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Everything posted by Booch

  1. still tho...could cause delays in the flow of game..let it be called immediately on field if you have another guy out there dancing around to keep a clear view of the QB...and from history...how reliebale or effective has this "eye in the sky" been a lot of the time...not very
  2. no...it's a great thing....both stadiums have their things that are better than each other...but in regards to seating..acoustics..football feel/atmosphee..IGF blows it away
  3. yeah..cheeped out with the quality of the seats..I see many being replaced due to damage or being broken after the winter/offseason...not as big either...and the pitch/slope of seating area is way less...putting you further from the field...and it is a big reason why the crowd noise is more disruptive at IGF...it is right on top of you and you almost actually feel it and it is way more intimidating..and this is from out of players and coaches mouths I have spoken to about it..
  4. well even if you support a comment with stats, or a link to it...you are still considered a troll there if it doesn't support the Rider narrative
  5. NO..this would be better as it would be called immediately...without need for review or a team have to waste a challenge
  6. I said same thing..he pivoted to lead with shoulder.. and caught Bridge in chin as he went through him.. only thing he could have done different to avoid it would have been to dip lower and hit him in the gut..but in the millisecond u have to make a play in a game..from experience your instincts take over and u just go for the hit...other than the proven cheap shot head hunters...also..in no way shape or form was it late..and fact of matter..had zero bearing on the game whatsoever..and is just whining now for tha sake of whining
  7. yeah...it seemed that they had a dedicated guy each play to initiate contact downfield for the illegal contact challenge on a receiver in the case a play didn't work...
  8. true...I do recall at the beginning of the season them raving about their QB situation and the solid depth...tops in the league...as well as the embarrassment of riches in the receiving corp...one which had no 1000 yard guys or anyone with more than 4 td's...
  9. sure like the look of our situation moving forward...Rolling with all 3 again next year is fine with me...Bennett being only 26..Streveler at 23...no need to rplace either really, especially with value Bennett gives us on the teams...Keep grooming both...and focus on other issues with recruiting and free agency
  10. Didnt think about our clear cut number 2 QB will be making basically peanuts next yr compared to most other teams..and to think sask paid Collaros like 450k and Bridge 175k or so...ouchers That will be really helpfull $$ wise for next yr signing our free agents or possible new free agent
  11. Collaros tho was barely a 60 percent passer this year with more int's than td's ...who's to say that plug would have made those throws...or even had the athleticism to still be upright to even make the throw tho? All QB's miss open guys every game...especially in a cold weather game...maybe if the Rider's had a dominant O-line and an unreal RB to chew up the yards and get first downs they wouldn't have had to rely on passes in a game that had weather conditions allowing passing to be a risk at best??
  12. I've never had an issue with him...if you were to look back on all the threads dumping on him I was one of the few supporters..he just ain't no every down tackle...he's a top notch guard tho..
  13. yeah....even the replay on tv showed the ball was a good 10 yards over thrown if it would have played out
  14. did the people who watched with you enjoy it?..I know when I lived in Cali I forced some peeps to watch some games with me....all but one ended up as fans of this league still to this day
  15. yeah he had a strong game...some of the big runs were direct result of what he did...I bet any team in league would love to have him at guard..and didnt realize how big he actually was..
  16. i enjoyed watching the blocking on the run just before the Harris TD...3 guys are just manhandles and pushed down field..Watch Neufeld get to Judge..and just walk him down the field about 10 to 12 yards...push him out of bounds and down to the turf..you can hear him yelling at him calling him an "effing *****"....sooo funny...I love our oline
  17. The hit yes was a penalty...but after re watching it several times just now...he actually pivoted to lead with his shoulder..and shoulder was first point of contact..and helmet hit Bridge in the jaw...was not crown either but forehead that hit him i the chin as momentum carried through..he didn't dip his head to spear...or lead helmet first...If you watch it you can see that...so intentional attempt to hurt....doubtful...but intentional attempt to hammer him hard...totally
  18. I think they are literally screwed there for next year...and they know it and are most likely already in panic mode.
  19. but he came back in...all that matters lol
  20. yeah I see nothing on their roster we can't scrounge up on our own...no o-line pieces....I like our d-line pieces better....nothing in terms of DB's or receivers..only one is Eqgouvan or however you spell it, and he is a free agent anyway and am sure he will test the market
  21. That defense tho won't be intact next year...If they have to pay Reilly...or any top end pivot..then will have to cut salary somewhere...and all their salary is tied into the defense...and they have key guys as free agents so may lose em to other teams anyway.. It could very likely be that they are really hooped for a QB next year..not a good situation for a regime moving into year 4....only hope really is making a trade for a legit guy...but that too will cost them...or...roll with Collaros again...and that would be scary in the not good scary....and more for him..I think he is done And no way in hell that Winnipeg will move Steveler...not for anything and especially not to a Western team in dire need
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