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Everything posted by Booch

  1. so based on where the season is at..rolling into the play-offs and your what have you done for me lately stance...is whoever wins the game on saturday the better team at this juncture in the season? and earn third...you guys havn't earned second yet either...lots can happen in 3 weeks
  2. yeah...its how your playing/where you are at in the last 3 games leading up to the playoffs...if you can get to that point and get in...previous record for the season means jack squat
  3. You were saying how you were a superior team and most people with a shred of intelligence have said yes you have the better record, but are a flawed and very fortunate team to be there...and the stats basically disprove all the crap you spew how the 3 phases of the Riders are better..hence better team...but facts and stats prove other wise...You guys got lucky and if not for Nichols playing like a Highschooler would have lost both games....but he appears back on track..so Saturday after 16 games being played..will most likely indicate who is actually better talent wise...not previous record wise I know stats..facts...logic...common intelligence is hard for a Saskatchewan fan to digest..let alone understand...but if you can honestly sit there and chirp about what a better all around team you are because you have been fortunate up to now..then I don't know what to say
  4. We have given up 365 points...Riders have given up 373...we both have given up 30 offensive TD's...we have given up 13 passing TD's (2nd in league) you guys 20 (good for 6th)...We forced 41 turn overs...Riders 36..tied for interceptions and and fumble recoveries...and have 131 points off turnover as opposed to 91 for the Riders...you do have edge in sacks 41 to 37 but most of yours come from 2 guys, where Winnipeg doesn't have to rely on 2 guys. So based on stats..which you seem to indicate don't lie..how is the Rider defense better...statistically in all the major points you trail Winnipeg?? Also..you are dead last in punting average and net punting..sixth in kick off average...we are tied at 3rd for punt return average given up..Riders have given up 3 kick return Td's to our 1...we blocked 3...you blocked 2...though you have returned 4 and we have returned 1...and we have least ST penalties in the league...so again...how are the riders far superior? Based on numbers and stats...it seems that the Rider's are a far superior team in luck and horseshoes moreso than in ability...based on stats
  5. Only reason you are best in sacks given up is because you do not stand in pocket to make a play...due to crap o-line Sask ranks 8th in first downs..6th in 1st downs rushing..7th in first downs passing..6th in net offence..8th is passing TD's and 8th in scrimmage plays....so all this time of possession superiority you boast is amounting to didddly squat in the grand scheme of things really...and the QB managing an offense well enough to win games?...hardly as the stats don't lie....your offence is riding the coat tails of some opportunistic, and at times lucky help from your defense...which isn't a recipe for success...especially in play-offs...and unsustainable....because thats what every Rider fan claimed when in 2016 we were winning majority of the games the same way....unless the largely uneducated fan out West fails to remember..or recall that lil tidbit
  6. wow have times changed...an 180 pound guard?? I was a 195 pound QB in grade 10
  7. Who cares where the passes are going if the team is scoring...and a game dictates where you go anyway for the most part...so if thats where the game dictates where to go...then you go there...why force things into spots that just aren't there risking a =turnover just to get the fancy stats?
  8. actually..I am a Flyers fan myself...hahaha....since as far back as I can remember
  9. Funny statement as your 2 "top" recruited receivers sit 16th and 17th in the league with a total of 4 TD's between them....and our leading Canadian has as many TD's and and just over 100 yards less than your top guy in yards gained...so how's your recruiting going??
  10. every team has fans across the country...just seems like sask has more because once a youngin reaches age of majority there...they do all they can to get away...but kudos on them for supporting their hometown team...who has won the fewest cups in league history...and as a measure of team success...I'd take the grand total of things rather than cherry pick only certain era's 2nd most Grey Cup wins....most appearances...sounds a lot better than 4 championships in over 100 years, one of which would have evaporated if video review was in place at the time.........ouch!
