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Everything posted by Booch

  1. but a team with 3 Darvin Adams' would be very successful in a receiving corp..hard to gauge value and production when you don't know what the scheme or calls are...he is a nice #1 but not a true game altering receiver, but pair him with one, and I bet you see his numbers really balloon...as he was a guy who was second in receipting touchdowns with 10...on a team that had a weak deep game, and sub par passing scheme...and also I believe led the league this year in 30+ yard plays believe it or not..so he isn't chopped liver by any means...just needs a stud running mate to open things up for him and Woli
  2. I suggest in order of consistent shut down ability and all around play.... Juron Bolden , Rod Hill, Roy Bennett, Les Browne
  3. No one says..well I don't say to throw him out, but allow TC to be the chance for Strveeler...Or Matt to prove they are NOT the best option as a starter, and keep the other as the back-up...and if Plan A fails...You have plan B To pull and idiotic move like Mike Kelley did, for sure I would hope have Miller can both Walters and oshea...
  4. Agreed...we need one true legit number one to allow Darvin to just be Darvin. What I love about Adams is his effort in the blocking game when he is not the prime target..and his willingness to drop his shoulder and bust out extra yards on pure will. Some of his blocks the last few years have been key to the success of the play...as well as devastating! Be it a Mitchell..Mathews..whomever it would go a long way in making this offence very tough to defend. I agree on Woli inside...do that and you will see a 100 reception 1200-1300 yards a year guy consistently. Simonese as well is a stud in the making...and just needs his chance and he will run with it..huge..HUGE upside and can be a total mismatch nightmare out on the boundary..I went to a lot of TC and practices this year and watched him a lot..he is the total package for a wide-out and if you didn't know it...you would think he was an Import brought in who just needs a bit of marinating.. Nichols now...he is somewhat hampered with what is called...but also hampers a lot of what can be called, and also by personnel...he is the classic QB who will get it done well with a great supporting cast...nothing spectacular but consistent and safe..but he is not a game breaker or a guy who can make things happen solely on his own, or make players better around him with his ability to do things that are super athletic, Streveler now is a different horse..he has the ability to make things happen and the mentality to push the limits...sometimes it will back fire...but generally it works...Ala Mike Reilly...he needs reps tho, and to see things develop/unfold in front of him in game time...not just on film..and with his smarts and study work...he will develop quickly...and herin lies the rub...if he shows he has taken another step in camp...do you say Fack it and roll with him for the first few games and see what he does with it, and have Nichols in the bull-pen?..you are paying the same SMS hit on your QB's next year regardless where they sit on the depth chart so what does it really matter? If Streveler falters a bit, you have Nichols coming back in as the starter with a huge chip on his shoulder and a fire in his belly to prove people wrong...To me it's win win..a season is never lost in the first 3 games of the year anyway I recall when they first trotted Streveler out after Mini Camp practice to throw to some Bisons to see how he handled all the CFL type throws, and some accuracy tosses into the net before media or anyone was aware of who he was and why he was here to say the least was very impressed, and wondered where the heck the Bison's got this guy from..was tossing rail shots 45-50 yards with ease and nice crisp out passes from far hash marks...so his arm is no question mark whatsoever and with the right receivers downfield deep to make plays...with his running threat ..guys are gonna come free for him with coverage dropping off for fear of a run. That all being said...I still think Bennett is the best overall package we have at QB..runs just as good as Streveler (not as punishing) and has the best arm in camp I think
  5. Labatte would have never had much of a shot in NFL and doubt he ever had any serious interest shown in him..and the last few years has been just average if you ask me..and highly overrated. How he got an all-star nod is beyond me this year.. He just living off his name and past accolades, and even those I think were a bit undeserved..If he fell on our roster this year, he would not have upgraded our line anywhere with the starters we had, and I would have kept Couture over him as the 6th guy for what we asked Couture to do a lot of the time...Labatte is too slow and un-agile now to do what would have been asked..
  6. saw that coming...figured it was more a tire kick thing than anything...I don't see him leaving here unless fired, or the perfect situation arises...
  7. It's market and TV revenue driven world now...and with little to no TV success/exposure your never going to succeed...once the initial curiosity/honeymoon period ends. History has shown this multiple times and that was when the general public had more disposable income to invest, and the streaming/internet/social media etc..etc..was non-existent so there was a limited amount of things to spend money on and have consume your interests..so to expect either to succeed is a far cry From my experience living down there...if it's not NFL (even though at moment a lot of people disenchanted with it) or NCAA Div. 1 it just doesn't matter to most people, and that mindset hasn't changed, and even with the idea of using regional NCAA players for their respective teams as a lure/draw for the fanbase as one of their platforms...It won't matter, and in the long run won't be able to sustain itself financially with little to next to no corporate sponsorship/advertisement money flowing in to off-set poor gate revenue. Doesn't really matter what money source(s) are backing the league in the initial stages...eventually losses will be cut, and the thought of the NFL buying it as their feeder league is just as far fetched as they are not in the business of losing money in that type of venture, As NFL Europe proved (which the AAFL hopes to become) once it was realized it was a money loss...it was dumped..and the NFL is much happier to see guys develop in Canada and then poach from there. My take is the NFL and the CFL would be much better served to form an agreement where each team can have up to 2-3 players who are PR players deep down NFL rosters with minimal chance to get on the field able to be in a PR Draft and come to Canada to develop...actually play and not sit on PR's here. You have the NFL teams declare the players eligible and they hold a draft based on current standings in the league, and the NFL team continues to pay them and doesn't count against your cap...
