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Everything posted by Booch

  1. tho..same can be said about Evans on Reilly..targeted high...then used all his force to scoop and slam him into the turf...yet it goes by as a no big deal....The difference is that Reilly isn't a weak/damaged QB and was able to absorb it...guaranteed if he wobbled around like Glass Man did they would have flagged it after the review...the league needs to have consistency in the calls, or some kind of spelled out verbiage on it...or just scrap it and let it play out as it has for 80 some years....you don't like the hits...get out of the game or don't watch...people don't seem to be too concerned with head shots in boxing and the blatant intent to literally knock a bugger the eff out with multiple head shots with no helmet on with knees...elbows in MMA....You choose your profession...you choose the long term results
  2. I've been to Alabama....I'd be insulted as a resident of Alabama for that comment haha
  3. yeah has to be called consistantly be the spotters..Lamar Durant got pulled the previous week and he showed no signs of anything at all from his hit...imagine of Collaros got drilled immediately again on the next play and what the effect could have been..or what if he got drilled and knocked the eff out...imagine the out cry then?? I as a coach would have pulled him out myself if that was me...Show's the kind of regard Jones has for his players tho really...p.o.s
  4. I guess the riders didnt want to win the chance to host west final eh..and teams dont go out and not care or are disinterested. Maybe your pop Warner team did but I digress.. arguing with an unknowlegeable fan is pointless And the lack of prep you can keep believing if you want...insignificant at that point..we did nothing different on offence or defence then what we had been doing the previous 3-4 weeks...as the riders didnt either..just poor effort and bad coaching..nothing less and nothing more..one team wanted it more than the other..simple as that BC beat Edm..short week...OTT beat WPG...short week...HAM beat TO...short week...EDM beat CGY...short week...what happened there?...shouldn;t they all have had their asses handed to them?...
  5. The fact that his head bounced off the ground.. he layed there for a moment.. then struggled to get up..had to take a knee...twice...doesnt tell you he got his bell rang and was a bit woozy than I dont know what you were looking at. At he chewed out the ref..so?...he has always been a whiney turd his whole career and even does it with the media being a petulant ****** when he doesnt like the convo..
  6. Your too funny..your high school ball career..if that has served you well..he led with his shoulder if you watch the hit...tho he did aim high which is trying to be eliminated but have seen far worse than that.. even fat arsed Evan's on Reilly was worse..hit high..then tried to with all his fatness drive him through the turf.. And game 16 or 17 in a season.. against a team for 3rd time you hardly need any "prep"..if you dont know their tendancies and basic package by then you have a sad coaching staff and advanced scouting team...and show a article on the elation of the schedule?
  7. The fact that a guy gets rattled like that from a hit that wasnt that viscous is evidence enough he should hang em up..or at the least not be your main starter. Even that one earlier this year that knocked him out for a few games was pretty minor of a shot...guys damaged goods
  8. And coaches complained about it..many said they had to change terminology a lot. And like I said..11 wedge where we got stuffed..all u needed was a guy signal that gap presnap and plug it..which they converged to. 3 passing plays as well I grabbed easily and again..pre snap you signal it in..its just like when stealing signs pre headset era..we always had a guy dedicated to watching the play signaled...
  9. More than enough.. once you know the calls and the primary's it's very easy to flash a sign of what hot read is and where primary read is..all u need are 2 guys on sideline with an ear bud listening and throwing signs to the defense..trust me. And the qb call in huddle isnt a 3 second delay
  10. And the fact rider fans yammer on about not winning a cup in a while is stale too...4 cups to 10 says everything..and one of the 4 would have vanished with video replay...so really boasting about #1990 is laughable when we have won second most cups..or is it 3rd?..as well as having most cup appearances on history and havnt had to have 2 telethons to save us because of non existant fans in the lean years..
  11. As someone who played the game..at cv this point in year that is irrelevant...you can easily play a game a day or two later with no ill effects...that excuse is very week...also there is nothing in the extra few days off that a team can install and catch another off guard..
  12. We gave up less points...lead or are in second for most key defensive stats..and have produced most points off turn overs even though you scored 11 defensive TDs.. so based on the season as a whole...and vital stats yes our defense is better.. deal with it
  13. 10 if those TDs have been by defence..and several more on kicks...as sh offence u scored 25 all YEAR...that's beyond bad my friend..horseshoes and luck got you st last 4 extra wins..not your high powered offence..
