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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Next year you take Dressler's and possibly Opo's and Neufs salary off your books...you add 30k or so to Bighills 185k..throw like 175k at Chungh now most likely as this be his 3rd deal and prob is in the 120-130k range...if that....so you have about 65-75k needed to re-up them...so technically not bringing Dressler back more than covers their bump in pay...Opo could be resigned...and most likely for less I bet if we want him, and Neufeld still has a year left I believe anyway on a rather moderate 140k a year I believe...which is good value for a National O-lineman of his tenure/skill I see no reason's to not be able to sign who we want to bring back...if they want to be here...I'm not too worried about the free agent period this year and losing key people
  2. That in itself for what he has produced straight out of College while learning the Canadian game is pretty amazing truth be told...
  3. I would hope Gray slots in at Neufeld's spot next year, and Neufeld is the 6th man on roster..he's a valuable piece and not even 30 yet next year...and has played all games this year and played very well save for filling in for Hardrick. I would trade Couture and roll with Spooner and Speller as reserves as more upside and Spooner I think is going to be a good one...and plays mean as well so fits in well with what we have going on. I know for sure we lock up Bryant again...and highly doubt we let Hardrick walk as he loves being here..and team loves him being here..plus he is damn good. An oline next year with the 6 game day roster guys being Bryant/Hardrick/Goosen/Chungh/Neufeld/Gray with Spooner and Speller in the back pocket and a possible new draft pick in 2019 would be very..very nice and tops in league if you ask me....however it shakes out we seem to be pretty set on the oline for a bit....and I wouldn't be surprised to see Chungh extended before the new year
  4. yup...it's a totally foreign position to an American. Especially with the waggle and guys hitting the line in full stride...so when you get yourself a good HB...you do what you can to keep them...took Sayles about a half year to figure it out, and now he has become almost a force there now...and will only get better...I think too that has factored into our defesive re-surgance..Him and Alexander finally finding there way at that position has allowed us to play more agressively and mix up our looks with more press and man to man allowing the other guys to fly around and make plays, as opposed to lay back a bit and limit things...
  5. does he even factor in for this year now though?...replace Couture on active if anything?..can't see him supplanting a starter at moment..but if he has really improved since school you never know...at least...huge depth upgrade
  6. Coming from American ball the halfback position here is a really foreign thing for an American to grasp/figure out right off the bat, as it doesn't really exist down south..that is also why it is harder to slot in a new guy there and have immediate dominance..speaking from experience that is the hardest position to fill with a new American. But getting used to the zone drops, the responsibilities of the defenders, it takes a while to "re-train" your brain as a QB to make reads and decisions quickly to account for it. When you have played 15 years of QB as a youth/college/NFL and have to come up here to play, your instinctive thinking needs to be re-wired to account for the difference. Hard to believe but sometimes a newer QB doesn't even dee a defender lurking
  7. And there is nothing wrong with Strevelers arm strength..not sure where you think he doesnt have the arm to be a starter. Just because he has a different mechanics to it..he is a classic short arm/wrist passer...which has more benefits than hindrances. Isnt a classic shoulder..wind it up passer..so a quicker release and can let it go from all different types of scenarios and positions on field.. quick release and less biomechanics to get in a throwing funk...and less chance for injury..and can easily get it off when scrambling and on the run more accurately. Sure he wont have the longest toss in the league..but he can get it out quicker and with just as much velocity in all the higher percentage throws.. and the 15 to 45 yard strikes...he just needs seasoning and learn the nuances of the bigger field and what works where and when and what to look for to prevent int's like last game.
  8. The way I look at it as I am pleased with the teams performance and the win..in its totality.. could care less about who did what..how they got it done..and just acted like class doing it. Plain and simple...football is ultimate team game and many factors play into a win. That being said I like how we celebrate things and dont look like jack asses doing it...be pretty hard to argue that if the game was reversed and the Riders di that to us. The stupid mugging for the camera ..over the top celebrating and the general foolishness they show would have been sickening.. many think Carter was the straw that stirred that drink but they are the same bunch of assbags as they ever were.. if not worse and in MY experience that is a team with no real leaders..and no internal babysitting..just a bunch of individuals looking for face time and personal accomplishments.. not a true team
  9. Short week excuse is just that at this time of year..an excuse. If teams dont know other teams tendancies and base formations..habits..etc..etc..then they are badly coached. There are no major tweeks/ changes at this time that have much an effect.. The last few games they have been exposed as what they are..unbalanced and fairly lucky..and that never lasts. Nor is a successful blue print..Jones threw all his eggs in one basket..his defence..and sacrificed and neglected his offence and depth/role guys...and well..u see the results. Also...having very few "character" and team first guys diesnt help..watching Jeffersons actions after the game and having to be held back and restrained by a teammate was a joke
  10. You said you were looking forward to the convo after this game..I guess only if the riders fluked out another win..but seeing as they were exposed as to what they really are..a severely weak team with thin depth and no offence at all and got some very fortunate wins due to other teams miscues and an opportunistic yet also lucky defence. When the luck runs out and fall/playoff football comes calling..they are toast...now with the injuries depleting you the whiney masses out there already have the built in excuse..you are very lucky you eeeked out those wins as you could..or really shoukd be the team on the verge of possibly on outside looking in
  11. Yeah both solid. And we also have Augustine on PR who does a nice job on ST's too..
  12. Lol..no..but it's the winnipeg winning out and sask losing out scenario
  13. So based on our previous convo...here..which is the better team?..based on your assessment of how u determined who is better
  14. Gaitor has been a pleasant surprise and his experience with CFL game is a big thing in the success. Alexander and Sayles have really come on strong.. allowing Randle and Fogg to just focus on their jobs and not really have to worry about covering up or helping else where.. which I think has now allowed us to be able to employ the linebackers and dlineman differently to play this new aggressive style of defense..finally... also. It has allowed loffler to roam and play safety like before
  15. Gaitor has done nothing but make plays and be solid since he came back I gotta say..great pick up
  16. Yeah..no depth..pure luck wins..no QB..selfish me first players..equals what u saw today.. they are not a good team and if they have no fortunate lucky plays..they stand no chance
  17. He sees that's all he has..3 QBs with not much upside let alone ability to win a game on their own
  18. Gotta give it to the whole team..took the arrogant and cocky Riders out to the backlane and laid a sound whooping on them..sending a message to the entire league. Kudos tho to Oshea as mentioned for putting in backups early for valuable reps and learning..and to prevent the dirty asshats on that team for trying to injure players..as that team has many on it who play that way.. that being said looks like sask is really seeing injury but and are going to be exposed for what they are..a thin in depth/ talent team..and looks like when lady luck runs out...their offense is putrid..that wont take u anywhere in fall football and playoffs
  19. I never made a claim or boasted like that 😁...you just offered it up..should have tempered your enthusiasm lol
  20. Yes..I will be expecting an etransfer of my winnings
  21. Well I never looked..but last 2 cups were won by a team that was .500...or worse..so obviously they got hot at right time
  22. Sask demise is coming with injuries now..with next to no depth to cover injuries we shall see what happens now.
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