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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Reilly think is nicked and has been for a bit..the interception was an off throw and some of his misses make you wonder..just doesnt seem right. I hate the sask tire pumping too..saying and showing the Zack attack bs where he is 6-1 in last 7 games...barely throwing over 60 percent..6 TDs to 8 int's and averaging about 240 yards a game..like really? Just shows how lucky and flukey their wins have been and it wont sustain them..even this game..pathetic offense again working against a sappy edm defence
  2. Good character game for this team..to control the game only to blow it at end...yet have the ability to overcome and win in O.T and not cave in is a good sign. Also..T.O pretty much has to win out and we lose the rest of games to not cross over..dont see that happening and an Esks win and us beating sask next week really makes it interesting
  3. Isnt that part and parcel of a good offence? The line giving the QB time to do his thing and allow the team to rush for 150..160 yards??
  4. Yeah that's the vet savvy that Dressler brings...his use of the goalpost as a pick was totally planned. Though on the backside of his career it would be nice to be able to config our lineup ratio to use him as a DI for certain sets and for his leadership skills as a young guy develops. Also in clutch times like the o.t sure is nice to have that experience and almost player/coach presence
  5. To me it looks like Nichols is over what was making him look like a rookie. He looked more sure in the pocket..moved around a lot better with no panic in his eyes...and stepped up and made decisive throws.. and very deliberate ones...during that 4 game streak and even before that..he did not look right.
  6. and any receiver could have ran that route and made that play...I am a bit shocked that it was Lankford out for the pass as of the receivers on the roster for that game..he was by far the least reliable hands wise
  7. Maybe the point is that someone else should have been found/brought in/brought back better than the Lankford's of our PR when really they aren't good enough to get on the roster, and when they do...are very underwhelming
  8. Mainor wasn't big though...gangly perhaps
  9. whoever decision it has been to stand pat...should get a good smack upside the head from Miller
  10. we aren't in a cap crunch dilema...we just don't have a regime that can or know how to make big moves and adjust to make it work if need be...loyalty to second level players can only go so far until it's time to not be all nice and fuzzy anymore...we just dont have the stones to do it...and why we can't seem to get over the hump in the past 5 years
  11. Ekakite didnt get big up front money..nor was Bowmans signing bonus which would hurt ..heck all he got in total was 140 if he played all year..and was only here for what 4 games?? Dressler..Wild..Medlock..all are playing for less this year..Strevler and Bennett are less than Davis and Lefevour..Moe has been off books...Harris..Bighill..are under 200k a year..Nevis is a cheap 120k..Roh was reported under 100k and Jeffcoat..Poop..Bryant are all entry level which offsets Opo' s 170k really Even Neufeld was reported at 140k which is peanuts for a Nationsl starting olineman. Randle and Fenner are making market value for their position and other than Fogg who isnt making a lot and Loffler who is still on his first contract the rest of defence is pretty much on entry level deals. Even factoring in Bryant's and Hardricks deals which aren't earth shattering by any means but in line with any other teams players of similar skill/tenure there is no reason we are in cap restraint mode. Demskis over pay if u ask me at 130-140k isnt breaking us. The no cap room talk is just that.. talk
  12. Quite a few here and on other sites know a good deal about who I am/was..and didnt attack any credibility.. if u take someone saying dont blabber on about stuff you have no clue about as a credibility issue..then maybe dont blabber on U said guys cant come in and play..and dont have an iota of an idea of what most pro-ready/released guys do to maintain game shape..and actually play modified games for a call such as Matthew's just got...where as I know exactly what guys are doing..have done it..and now in a few instances help facilitate it as well.. and yeah I post on a fan board like many as a fan of the game and for interesting interaction It would prob blow your lil nutsack off if u actually knew who some of the aliases were on some of these boards.. tho I shouldn't assume u have one cause for all I know about u is that u could be a female behind your username..and dont wanna make offensive comments about your anatomy
  13. ask them about it after he gauges our defence when we play them hahahaha
  14. and guaranteed he would have had interest in coming here...he really liked it here and 9 out of 10 guys show loyalty to the team who gave him his chance...and he seemed like one of those 9..
  15. And we are in no fear of cap issues either...a late season signing isn't going to hurt us in the least and I bet you see many an extension at end of the year with upfront money from this year still available...the up against the cap talk is all message board fabrication and assumptioms...and has no legitimacy to it
  16. guys in the states...and ones with hopes of furthering their careers when a chance pops up don't just train in the gym...i know from experience and are continually playing mock games with others, training in elite facilities and are game ready....Pretty sure Plesius wasn't doing that. Don't blabber on about things that you don't really know about
  17. and no...it's pretty easy to run down our regime for their lack of continually evolving the roster...they even say it as much themselves about being happy with their guys....on many occasions Great teams continually bring guys in who they think are an upgrade...and obviously he had interest in playing up here as he has signed. I'
  18. guys don't sit around on couches these days and do nothing...they are training constantly 24/7 for another shot And it would be easy to integrate a skill set like that in a lineup pretty seamlessly...it's not like he has never played the Canadian game
  19. He was hurt his last year here and it was amazing he made it on roster each game from what I hear....and pretty sure he could step right in and play...
  20. it was tweeted out at some point that Walters said the Bombers had no interest in Mathews...wasn't message board assumptions...that is why this team flounders...they don't constantly upgrade when opportunity arises and show too much loyalty to whatever scrub makes it out of TC
  21. we said in the media we had no interest in bringing him in...dumb....so dumb I actually hope he lights us up when we play CGY
  22. so obviously he has CFL interest...and why we didn't bring him back based on our lack of receiver out put just baffles the mind We claimed to have no interest and were happy with our guys...Like Lankford and Wshington who we don't really dress or use properly when we do
  23. Well I said in a different thread that if we got Nichols head back in place and played decent on offence we could go realistically 4-2 and possibly 5-1 in last 6 games..well we are halfway to that and if not for the Crapshow QB show in Banjo bowl could be 3-0 instead of 2-1 At worst I see us splitting our last 4..and running the table isnt out of question if that new scheme on defense is an actual thing and not just an aberration
  24. SO every time a team loses it's a case of mailing it in?...that makes no sense...Is it not just a case of a team got beat by a better team/gameplan that certain day? Having played personally...I have never came across an instance where collectively as a team we just "mailed it in" And even in games at end of year where we sat starters, or in College where we played Sophmores and Juniors to protect the lineup come play-offs the team if anything played even harder and more intensely
  25. and we really could have shut the Schmoes out last week..their sole points came off an end of quarter drive...where we played a bit of soft zone to prevent being burned for a TD at end of half
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