  11. Yeah we kicked a few field goals..but someone got us in field goal position..no? Also you have to look at an offence as a whole...passing opens up for the run..and a good running game opens up the passing...so if both are cause for concern for a defense..one or the other will benefit
  12. Yeah why he made that trade is baffling considering everyone and their dog knew he would be cut...maybe he got psyched out thinking they would trade him to Montreal so he panicked. Nichols has piled up quite a few wins and some good stats in 3 years here...and a lot of the wins were because of him when he had to put up 35....40 points a game to compensate for a cheescloth defense...and that's where the difference lies I think as he can put a team on his back and win a game...or at the least be the reason for the win. From what we have seen this year..Collaro's has not been the difference in..or the reason for a win in Sask...they have won despite his poor play...
  13. That statement really is not well thought out...he did more than enough o win both play-off games...those losses were not on the offense in any way whatsoever...if you score 30 points in a game...especially playoffs when weather is less than ideal....your team should win. QB's with lesser stats have won many a game because they didn't have a defense that gave up 30+ a game..over and over.....and over
  14. I figure if Nichols performs back to where he was previously and gets us in the play-offs, and does well to give us the chance to win (can't fault him if he puts up 30+ points..no turnovers, yet the defense drops the ball) and has his mojo back in doing it , then there is no reason to have him back at TC...but it should be an open competition with him and Streveler, and the starter should be named after TC based on who looked the best, and gives the offense the best chance to be productive...past performance/tenure/loyalty should be tossed out window and we have to roll with who outright wins it. If Nichols is a 440k back-up...so be it as Strev's entry level contract salary and Nichols salary would be the same toward the cap regardless and what better option to have on the bench is a guy like Nichols if Streveler gets hurt, or struggles. Off-season of 2019 is when the hard decisions will have to be made in terms of QB is Streveler proves in year 2 he is the real thing..I think he is so will be interesting to see how it plays out
  15. well they gotta restock their picks...and Blake is an aging o-lineman who isn't what he was...so basically if he slots into their lineup he becomes an average player...replacing and average player...not sure the benefits of this trade really for Sask...Lavoi basically is what Moore is/does for them...
  16. are you ok with Collaro's 450? Nichols is middle tier in terms of salary for starting QB's in the league and was a bargain....other than his 4 game funk when I think he was still hindered by injury and trying to do too much for compensating for it. Collaro's is pulling in top 2..or 3 in salary and in no way is worth it...or earning it...a lot of money tied up in a guy who most likely has seen better days and no real legit prospect/back-up behind him may make it difficult to upgrade that position..especially if you guys stick with him thinking that he is the reason for your current success...which he isn't
  17. and sadly....totally not a surprise...our management has no kajonies
  18. I actually think we might make a move as well...Kyle has been to quiet and absent the past month or so...
  19. Iknow that when I played if we had a guy or two who did some of the stuff they do...they'd have a talking to for sure by the vets/leaders...especially when elaborate celebrating for simple plays. Mind you it seems to be the culture there and some of their leaders..or supposed ones in Jefferson..Gainey..Hughes..Jovon are the worst offenders...so I guess thats the norm there
  20. actually sounds like you are talking about a good portion of the riders on both sides of the ball..i think it is a prerequisite there for over the top boasting and celebrating at sometimes the most generic of plays and plays that you should be making
  21. Can tell you that Lapo won't be going to West coach for any coaching position
  22. Yeah but those offences scored more than 22 offensive touchdowns after 15 games...big difference
  23. their defense isn't as good as people like to think...sue they won the game with a pick 6 but really....can't rely on that basically for what..4-5 wins this year forever...it won't last and with that pathetic offence...come play-offs and crunch time it won't sustain. With Edmonton's swoon right now, you know B.C is looking to go throttle the Riders to pass the Schmoes...I highly doubt they beat us at home again and Cgy I am sure wants to send a playoff message to them as well...they have 3 tough games and could lose out....we win out...well guess whee the WSF is?
  24. I'd like Cross on our team replacing Lafrance on roster..
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