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Everything posted by Booch

  1. hahaha....I do...yes! I specialize in the veer...
  2. how is that sad...your offence was bruuuutal...I could coordinate a better game than Macadoo
  3. look at his college passing stats his senior year...the guy can pass so the notion here he is strictly a runner is a bit off base. And before some go off babbling about it was college...division II...whatever...and mainly from people who have never played get off that horse now...means jack diddly...if you can pass and put up numbers...or you can't...it is obvious in whatever league you are in and what the competition level you play His stats totally blow Carson Wentz's SR and JR year's right out of the water...same competition level, and he seems to be doing alright He also I believe set some kind of record or went a crazy amount of time with no turnovers...so a guy who can't pass wouldn't achieve that...he needs reps...real game action and to experience the ebs and flows of a CFL game to progress further...thats the only way you get better...and coming into next year...he is no longer a rookie and already has a lot of experience, and you can bet your arse he will be watching 24 man tape all winter to see how defenses set up, and what coverage's were/are and how to attack...and what to do..and not to do...from all accounts he is highly intelligent and needs to see things once and he masters it....so all those looks and fronts he saw that were new/foreign to him last year...won't be this year
  4. solid re-signs....gotta keep the heart of the team that o-line intact...I'm sure Goose and Nasty Chungh soon to follow...as it stands now with Hardrick and Bryant with Foketti as back-up and Neuf..Gray already signed for next year we already can breath a little easier...
  5. and your QB for next year is who????? And Goosen will need a slightly higher bump..Chungh already got one...so his increase won't be much...same with Bryant...he probably signs back for 5 k more...big whip
  6. I can't answer for most fans/management any more than you can..thats just your opinion..nor do I know what part of what you were quoting of what I said as it didn't show up. I don't think it's true...and pooching a regime that has won 10+ games 3 years running..and made play-offs doing so because of no cups for 28 years is foolish...that 28 years isn't on them...just the last 5 years are..and the first 2 should really be irrelevant as they had to build the organization back up...on all fronts...so 3 straight 10+ winning seasons with playoff appearances...and a west final appearance gives them leeway....at least another year or 2...but Walters should be antsy. The first 3 games reference was in regards to you saying that we won less games...if we had Nichols healthy to start the season...most likely we win 2..if not 3 of those games..as well as several others in his injury funk....yeah you can say if's and's or but's about a lot of things...but that injury probably cost us 2-3 wins at the least. 28 years yes is a long time...but is spread over about 3-4 different regimes from blow up after blow up..why do you think it has been 28 years now...explicitly for that reason. Keeping a foundation in place where players want to be..and for coaches they want to play for goes a loooong way...trust me...and we have that here...so to rip it down and try to retain...and or attract new players with the uncertainty and unknown of new coaching/management would put us back years...the lack of loyalty shown to a winning regime 3 years running now would send a pretty negative message to any player...let alone coach considering here...and that is a fact...been there..seen that CGY if they lose the cup this year will have 3 fails in a row...do you think that management will be blown up there...nope...and truthfully maybe it should as 3 times a failure should indicate they can't get over the hump...but it won't happen because it won't make them any better
  7. hardly an excuse...name a team that would go 3-0 in the first 3 games of the year with a QB straight out of college..with 3 weeks exposure to Canadian Ball...let alone a back-up who has been around a few years...I'd say no team in this league this year.
  8. actually no...since we were yo-yoed around several times we had the option to stay put..or move back...we chose to move back
  9. the guy was second in the league with 10 TD receptions and I believe was tops in the league in plays over 30 yards...so to say he was or is a bust is a bit off balance..and that was playing with a raw rookie for 3 starts...and 4 starts where Nichols played like he was straight out on CIS ball...Get him a running mate to take some load off...and he will be even better also...something overlooked is his blocking when not getting the ball and help in run game, the guys a beast
  10. lol...The Stamps could quite possibly be without a true number one QB next year..that will definately make them weaker Sask definitely will be weaker as that horseshoe they had crammed up their cramhole fell out already..Hughes I doubt will be back and faded badly...Not a guarantee Jefferson is back there even if he doesn't get an NFL sniff which I doubt he gets..Same with Evogoen.....and you have zero QB'ing and minimal options and pretty much a given you will roll with same crap you had last year....or some other unproven guy..or a reclamation project in Willy or Jennings...or beg Glenn back.....I see Ssk next year as a .500 team at best..
