credit for being a monster player on twitter by the guy who used to run that spot - Marcellus Bowman. That is high praise.
  2. I've always liked Sears, but he's not effective unless he's throwing his body around with reckless abandon. And when he does that, he gets 9 gamed. On the positive side, Desia Dunn has made me forget about our troubles last year at SAM. Would like to see a healthy Sears battle Brandon Stewart for his spot though, Stewart has not looked good this year (outside of yesterday, of course).
  3. They held the 8-1 Saskatchewan Roughriders to 127 yards passing, 154 yards rushing and zero touchdowns. They sacked Durant 8 times. Dressler, Getzlaf, Bagg and Simon all had ONE catch each. There isn't a single member of that defence that deserves to be called a bum. Not one.
  4. Anyone who signs after the season has started, be it CFL or NFL, is on their "fall-back" plan. I'm pretty sure no one's Plan A includes being unemployed in September.
  5. Ugh .. really wish we had Garrett still on the roster now. Conspiracy theory time: I wonder if Chad's been hurt for longer than this and has just hidden it from the coaches and trainers knowing Chris Garrett was waiting in the wings. As soon as Garrett was no longer an option, he could disclose the injury. After all, we know what happened the last time Garrett went in for an injured back. This is based on absolutely nothing.
  6. which is STILL better than what we have right now. The guys we got now put up terrible stats against crappy defenses too. If your argument to bring him in is that he's better than three Goltz starts, and one Hall start, I don't have an argument to that. I don't agree, but that's definitely a defensible point of view to have. I just think that that we've seen enough of Elliott to conclude that he isn't good. And I think the guys we bring in should at least be 'potentially good', not 'at best, arguably better than what's already here'.
  7. worth pointing out ... he's never done it when we're losing He's also never integrated someone else's touchdown celebration. Again, while we're losing. We weren't losing at the time time he did it. My mistake. The touchdown he scored where he did the Sheet and Tie put the Bombers up 10. In the second quarter. On the road. Against a team that's 7-1. In a game we haven't won since 2004. During our 7 game losing streak. In a season we're 1-7. I'm just saying. Point is Goltz doesn't do celebrations when we are losing and we weren't losing when he did that. Point taken. I don't have a problem with celebrations at all. I LOVED the Lethal Weapon IV's choreographed dances. My point is that if you're 1-7, and you have a celebration that you always do, and you integrate the other teams star player's celebration into yours, and then you go on to lose that game, you can't then complain about the media blowing something like that out of proportion. Celebrations will draw attention to you. How the game unfolds determines whether that attention will be positive or negative. You wanna celebrate? Better be ready to take the bad with the good. For the record, I LOVE the Shirt & Tie. It's original, not over the top, and suits his whole "Hollywood" thing he has going on. All I'm saying is, if you're gonna put that out there, you need to have the confidence to own it during the rough times.
  8. Elliott had more wins and more pow then anyone we have now. He also could throw more then 300 yards ints and not. Elliott had one more win last year than Goltz and the same number as Buck. Not sure why you guys love him so much. Especially when actual facts are introduced. Because last year Elliott had 5 games with 240 or more yards passing... and 2 player of the week awards...... This year Goltz has yet to throw for over 200 yards!!! Funny that the arbitrary number you chose was 240. Let's break it down then: Those 5 games: HAM: 33-43, 406 yds, 1 TD, 0 int BC: 20-42, 256 yds, 0 TD, 1 int SSK: 19-33, 241 yds, 0 TD, 0 int MTL: 17-25, 335 yds, 3 TD, 0 int CGY: 22-33, 284 yds, 0 TD, 4 int If those other three non-POW games are your idea of a good game, I don't know what to tell you. So he's a guy who can rack up great stats against laughably terrible defences. He also had 134 rushing yards and 1 rushing TD all year. And in his 10 appearances in 2012, he threw for zero touchdowns 7 times. His TD-INT ratio was 5-12. That's MARGINALLY better than Pierce has been in 2013 (he's at 2:6 right now). He was 0-7 against teams not named Hamilton and Montreal. I try to be neutral when I look at stats and draw my conclusions based on the numbers I see. I never hated Elliott, I never really liked him. I've always been sort of meh. But wow, outside of his two great games, his stats are just awful. And two great games is only one more than Troy Kopp and Ryan Dinwiddie had.
  9. worth pointing out ... he's never done it when we're losing He's also never integrated someone else's touchdown celebration. Again, while we're losing. We weren't losing at the time time he did it. My mistake. The touchdown he scored where he did the Sheet and Tie put the Bombers up 10. In the second quarter. On the road. Against a team that's 7-1. In a game we haven't won since 2004. During our 7 game losing streak. In a season we're 1-7. I'm just saying.
  10. http://www.bluebombers.com/roster/show/id/3653 If "He's not Buck Pierce" is the best reason you can give to signing a guy, that's pretty weak.
  11. I looked back at 2012. Elliott won 2 games for us. 2 games. One over Hamilton and one over Montreal. Buck won 2 games (Hamilton/Toronto), Goltz won the last home game against Montreal and Brink won that fluky game over Edmonton. I honestly think the legend of Elliott as this "game winner" for us has been largely over-blown. And in terms of excitement, that excitement he provided in the LDC and the away game against Calgary last year had me bent over a toilet puking, and it wasn't because of how drunk I was (though that helped). I don't care what anyone says, a shitty defensive stand in the final 30 seconds vs. BC and an awful coaching decision vs. Saskatchewan cost Joey Elliott two wins. He did enough to win those football games. Did he win? No, but he had the lead with less than a minute to go in both of those games and even that is a lot more than anyone on our roster can say currently. The BC game also preceded the awful 52-0 drubbing where he went 9/19 for 61 yards and then the week after the Banjo Bowl he went 6/14 for 55 yards. I think if you bring up two games that happened in a 4 week span, it's only fair you bring up what happened the other two games.
