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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Wonder if he wishes he stayed put now...possibly could be inline for some play-off cash...or even back on roster if we have injury issues...like we might seem to have at moment
  2. doesn't mean you will get him...and it would cost more than it's worth...in salary...and having to dump proven starters elsewhere
  3. thing with his inaccuracy tho is kinda moot...Collaros for the year was barely a 60 percent passer..with more int's than Interceptions...so to say he would have made those throws is baseless really...guys also miss wide open receievers every game..it happens due to many reasons..pressure making him throw too soon for one...for all we know Collaros could have been sacked before being able to attempt to make that throw...or we may have played different coverage with the more realistic chance that Collaros may have took a shot, as it was I don't think we played a scheme worried about Bridge taking those shots..as said in broadcast he hadn't completed a pass over 20 yards in over a month. Sask could have possibly been shut out...or close to it if not for Bridges big runs....which Collaros would never had made...
  4. Wild led team in tackles...and no...they were not all in "chase" mode...he played well...obviously holding their 2 headed running back attack to under what...40 yards and giving up 100 yards passing in the whole game was an indication of fine linebacking play...no? Not sure of all the Wild hate here...it's not like he an old slow guy on backside of his career...he's a 28 year old guy who is probably one of the most fit guys on the team
  5. I doubt either of the big 2 leave their respective teams...and if they do...it will cost huge money and there will be some big cuts to accommodate. Franklin has more upside than Bethel Thompson...and I think a new coach there in T.O will do him well....highly doubt they turf him after one season on a baaaad team. Jennings I bet stays put too..BC would be foolish to let him go and start from scratch unless they land Reilly...most likely scenario is that Sask has to go after one..or two of the QB scraps from Montreal..Shiltz or Willy as I assume they will keep Manziel and Pipkin...or...they make a major deal and sacrifice draft picks and major defensive starter talent, but they are weak in depth and need their picks..and if you have to weaken their defense...then you rob peter to pay paul. Just looking at those last game depth charts...if they were to have lost an o-lineman next man up was Schramm...with next to no experience...and no extra DB if one went down...such razor thin game day depth in a big game
  6. Yeah that is a pretty uncalled for comment..Bridge was hurt...and hardly played lazy...he just isn't a top tier QB and doesn't have the skills to get it done game in or game out...especially with a poor system around him and being treated like a yo-yo..
  7. props to sask...they had a good crowd for the weather situation...i bet we would have had no more that 27k if it was here. But if it was a mid October game pretty certain both places could/would sell out..
  8. the sad part...or for some funny part...not sure what they can do for QB next year as well...Reilly will stay in Edmnton now that they have confirmed their coaching structure....and if he leaves it will be in B.C...Lulay I would say is done...or not a guy to hang a hat on so Jennings is bound to stay put...dare you say Drew Willy Sask starter next year?....or Kevin Glenn whom they should have never pooched in the first place...Jones sure screwed them there...year 4...and no QB...
  9. Yeah...feel the same way...i had to pvr as well as was going to be hour late to watch...and loved every minute of it...Also the fact that some of the Riders chirped pre game..Jefferson on the 3 all-starts..Poop out for blood...well the O-line took em out to the woodshed and slapped them around all game..and we didn't even really open up our offence as we didn't have to...we played it safe and didn't allow any chance of their defense having a chance to make a play...or score...basically the sole reason for 7 of their wins this year. Pretty sure we knew coming in if we put up 20 points...and didn't turn ball over we would win....and that for the most part our statistically better and more well rounded defense would hold them to under 20...and thats exactly what happened..a flawed team all year long had lady luck not show up when they needed it...and well...you saw the results...that 12-6 record was smoke an mirrors...and like I said in a different thread..they won 5 games this year where the defense or ST's didn't score..and in 2 of those wins..they barely eeked out wins against Montreal and T.O...
  10. Streveler out there running out the clock on our last drive was purely strategic...and smart...Took the focus off Harris and would make the Rider defense have to play more respectful of 2 guys having the option to run...and it worked Streveler is elusive and quick...but also punishing when he runs..Kudos to the Bomber staff for this wrinkle....and again...what an o-line....they just basically powered their way down the field for the Harris score to basically seal the win
  11. Imagine the fact that come saturday that we could have a line backing crew missing Bighill...JSK...also Leggett all year basically...ouchers
  12. Probably wish they had it, that being said...would have made no difference in the outcome. Was a good thing we kept the challenge...it might have been needed on a last drive scenario where it was vitally important
  13. HH as well to the staff with the perfect offensive gameplan...don't press too much to take too many chances and give up that back breaking pick..or pick six....they played it to just kep Riders at bay...move chains and get points when they needed and let their defense handle the rest..I truly believe if we would have "had" to open it up more..we could have...also props to Dressler...clutch plays when we needed it and his experience in games..and weather like that was invaluable. But man oh man our O-line destroyed them and just had their way...you could see the frustration and the look of despair in the rider defense..I guess Poop didn't get that blood he claimed he was out for...and was a pretty good indicator that he was a liability with her run here
  14. Yeah he did make some smart ass remark about seeing if they were all stars..looks good on him being done
  15. Yeah he did make some smart ass remark about seeing if they were all stars..looks good on him being done
  16. That's what a flawed team gives you when it counts..a loss..if defence or special teams cant score..they rarely win.. And that should shut doubters up about 3 all stars on our line..they owned the game and grinded that "vaunted" sask defence into submission
  17. Cold weather..non use..most likely fumbles at least once
  18. We have just as many weapons in run game...Harris..Dressler..Demski..at times big Strev...its gonna be a matter of who doesnt make more mistakes or turn ball over...and dumb penalties..we had best turnover ratio..and fewest penalties.. I like our odds
  19. Yeah..we both have our we dont deserves eh?...gonna be a gooder...u live in regina.. what's temp there at moment..
  20. Yup..good luck.. too bad Collaros isnt in so as not to hear the ya buts all year but dont think he would have been a difference maker anyway...and all things.. stats..etc considered.. if we lose game with a backup beating us we had no business in grey cup anyway
  21. Whe re or who compiled that game notes..Winnipeg led league in turnover..had best turnover ratio.. and scored most points off if turnovers despite the sask 11 defensive TDs.. better well rounded team obviously
  22. he could catch...but he wasn't going to be used like he usually was due to it...he also was in there as Adams was out and we needed him if anything to take attention away from others.....it wasn't known until season was over that he had the issue...smart move by Oshea and staff not to even hint at him being knicked
  23. and nichols had a bum hand..and calf and Harris was pretty beat up...were also missing defensive starters Westerman and Leggettt...and Alexander was a rookie....AND.....we didn't have Biggie...new year..new play-offs...new result
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