  11. if anything with this regime..It will be Walters on thee hot seat this year...he needs to produce something dynamic on offence in regards to a receiver, as well as tighten up the Defensive back field...and be able to allow himself to have the ability...or the balls to grab a big time player late in season...which he has failed to do year after year...the rest of the staff/regime..I am fine with....and yes even Hall if the defense continues it's ways as it did the last 8-9 games...which I can't see it not doing. This season all rides on Walters and his scouting staff...not the coaching staff unless they do some reeaaallly dumb things next year...which I don't see happening..ripping a regime and culture apart does nothing for immediate success...i think 3 straight double digit win seasons and ply-off appearances is proof in the pudding even though no cups...i guarantee you that if CGY loses the cup again..Huff..Dickenson and most of his staff other than Claybrooks if he gets an HC spot are back
  12. We are going to camp next year with Nichols and Streveler guaranteed...which is a better position than any team in the league right now...save for Hamilton and Ottawa....both of whom have big ? marks at back-up every team in the league doesn't really know who their starting QB is going to be...and a couple teams may even lose who they are hoping it is going to be...so fact of the matter we should be feeling pretty good....Sure Nichols won't pull a Reilly or a Mitchell and totally take over a game...again and again...but he has been the sole reason for many of our wins over the last 3 years he has started for us...and is he not something like 29-15 as our starter since 2016?...so he can win games in this system and if we can toss in a big play maker who can make those contested big catches that Reilly and BLMitchell get the benefit of..then we are just fine...especially seeing as we are finally grooming what may be the next stud QB in the CFL But...and this is the biggest but...Next year at TC Oshea HAS to say the #1 QB position is an open competition...it will drive both guys to excell, and also won't hinder/hamper Strevelers development...it has to be seen if the Kid can run the whole compliment of the offence...and many say he ahs to show he can be a passer more than a runner...but he is...in College he threw for huge yards and had many games of 300+ yards passing...sevral with 400+ yards and an over 500 yard one...so he can pass but has been constrained here...Lapo has to let him loose and see what he has Now if that ends up relegating Nichols to a back up role at 450k..so be it...pretty darn good back-up option..best in the league....and we are paying both those guys anyway regardless of where they sit on the depth chart...so who cares
  13. I know for certain he wants to stay in Winnipeg...and if he comes back for same money...have no issue with it....he's worth it, especially if we can flip our ratio to allow us to have another skill position guy on the roster for returns...be it a receiver...or a guy who can play DB. On the fence with Dressler...If we can land a big time number one to go with Adams and Woli...then I actually wouldn't mind seeing Dressler back in same role, but wouldn't pay more than what Demski got last year for him, and you start Simonese on the boundary...truly believe he will bust out next year like Woli did this year. We do what we gotta do to try and lock down Biggie...also JSK wants to resign here, so that should be a slam dunk...and whispers I hear is that Goose/Chungh and Bryant are all but a formality once the dust settles with the CBA We just need to focus on the Jeffcoat situation and get him locked in...and if it is ath the expense of Opo...thats the price of business, tho I know the staff love Opo here..will be inter sting to see where our main targets are with our own guys
  14. Ideally I would like to see a Daniels or Mathews in the slot with Woli...Keep Adams doing what he is doing now as he would thrive there as the #2 guy and move Simonese out to boundary like we did with Woli...the guy would be a mismatch nightmare and in the chances he has been given albeit limited he makes plays...averaged 30 yards a catch..and even if you took out his one 53 yarder..still averaged 23...he has the prototypical boundary body type and skill set and with a year under his belt now...will turn some heads in camp...I wouldn't sell out to retain Demski if it goes that way but if he comes back at similar to what he made this year then that would be okay, and Peterman can back him