  12. "The Bombers made a huge mistake cutting him. If Wally Buono sees enough in him to sign him, you know we screwed up. Watch him come back to burn us." - Elliott fans, three months ago
  13. worth pointing out ... he's never done it when we're losing He's also never integrated someone else's touchdown celebration. Again, while we're losing. I don't see why imitating someone else's TD celebration is seen as mocking, when really, let's be honest, a choreographed celebration itself is mocking to begin with. If we are going to lose, I would rather at least be entertained. If we lose the next game 50-7, will we all be at least secretly satisfied that our players handed the ball somberly to the line judge rather than straightening a fake tie? The media in this town sucks balls. Headline/article: "Fuming Goltz Rips Media" Video Evidence: Mildly annoyed Goltz respectfully voices displeasure. I don't doubt that the media is blowing it out of proportion. But just because the first celebration is "mocking to begin with" doesn't mean that the response isn't mocking. In fact, I would argue that makes it moreso, because now you're taking their original "taunt" and throwing it back in their face. Not that I mind either (I find celebrations entertaining), just know that if you're going to give yourself a trademark celebration, be ready to have to answer for it. Goltz has to learn how to act as a quarterback of a professional football organization, especially one that's in a fishbowl like this one. Occidental didn't prepare him for this. He's young, so hopefully he'll learn, but I have a feeling he wouldn't be complaining about the media if we won that game and the headlines read "Goltz does best Timberlake impression; Bombers Dance all over Riders" and tuxedo shirts with "GOLTZ 18" on the back of them started popping up around IGF.
  14. worth pointing out ... he's never done it when we're losing He's also never integrated someone else's touchdown celebration. Again, while we're losing.
  15. What I want to see them do is their due diligence, and then hire the best qualified applicant - period. I don't care if he was already here (Walters/Taman), or has decades+ years of GM experience (Higgins), or has no CFL GM experience at all (O'Day/McEvoy). Find the guy who shares the vision and mission statement, and most importantly, the 'execution philosophy' that the rest of the franchise has. While the above may be true, this franchise also has a history of overreacting the other way as well, making extreme sweeping changes just because the fans wanted blood. That's how we end up cutting Glenn for nothing and still not having any real succession plan. The need to hire "the opposite of what we had" was what prompted them to hire Jeff Reinbold after they fired Cal Murphy. Get the best guy, not the Anti-Mack.
  16. To be fair, drafting guys who go to the NFL is a bit of a crapshoot. If Oakland didn't have such a horrible D line, and if Dezman Moses had a better camp, we'd be giddy over the prospects of a Bilukidi/Mulumba/Hall/Peach/Turner rotation. At least Mack had the bullets in the chamber to fire, even if some were off target.
  17. I have a park-and-ride right by my place and there's no way I could get from my front door to my seat at the stadium faster if I took my car. If you luck out and get a school bus with an audio system over a transit bus, they even play the CJOB pre-game show, so there is absolutely zero reason, imho, to use anything but the park-and-ride.
  18. He was a very, very good QB who developed amazing chemistry with what I thought was the best group of receivers any team has seen in 15 years in Lethal Weapon 4.
  20. I stand corrected. Palardy's leg strength is not an issue at all, based on one 48 yard field goal and the fact that no other CFL kicker has happened to hit a 50+ yarder this season. He also hit a 51 yarder in 2010, so we should definitely stand pat.
  21. If we're on the opponents 38, and it's 3rd and 2, and attempting a field goal MIGHT be the THIRD best option, it's time to replace the kicker, regardless of how bad every other part of our team is.
  22. Demond Washington, who plays where Hefney did, and Desia Dunn, who plays where Hefney should have played, have been two of the most solid players on D. I loved 09-11 Hefney, but when he messed up the plans to play him at SAM after cutting Kent that was when my opinion of him changed.
  23. Or, looking at it the other way, saving two years (2013 and 2014) waiting for development that wasn't going to come.
  24. According to credible guys like Dave Naylor there were more than 2 teams interested in Reilly. I wasn't aware of that, and that certainly changes the dynamic. Having said that, which other team would pay Reilly starters money? Definitely not Toronto, Calgary, or Saskatchewan. This leaves Montreal and Hamilton, and the more I think about it, the more I can be talked into either team dropping that kind of coin. Especially Hamilton. They love winning the Grey Cup in February.
  25. Just to play Devil's Advocate, a bidding war requires two teams who want your services.If I'm Ed Hervey, and we acquire Reilly, the first thing I relay to his team is their offer, while letting him know that if he goes to free agency and Winnipeg doesn't beat this price, this contract offer is no longer on the table, while also simultaneously bringing up the fact that Winnipeg has three quarterbacks on their roster with more experience than him and who all make near six-figures. This has been rumored to have been done to us before (Carr), and we have set a precedent of walking away from bidding wars. Poof, there goes Reilly's leverage. I'm not saying this happened, all I'm saying is that if I'm Edmonton I would look strongly at this option, and if I were Reilly's management team I'd be very worried about pinning our hopes of a bidding war on a franchise that has a proven recent track record of avoiding any and all bidding wars. As someone said earlier, a bird in hand. This situation would be a theoretical that would explain why Reilly signed in Edmonton prior to free agency while also being a situation where Edmonton wasn't his predetermined first and only choice.
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