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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Yeah reading their bring on the bombers thread makes you wonder about the age and maturity level of most on there...its almost laughable And you cant go over there to try and talk football in a friendly fan vs fan manner as all you get is negativity and childish attacks.. tho it does make it entertaining. And their incessant babbling of #1990 and and they won a recent playoff game is humorous too..do they not know of the 9 teams in the league they have won the least amount of cups in league history..and that includes a few teams who havnt been in the league as long?? Who cares about what years they were won in
  2. Harris I think is the guy who grinds harder and rarely goes down on first contact and is slippery with his tough yards. But Sutton is a punishing runner and a true north south guy
  3. Wow...why would u sign Tate..there are other better QBs out there who actually played some this year. Is this a desperation move in case Glass Boy cant go? And why would they also sign a kicker too?
  4. grow interest in the league on a global level...
  5. a rusty d-lineman who has effort issues playing in a cold weather play-off game with most likely run heavy and mis-direction laden play-calls against a top of league O-line...who knows all about him...whats not to like??...lol
  6. because Wshngton doesn't make the 44 man...Would be either Admas..Dressler or Thompkins coming off as a direct replacement unless we use him as a DI at the expense of one of them
  7. Bennett I think has the best overall skill set..strongest arm as well
  8. You can pay a PR roster player whatever you want..I know of instances where guys got weekly money that translated to what was slightly above league minimum salary...u just have to pay the minimum per week stipulation in the CBA
  9. i was gonna say I bet that happens...but then wanted to give the Riders (Jones) the benefit of the doubt of being a scuz bag organization...guess this proves it..Adding him does nothing for them as he has to stay on PR...and will be a free agent once the season comes about as do all PR guys..so whats the point other than their internal fear that they know they are the inferior team...typical..
  10. I hope Augustine bets the bulk of the carries...we have seen and pretty much know what lafrance can do..Augustine is the big unknown other than a few nice pre-season game runs, and some nice burst in plays during TC
  11. Pretty certain as shown by play as of late that Nichols is back in his usual head space, so meaningless reps with risk to injury will serve no purpose for him leading up to the play-off game...he won't be rusty or stale from a week off...
  12. I heard the deciding factor to get him the nod was his TD strut lol
  13. Can see Harris and Bryant being the west finalists as well
  14. haha..I do miss that up here in Canada...as well as Crispy Creme and Sonic
  15. totally...especially if he knew he was not gonna get on game day roster other than for an injury...question is tho now can we bring him back if Nevis or Bryant get hurt this week?...or next?
  16. that would be my guess...and he would be due a larger salary for next year as he is done his entry..and we have Bryant already for next year and play the same role and same skillset...so maybe frees more money in the kitty to sign Biggie...that or he was not happy and asked for it...or there was something else going on that Oshea didn't feel the media/public needed to know
  17. Riders gave up 25 TD's via the pass..Winnipeg gave up 14...how does that make your DB's better? you have 21 picks to our 19 with a game in hand...and about 4 or 5 have been gift flukes from lineman (Hughes 1..Jefferson..2..Antigah 2) and yes any time a lineman gets a pick it's a lucky fluke or a bone head play...unless they drop off 15 yards into the secondary
  18. pouring beer on a kid I was referring to...not the rider fans tossing beer...that is totally believable and not surprising hahaha...
  19. Actually they have been using the guy we cut in TC..NaTAy Rogers at tackle...he's an import
  20. but injuries or not..Calgary is the better...more complete team...I'd rather face them rolling into McMahon on a 6 game heater after we dispose of the Esks this weekend..also Glass Man Collaros if he truly did get concussed...may not be totally good to go...and if Jones is the guy I think he is will play him anyway and he is one good shot from being out again..or if anyting playing gunshy and happy feet...and if he gets knocked out early it will deflate them as a whole...
  21. yeah I think those guys were more nicked than hurt...also..we scored pretty much the same amount of points against those playing on defense...and that was before Nichols was back to himself..healthy...and Harris was a bit knicked then as well...That CGY offence tho even with the new receivers can still be lethal, and may have Grant in there as well who has history with BLM...I'd rather face a shitty Rider offense in a semi final with good chance to get to West Final then the potential of facing a CGY offense that could catch fire and light us up and not even get a chance to get to the final...again
  22. neither of them are totally healthy...and regardless...that shouldn't be an issue for a team at this point in the year with the second up in place of a starter...unless you have the Dinwiddie scenario where you have a rookie with no game reps whatsover as your QB...most other positions as long as you don't have too many aren't going to make or break you. A receiving crew of Mathews..Rogers..Ambles..Brescani..Durant with Jackson in the backfield with BLM concerns me a lot more than a crew of Lambert..Evans..Moore..Cannon and Bailey/Bagg/lavoie or whatever insignificant Canadian they use...(which tells you they ain't nothing much If I can't recall) and Marshall with Collaros or Bridge at QB...not to mentin the CGY O-line is much better..and more experienced.
  23. yeah the beer thing is a total made up Rider fan story...tho the piss on a cheer leader isn't...or dumping manure in a players yard...total class out there, mind you what to expect when the only educated ones...or ones with ability to be educated leave the province at 18 years old...never to come back...and the guy crapping in a potted plant here that went viral...low and behold...from Saskatchewan lol
  24. i guess the phone line was busy and the spotter couldn't get his call i right away...I still shake my head that Jones left him in....
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