up, thou not too sold on him yet...seems a bit inconsistent to me, and at times a bit lazy..or disinterested in the other aspects of the receiver role (blocking etc) If we could field a unit with Adams/Woli/(one of Mathewes/Daniels/MItchell/) Simonese and Thompkins/Nelson I would be more than happy...even with that lineup I would be okay with one more year of Dressler in that spot on a value contract with one of Thomkins or Nelson backing up...unless we uncover our own stud. I don't want 6 of our 7 nationals on offence this year unless 4 are lineman as it hurts us more than helps us I think with roster options....and to do that we have to either not resign Bryant, or let Hardrick go...both of which are stupid options...best case is to bring our oline back same as last year with Gray replacing Couture as the 6th until he can beat out Neufeld...unless he does it right out of TC...and even then..I would keep Neuf as the 6th guy as he can play anywhere..is good...and is relatively cheap for a starting national olineman with 7 years experience
  15. Nevis and Neufeld are pretty affordable tho for their experience/skill level...I believe Nevis was 120k a year and Neufeld is about 140K...Neuf is signed for 2019...Nevis is a 1 year deal so if he was to come back at same price...I'd have no issues...unsung hero this year on the D-line. I know Opo restructured last year, so getting him back at an affordable price may not be out of question, and would not hurt us...and although just only turned 29...still probably has a solid season or 2 in him, but preferably would like to see us find another Jeffcoat...younger and cheaper to use portion of his salary elsewhere.
  16. he would be the perfect 6th guy if we can replace him on the corner..can play corner..half...has played sam...returns punts and FG's and on cover teams..pretty versatile and valuable guy to back up..
  17. bonafide number one receiver and as been said...keep Adams..he would thrive as a number 2 and not have all deep focus on him... agreed on a corner...though not necessarily at expense of Randle...but he has to earn his spot next year..he is signed for 2019 correct? and we need an explosive returner who can play on offence..not some one trick pony DI ...
  18. they are both under contract next year and if Streveler is handed the keys to the offence...or wins it outright in TC we are still paying the same amount for our QB's regardless what order they are on the depth chart...so cutting Nichols would be crazy dumb and still has great value off the bench or as the back-up if Strev faulters...or gets hurt as he plays a physical game....it's 2020 when you have to make the hard SMS decision...not next year It would be in the teams best interest next year to say the position of the #1 QB is up for grabs...whoever performs best in TC...You go with until they faulter...
  19. People fail to remember too...Nichols missed an open ADAMS in the endzone as well...and no not like Suitor blabbled it wasn't due to wind...it happens..guys miss throws...
  20. YEAH the Zack Collaros debate is moot...they never scored more than 14 points offensively against us with him all year, and in crappy conditions why would he do better...Like I mentioned before, of the 12 wins they got...5 came when they didn't get scores from defense or ST's...and 2 were squeakers against MTL and T.O where they barely eeeked it out..Heck even the one they got with T.O early in the year would have been a loss if Trestman challenged the pick six...they were very flawed...and it was their demise...many there though don't buy it and just offer up excuses..
  21. Well for the least penalized team in the entire league..we must be pretty good at hiding all the dirtiness and cheating...well done boys
  22. yeah...I noticed he was there as well...The Riders were pretty cocky and full of themselves tho...wonder what started it all
  23. i'll take those fines every week...that o-line takes no sit...and has everyones back...watching them run over and through the riders..especially in that 4th quarter and hear them just chirping away at them was a thing of beauty...especially with the beaking off the Riders did pre game out at the mid field area in warm-ups...u can catch some of it on CFLWired
  24. also after basically being ignored for about the first 3 or 4 games after Nichols came back from injury...I see him as a legit 1000 yard guy next year, and a high percentage guy on second down conversions...proved to be pretty clutch in last 3rd of season
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