  14. How is he not removed for concussion protocol?
  15. The thing with the 3rd fown gamble.. the live mike caught the call as 11 wedge..so who's to know if CGY wasnt having a guy watch live feed and signalled in where the sneak was going..that screams of a dickenson move...and on the play the cgy defence seemed to converge in that spot..that's why I hate the live Mike. Also I even picked up on what the play was on the x..or y shave play we called on several occasion I hope they scrap that next year
  16. Coukd care less where we play...we gotta win 2 on the road regardless..so it doesnt matter..if we go east chances are we are playing in nice weather so game will be decided on play as opposed to possible conditions.. and we have looked the best down the stretch by far. On another note..my statement saying that if Nichols gets back to form we would finish out 5-2 and easily could be 6-1 came to reality..and really if we didnt crap the bed in LDC and Banjo bowl could be 7-1 in our last 8..thus the reason I have good feelings about the playoffs..I bet no team wants to face us right now..and I see no team that I dont want us to face to be honest
  17. From my observations as well I think this game showed that Nichols was truly playing hurt earlier in the year and played a large part in his innefectiveness and uncharacteristic play. He was able to escape pressure in tight in the pocket to either make a play..or extend a play...especially on the shovel to Harris where he got that first down on that crazy run. Earlier in the year he would have just turtled down or just get swallowed up. Also notice his throws now are more crisp..decisive and deliberate as he can drop.. set..plant and fire..before he just couldn't.. and it showed..
  18. I had no problem with that gamble either..I like the call and normally we get it..I think we got a crappy spot too
  19. Just watch the play..after he first has it hit his hands he loses control and ball is loose and slides down his chest..as he falls he hits ground with it in his possession...BUT he at that point wasnt over the plane of goal line..and then didnt survive contact with ground..hence the call made and in my opinion the right one ans I am sure that's what they noticed/and discussed at command center. Another thing.. I didn't realize what a whiney lil twit Dickenson is..and used to think he was a straight up dude but after that game..man..lost a lot of respect for him..makes u appreciate o'shea and his calm demeanor and way he shows displeasure on sideline
  20. Fogg has been alright..the long Matthew's play was a perfect place pass..Fogg had great coverage and just missed deflecting it away by an inch or two..cant blame him there..not sure any corner could have covered it better against a 6'5" guy who's specialty is that play...if anything I'd put blame on Hecht for being late recognizing that's where he should have been..and fact he is about 5'-8" tall didnt help. But for whatever reason our return game is really hurting us..kick return guys are actually embarrassing..and on punt returns Fogg is pretty much smothered the instant he gets the ball..not much more he can do other than secure the ball and get any positive yardage..its scheme and foot soldiers that are failing.
  21. On the Nichols vs Khari 300 yard argument...Khari did a lot of the huck it up and hope his guys would make the catch..played a high risk high reward style...I recall he had several years of 20+ interceptions and one year almost 30...So sometimes going for all that high yardage comes with risk...also...it's what the receiever does with the ball in his hand after too..comparing yardage is not a good indicator of anything
  22. Kind of a pointless thing to say as that can be said about any QB...Any player really...and yes if he continues to develop and learn and work on things there is no reason he can't push to be the starter in a year or two...his skill set and his intelligence is what have many in the league very impressed and give reason to think he could be very successfull...every top QB in the league starts somewhere, and the ones with the noodle arms...no ability to read a defense and think qickly and run like they have snowshoes on..well they don't get much hype
  23. Sure wins can be considered a team stat...but if you have a QB tossing picks, and not getting in a position to score points (TD's and FG's) by either going 2 and out all game or just not making plays..then is that not the result of a poor QB ...Just as much as it is an efficient and good QB doing the opposite to get those ponts being largely on his shoulders? Same with saying a good measure is yards passed for means a better QB...But what about who has to deal with more drops..receiver running wrong route..poor o-line causing rushed throws...too many factors to judge by stats and scores... If a team is consistently winning and putting up points, with a QB who is efficient, not making errors to cost the team and running the offence as intended..then the end result is going to have a lot to do with their play...or lack thereoff. For the most part..if you look at Nichols body of work since he took over for Willy, he has ran the offence very well..produced wins and for the most part protected the ball and didn't do things that caused us to lose...EXCEPT for that bizarre 4 game skid and a few games prior to the playoffs last year where he was very average, and that can be chalked up to his injuries...and I think same was true this year with his knee..he has basically played pretty good and always gave us a chance to win...His record shows it and that was propping up a lousy defense for a lot of the wins too. Sure I'd like to see him step it up and take over a game in the play-offs and be a real difference maker, but if we win with him throwing 2 td's, no picks and no bone head plays/gifts (hello Willie Jefferson and Toby Antiguh) then I am fine with that too
  24. So does Tom Burgess and Marcus Crandell
  25. Thing is..if we win out..and bc wins out then we would all be tied at 11-7 and relegated to a cross over spot..which is crazy with and 11-7 record That being said we gotta win 2 games if we get in to get to cup anyway so dont care where it has to be played. With the east u may get benefit of playing in better weather so shouldn't be a factor in a game and the distance to the east..vs the west for travel is really insignificant to be honest
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