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Everything posted by Booch

  1. certainly happens everywhere all the time...doesn't make it acceptable or right...and everyone who is dumb enough to do it now still in my eyes is a P.O.S regardless if it's joe nobody or most famous person walking this earth....the fact he was gassed that bad prior to a big game itself just reeks of how much the team lacks leadership and character guys..noting wrong with drinks and some fun, but generally before a game you tend to back off a bit as it will effect you days after from peak performance...
  2. Yes..I meant too many Canadian olineman..why draft more when u already have 3..4..in reserve you cant even roster.. wasted picks if you ask me
  3. It's a pretty good draft this year..I would keep em both
  4. I'd look for a dlineman or linebacker/db We have too many canadians now even with depth Neufeld..Gray..CHinhg..Goosen..Spooner..Speller ..Couture..and that big French kid who went back to school..
  5. I want Bennet to start a game and light it up and shut up all this nonsense and create new nonesense
  6. Seeing as we have 2 firsts..I'd take him with one if he still there after we take the best player available regardless of position with our first one..feel we are in a position to do so...even more so if we sign chungh and Goosen..which I doubt even get to free agency.
  7. Sadly he will have to sign there for 2 years..but pretty sure once that contract is up he will leave that stank hole in his rear view
  8. Went to that game as well as a teenager...drove in out of province to see it...damn I need a shirt!
  9. Kudos to you...at least u show that your reasonable then and somewhat in check with reality. Cant say same for many on either forum lol Tho I stand by my statement that the Rider board is pretty trigger happy if you go against or say anything negative about that team..even when your right..grow a set I say hahaha
  10. Tho wouldn't it just be classic if someone did scoop him up and he agreed...haha If on or now tho.. and he gets an NFL chance..signs down there and then released in off season.. has his obligation to Riders owning his rights end and he is free to sign anywhere in CFL?
  11. Defense can win a championship yeah..to help out a team that doesn't score a lot..the Ridrrs for the most part cant score at all...and that's your bc teams problem..can't expect week in and week out for a defense to do your scoring..and pitch a shut out.. Looking at numbers..you have scored less than your defense has given up...QB barely throwing over 60 percent..13 ints to 9 TD's..no receiver in top 20..scored 22 offensive touchdowns..ALL FRIGGEN YEAR! If you just seen those numbers alone not knowing anything else would you think that team was successful and a cup contender? A threat of any type? Would you believe they could be 10-6 and not a very lucky team..with a term like smoke and full mirrors? Now if you say yes..well then you gotta be full of what the fanbase dumped on McCallums front lawn...and if the show was on other foot..every green blooded Rider goof would say Winnipeg was not as good as record...worst 10-6 team ever..lucky..whatever term you want to use and you cant deny it..
  12. Yeah it pretty much is..say anything against the riders...or diagaree with someone..your banned. Christ some of the posters there start basically saying.."time for a banning"
  13. And decide..yup..not for me and leave for a better team lol
  14. Agreed...hes just learning to be a pro this year and get back into the swing of things..and doing what's asked..and doing it well. If used properly next year he can become a real mismatch nightmare...also if anyone could score on us we can see him return a kick too..other than the one he muffed
  15. Wolitarsky next year is going to be the main slot guy (national one) No its ands or buts about that..he earned his stripes on boundary this year..and actually is already being eased into inside use. Peterman shows grit..but not sold on his reliability yet..has had some bad drops..one crucial and at times when not primary receiver it looks like he isnt giving it 100 percent Either way though. With him...Simonese..Woli..Harris and if we resign Demski we have a nice group of Canadian skill position players
  16. He's been great on teams..works hard..caught his 3 balls...also roasted one of best cover corners in the CFL earlier this year...he is no leaner or ganglier really than Adam's.. CArter..teeny weeny Chris William's or Banks... He also was in an NFL camp and did well and would have stuck around if not for his PED incident...Peterman and Demski woukdn't and didnt even garner any serious consideration Simonese from what I seen looks like the best of the lot. Gotta remember too he has been out of football for 2 yr as pretty much too
  17. Key words "high school" He wouldn't last half a season as a feature back...and if did he would be majorly ineffective...his best role is what we have him in now..A Chris Drury/hybrid slot/back who can also play outside. I think when all said in done...in next couple years our top 2 Canadian receivers will be Woli and Simonese...and I am pretty certain Woli is going to overtake Sinopoli as the best Canadian one in the league...if he wasn't majorly ignored in the first 3-4 games once Nichols came back I bet he would be sniffing at 1000 yards by season end...if not already I'd also not be opposed to a transition of Harris to a role like Demski with a bit more run heavy use than Demski sees and incorporate a explosive import as our feature back...using Dresslers roster spot... A lineup as it sits now with Adams and Thompkins, with Woli and Demski as the national receivers and Harris and an import sharing/coming out of the back field together would be hard to handle...and thats not even considering if we land a stud receiver to push..or supplant one of Adams or Thompkins
  18. Always go for the throat..always...playing to not lose is not how you got the lead in a game...to change it up and play like a *****...well the results generally aren't favorable and thats usually when you incur injuries too
  19. Was operating fine to start the season too....it was that 5 game stretch where things just got weird
  20. I wouldn't really say you really BEAT us twice tho...you won the games sure and it counts towards the win loss record certainly..but beating us and being the better team over the course of the 2 games is a total stretch...and like many say...it's a what have you done for me lately thing...and over the last 2 games you guys havn't scored an offensive touchdown...not even close to it so that should be a major cause for concern especially with the new injuries. On another note...I find it quite comical that you can and do post here and are able to freely...disagreeing with many on a opposition fan site...at times doing so in a bit of a smug cocky way and get to still participate...and I post a comment on the Rider site about knee injuries...get a stupid comment shot back at me...and asked where I have been in the last while...so state I was just reading post...but didn't post as didn't feel like bickering...and now have lost my posting/replying privileges there...Just an example of the Juvenile/Infintile mentality there and major rerason why most around the league consider Rider fans and most things associated to them as the bigger D-Bags in the league...maybe you can find out and shed some light on the reason for me since you seem to be an avid poster on both sites and somewhat of a pied piper there
  21. You guys have scored 22 offensive TDs all year after 16 games...and scored less than you have given up..that's post poor offence all around..and to have 10 wins at this point is totally smoke and mirrors and blind luck...and looking like luck has run out
  22. YEAH..but Collaros is barely a .500 QB....and Nichols is like 10 games over .500...and over the course of the last 3 years is well over .500 as a starter...and that was having to put up a whack of points to compensate for a leaky defense to get those wins...hence the difference...
  23. yeah....you extend Goose and Chungh well before free-agency...and Bighill too if he's willing....first and foremost....I'd be extending Woli even though he has a year left next year with a slight bump and reconfigure...that be the smart move. Then see where you are at $$ wise and make JSK a contract in the 140-150K range with some incentives built in...keep him here to learn with Biggie...from there re-evaluate your needs...against what you need to keep...and reload
  24. YEAH...I would have rostered Montogomery...all he did was make plays and he played angry...I like that
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