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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Ye who feels someone does no wrong and hence tugs lol
  2. oh watch what you say...tuggers gnna attack
  3. right now we have zero proven depth on our Oline....none...and we dont even know who is at right guard....we weaker than last yr and how is that even possible? One of Eli and Wallace will grab a spot.....and or be the extra oline guy...and thats factoring Kolo at center...which is still a weak spot...3 yrs running now...If Eli is allowed to compete for Center and take it over Kolo isnt even a good candidate for the 6th giy as he is only serviceable at center....and thats being generous.....if someone was to go down we would have to shuffle other guys on the oline to make it work....and I have a shiiity feeling we gonna have to waste a DA on an import olineman this yr unless we go with a straight outta University guy Again hamstringing our roster with a useless DA like we did with Mr Marine...... Dline much the same...we have 2 ends who we know can play....thats it....2 promising interior guys who we know are gonna be getting reps taken away by drip and drop Canadians.....sure we have Lawson back which helps, but anyone with half a brain and knows the man love Osh has for Thomas that he gonna get more than too many reps in lieu of him...Our dline as much as many claim that Haba and Garbutt and Fox were no loss...is a lot weaker Not sure what the plan is, but to me looks like there wasnt much of one and we didnt pursue anyone to shore up our lines.....or.....we lost out on players not named Ceresna because they flat out didnt wanna come here....or.....Osh indicated to Walters that " we good"...I leaning more to the "we good" side until proven otherwise after camp and maybe he makes the tough cuts
  4. if we get to the grey cup...pretty certain it will not be because we had ZC.... Agree on Ford....good corner....not 230k good when you can get an American to play the same spot as good....or better for 75 to 125k....
  5. no...never said he needs to be fired right now.....but another dissapointing loss...of avoidable reasons.....why not?.......regardless tho we would be just fine if we move on too...success wont start and end with him....and coaches get stale and the message stops working....and yes...they have expiry dates.....seen it first hand with good coaches....no knock on anyone just way it is....you can see it in some the players...and also some the sound bites....and also in some of the off the record convo's Our years of futility and embarrassment fell more on the management and how things were ran and ...not ran...we are in a good place...template is etched in stone...only an absolute moron in the management role...and then extended into who they would bring in to coach would derail things.... Players will always speak glowingly in the media....and should play hard for the team...regardless of who is running the ship....anything less and they should be gone....Culture too is curated by the players....Osh himself even says he rarely goes in the room and lets them dictate the narrative....He and Walters and Miller for sure curated it...that being said...it isn't rocket science or a new concept this "good culture "and "environment" and treating players as family and pro's....That want invented here....it was brought to the fore front tho and sorely needed....and for what it is worth that was Miller's and Walter's intention before anyone was hired, and Osh shared their same vison and also I am sure brought some extra Osh stuff with him that made it what it is his mistakes have cost us dearly...3 straight championships, and in all honesty....a lot of his success is attributed to the x's and o's his staff put together...any good coache's success is...as for most part a HC should be hands off and let his assistants do what they were hired for...and step in and over ride things if he see's things going off the rails and or a less than optimal plan....and thats where he has a serious fault as it seems he has no desire to do that...is it he can't even see it himself....has no clear answer to adjust?....who knows...but it is pretty apparent...I bring up his positives, but also will bring up his negatives...a couple of which are almost fatal
  6. we could do a hell of a lot worse than Jones/Jones/Ayers/Wilson as a group of 4...an athletic and active group...not overly concerned there really tho a legit thumper in the middle would have been ideal....but a nice group to go into camp with in addition to new prospects
  7. yeah...kinda agree...for a GM who said had money to spend...I just dont see where we went and did something exponentially better than what we had ...I like Mitchell if he meets that potential....and Jones was very very solid...and Logan I think may be our most impactful pick up....other than than....a lot of ...meh...whatev's signings and some that need a question mark answered to be considered a solid pick up....Gonna put a lot of hope in that our new scouting dept brings in some gems...we have access now to a different pipeline and connection base, so hopefully it reaps rewards other than Returner/Offensive change of pace guy and Jones....I having a hard time really seeing where we really upgraded anywhere significantly....and actually as it currently stands are weaker in a few areas.....
  8. Him and Wilson can share an Uber back up...neither will stick
  9. he is a good coach but all good coaches run their course....name one in the CFL that has coached forever?....and ever....and quit when he felt it was time?.....I'll wait for the answer......also....great coaches don't make the same errors yr...after yr...after yr....and then can't admit they ****** up...there is also that......and Just as Strev said....sometimes you need new juice...new ideas....new people....goes for coaches too ya know....if and when he is gone...we will be just fine if the management above is still as is.....aka...competent...I know you think Osh can do no wrong and he is the sole reason of any success...its your choice and and can see your reasoning....I dont share that same feeling......Ican be a ****** and say you talking out your ass, but find it un called for....obviously you feel otherwise.....its ok.....I have skin....