  8. apparently showed up as an add on recent transactions...guy has speed tho
  9. he left me wanting anything..never mind more hahaha...he sure cashed in on his one snow game performance pretty well for the last 2 years tho
  10. Yeah find that kind of interesting..Either Spooner really regressed, or didn't progress, or he is signing in the new year...none the less though...if Speller is better then makes sense to keep the best regardless where drafted...and if we hang on to all our o-line guys we have ample depth anyway and is of least of Managements concerns.
  11. Hopefully the fact we are bringing Augustine back is at the expense of Lafrance...not needed here...and not worth his salary
  12. now that the Stamps have released Mathews to pursue NFL interest, Walters should be in his ear letting it be known that if it doesn't pan out...he has a pail of cash waiting for him and the opportunity to be "the guy" in the offence....he more than showed he still has it, and would be a huge difference maker
  13. yeah have no issues with Nichols sustaining what we have been doing...and with a full compliment on offense to work with, and continued style of this defense see no reason to regress...so working in Streveler as we go has to be the course we take...unless he comes in at TC and just flat out wins it...though he plays a very physical style...he also is built to play it too...not your pro-typical QB body type. Also, with reps and experience all young QB's eventually tone that part of their games down, as the game slows down for them...so I'm not too worried about Streveler getting beat up game in and game out..a lot of the time he is inflicting the contact...as opposed to absorbing it...though lots of hard contact is not optimal...there is an actual..and big difference on how the contact is made
  14. exactly...you keep Nichols for next year as Streveler develops...even if Strev beats him out as the starter...case closed...2020 is the year the tuogh decisions need to occur
  15. Actually...the times he actually struggled and the offense bogged down a bit was when Streveler seemed reluctant to run, or was told to keep looking for the pass...not sure which it was but were many instances where he could and should have took off...but didn't....They just need to let him play his game...and let the plays develop as they may...stop harnessing his runs. Do this...and the pass opens right up as guys will cheat and drop off all the time because it is already known he is a beast to bring down, and also once..or if he gets to the second level he is gone for huge gains as he is very fast and hits top speed in an instant...check out some of his college runs...unreal
  16. throwing for 4136 yards his senior year at a 65.7% completion rate with 32 TD's to 8 Int's tells me he has no issues hitting receivers...also 11 TD passes in as a raw rookie vs what...5 INT's...tells me he can hit a receiver if open...no? Also his running..or threat to will open up the pass for him big time if plays constantly....a guy who can throw, and was 13th in the league in rushing in limited time this year is a very tantalizing thought..I'm not saying he should be deemed the starter as of now...but he should be given every opportunity this spring to show he is "not" the starter yet... What I see out of him is Tracey Ham like stats in the late 80's and early 90's...30+ TD's...4000+ yards and 800 to 1000 yards on the ground...numbers with a solid to upper level defese equates to a lot of wins
  17. Neufeld and Gray currently the only ones signed..and the French kid who went back to school will be back
  18. I can hold a dual role...I'm good that way haha
  19. hahaha...if I had a new knee for sure....I was a QB in grade 10
  20. yeah if they couldn't make that roster...obviously the talent level they are looking at is a middling group
  21. Losing Loffler in the grand scheme of things on defense will not hinder us at all...And if his salary is going to balloon into the 130-150k a season territory it's time to cut bait..we got 3 all-star seasons out of him..what more can you ask for...Safety is the easiest position to fill and we already have guys in-house who can play it and not make the defense regress
  22. did Mike Oshea kick your dog or steal your wife...man you have a lot of serious unfounded hate going on for what has been a pretty good last 3 yrs worth of ball...team has progressed albeit without a cup yet...but if he was to be turfed...most is staff would be too...and most likely a lot of the character in the room with it...and you are back to square one.. This year was a pretty resounding success...survived the season with number one QB out to start the year...then a funk portion...and then a Playoff win on the road...and an almost second one for the taking ..again on the road...which history shows rarely happens...sustainable success and environment to maintain that..and re-load it is whats vital and key before all the fruits of that labour can be realized...and we are exactly at that point right now...and keeping things status quo from Miller on down right now will allow us to keep keeping on in that regard...But...and this is the key thing...if Walters can't bring in the talent at receiver this year to augment it and put us over the top...well then a switch in that position is a realistic change...and won't affect the culture or the environment thats been built
  23. Not to mention even a more horseshit management team and football operating environment...and culture...and most importantly perception of organization from around the league...light years away from that....that alone in my books gives them another year or 2...but Walters is the guy and to lesser extent his Asst GM's who have to produce this year and fix the last 2 remaining issues
  24. Duly noted...do or die who?? I actually havn't been over there much the last week or so...to even just lurk and read...I'm sure tho I am missed hahaha
  25. will do my best...tho many there hate my opinions...even though they are accurate ones hahaha
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