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Everything posted by Booch

  1. hahaha...when I am done there wont be.....but no..it's for 2 new residential areas....to prevent the something in the water
  2. IT does seem that way...but oddly enough we led the league in big plays...30+ yards...so obviously we have been doing okay with big strikes
  3. but doesn't second most receiving TD's with only the 11th most receptions in the league say that he does seem to perform?? and not about numbers is kind of a dumb statement...if you put up numbers does that not mean you perform?...
  4. SAD PART....just stating obvious stuff...and nothing inflammatory or negative troll talk...and it still gets them all riled up...well a good majority..some are fine...others not so much. I just bored at work designing a water treatment system for Sakatoon...so guess Sask is on my mind and have to mingle with the people to get myself in the right mind set haha
  5. as are you ...most things rider fans revel in is past stuff...how is anything fake...say the same thing on both sites...and if you don't like it...skidaddle along to mommas basement...i sure she has our clothes laid out for todays activities...whatever they may be. I could care less about empty seats to be honest..just stating there are more avenues to spend disposable income for families in Winnipeg than in Ssk..you know what disposable income is eh?..
  6. And you have had to have 2 telethons and a fake Rider Stock share gimmick to save your 4 cup winning team (least in all of CFL with some teams being there for less years) from folding...and it's the only major sports event in the ENTIRE province...whats your point again?..
  7. as it does here too...and elsewhere....now a playoff game in mid late oct...no excuses there for any team not to sell out
  8. When you have league coaches voting..the selections must have validity to them even tho you will get biased reporters at times picking their team they follow guys.
  9. You would think that being the only professional sports event in the province..pretty much really the only thing to spend significant entertainment dollars on that there should be no reason to constantly sell out..and it shouldn't be seen as such a big deal
  10. odd...don't recall seeing him get hurt in game...and yoiu could see him on sidelines after he was pulled standing around...that is an injury though that we can absorb better than if it was Biggie....Wild is adequate...I bet Fenner as well could handle the spot ok...possiblly wilson too. On another note..Jones said Collaros passed concussion protocal "days ago" yet says in presser todat that they are treating him as day to day right now?...
  11. Interesting that we nabbed 29% of the available positions for all-stars...yet in a lot of circles are considered an inferior squad...food for thought
  12. luckily they won't...so teams can enjoy another season of a Rider team with zip for offense...mis-use of SMS to balance team out and a dfense who will be good...but won't have lady luck smile on them like she did this year...and fall to about a .500 squad..pretty much like they are other than the phoney record
  13. Per Penison But don't read too deep into that. The Saskatchewan offence is built for this time of season. They are in the top three in turnovers made and in time of possession. If the Green and White offence can hold onto the football, keep their mistakes to a minimum and hold the Bomber offence off the field, it will make for a much easier game Now does this twit even read what he writes...point A) Winnipeg has the league best grind it out ground game (with leading rusher) and best 0-line which is totally healthy .B) yeah Winnipeg is in the top 3 too...but sit at number 1 C) Sask has a time of possession of 30.42 and we sit at 30.28....YET we have scored 50 offensive TD's to their 25...so wheres the advantage there??? Another article solidly solidifying what a doofuss that guy is and how he really has no clue...
  14. Yeah not too sure who put that together...we had more interceptions...gave up less passing TD's...(by a big margin) and fact of the matter gave up less points...with 2 linebackers in the top 8 in league in tackles...and not a single rider in the top 10 (and any team with Hurl in the rotation) can't be considered that great. As well foreced most turnovers in the league which the majority always go to the LB'S and DB's...not a very good assessment when you look at the season as a whole and a sum of all the parts
  15. Yeah not sure reason for that was. Not sure what goes on with Jones' thought processes
  16. yeah he is great...like a said a combo of him and Walby in a booth calling a game would be sooo entertaining
  17. when Harris stops being our everydown back and transitioned to the slot, I would hope/think we go import there
  18. i can't see why a player would want to go there now too...makes sense that sooo many are in the news for off-field legal stuff there over the years..
  19. totally...i'll disagree with the best of them...but do it based on stats..history...events...not just blind stupidity and overall lack of tact and character
  20. Great fans such as that shouldn't need to have telethons and phony share sales to save their butts and their team in years where they haven't won...two times now. I guess it's just the 25 and under generation that are the majority of the bandwagon jumping fans who have seen a couple championships and have no clue about how futile their franchise has been and what a laughing stock it was for a good majority of it's 100 year existence...
  21. not nearly as bad here...and if that site isn't 90 percent teenagers or prepubescent teens...then I don't know what to say...it's laughable
  22. I DOUBT IT....You say anything remotely negative or unbiased against the riders...its a full on attack...even if you have supporting stats...news articles...whatever to verify it...you get backlash...totally clueless posts and classless comments..many posters here post who are from opposing teams and there is good back and forth banter but it dosn't get ugly, or confrontational bordering on stupid unless stupid/un called for comments are made first, save for a couple of Bomber site fans...but they largely get it from people here too for their stupidity
  23. I do when I bored and need a good laugh...about all it's good for. About 2 actual knowledgeable posters on there..
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