  10. Think about it...the Last 2 Grey Cups have been won with the highly favoured team losing to a Faj...and a Fatty Arbuckle....they highlyfavoured team also lost to a Looney toony MBT and sex predator Kelly......over the highest paid QB in the league...why...each winning team tailored game plans to suit thier QB and put them in best position to win and proper "healthy" tools to use....while the favoured team did same ol same ol...tried pounding a square peg in a round hole when it was obvious it wasnt working...and neither put their players in best position to win or supply adequate healthy tools to make a plan work...A healthy Strev...heart...guts and tangible and intangible traits...with a solid cast...and good coaching...will win way more games than he loses you You can take that to the bank.....
  11. Brink and Goltz had minimal skill sets....and brain matter between the ears....never were gonna anount to a legit starter I'm all for Strev asking for Osh to be traded away from here....10 yrs has sufficed
  12. But still have the sense to know the Riders suck it...and Argo's blow
  13. yup....he's a key leader here...and hopefully his comments are foreshadowing that it will be different now....finally....Let him grow and next yr a 1/2 combo of him and Wilson athe top of the QB room would be a good set-up...and affordable...I could care less who is number 3 at that point....take a flier on some insane athlete for that role well...your basing your opinion on the lunacy we used in regards to him....let him be a QB....and yeah...Crum got to play QB too....not fullback
  14. I wanted Logan last yr in FA KEY....
  15. to upgrade...sometime us gotta pay...A CDN core of McEwan..Neuf...Eli...Wallace looks good to me...Cut outright or cut and PR Kolo after TC after it over if no injuries and his 100k plus is off the books...do we even know what he's sucking outta the SMS??
  16. IT was apparent as hell....and for short yardae duty....injury to core like that....good luck...Supreme respect for him being the warrior and not complaining Again tho....this is just another incident of Osh running out injured guys in lieu of healthy...even tho they all number 1's...who's to say we park him on the 6 game a bit....heal him up an he misses that BB game where injured...and IS available at 100 percent in the play-offs........I hope Osh has smartened up with injured guys and rosters capable back-ups through out line up I just dont get th mindset of being content anf happy with...adequate...or hope we can get by with maybe 6 to 8 reps without much drop off....why not damn...I wish we had more reps to give said backup cause he killing it...thats the world I come from and dont get this compacency and attitude of settling...just cause
  17. thought we were moving on and going with the young kid who went back to University last yr And what a domino hahaha
  18. yes was a comment saying "running it back over and over with no change/tweaks" is essentially recipe for failure...without actually saying it....but 100 percent correct yeah was apparent he was not right after that game....and basically team inflicted injury....and we kept just doing it to him And makes sense that his short yardage plunges were not as succesful...and even how he went about it was not Strevesque...injury to the core...in that role....you have pretty limited ability to do it...let alone power
  19. yup....and if Schoen is back to Schoen....they can be even just productive and above average and not having to be a true number 1....lotta if's....but we shall see eh?
  20. I just keep looking at it from the perspective that we’ve got fresh energy. We’ve got new guys coming in, guys bringing new ideas, fresh energy, fresh juice… sometimes that stuff’s needed, man. You go to five straight Cups, you lose three… that’s hard and you need some fresh juice in there to bring a fresh perspective because it can’t just be the same thing over and over again.” Somebody gets it and see's things thru the right perspective lens....hopefully parts of our coaching staff does too
  21. Other than Mitchell who has huge upside...the other pieces really are huge question marks in a way...Is White what he was?...didnt look like it last yr....hopefully anoyher seson between injury will get him back...Sterns....couldm't crack Sask roster...that aint sayng much for him...questionable hands and guys of his skill set....easy to find.....I'd have preferred we looked at the lines a bit...and spent money there....maybe we will still but majority of anything that would have upgraded what we currently have/had has agreed elsewhere I have high hopes for Person..Adams and Woods tho....now hopefully thy get lions share of reps
  22. was pretty obvious....even in practice/skelly....he got no reps running anything resembling an offence....so when he got in he always had to work out rut...timing and processing things basically from scratch and no practice...of course he would start out slow....Look at ZC the first 2..3 weeks with no reps in TC...looked like hot garbage Lapo started the deconstruction of him...Buck almost ruined him and got him basically murdered....looking forward to him being an actual QB....Will be huge for us I bet down the stretch you'de be surprised the other interesting comments you could get from others....
  23. I.bet even better...definitely will be in.second level where Dobson had no clue after his initial assignment Yup...we seriously need to adress center
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