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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Not major...but some...well...one I think...QB issue...adaption to what we do if we don't mix it up a bit Really...the defense was burned out last 2 games...any above average offensive work in those games we win...
  2. Yeah no doubt...too bad you cant play Montreal all year...oh crap...they beat you....as will T.O most likely as Carter eats your lunch...you barely eeked out a win against them before when they were brutal
  3. Wanted to see your u=insight in remaining schedule and reasoning for why you predict 3 wins...and compare your schedule which I think is...in my opinion just as difficult as what your opinion of ours is...if not more....it wasn't intended to change subject to the Riders to make ours any easier...thats just an immature and frankly way off base comment...expected from a RIder fan...but whatever Nichols had 166 passing and 2 ints and we were lucky to win? Nichols wasn't the reason we lost with his "irrelevant stats"...it was the pop warner play by us on your return TD...and the basically pick six your defense got you...so your superior quarterback won't win many games generating 17 points a game in the CFL..and like Rider fans trumpeted last 2 years when our defense and ST 's were producing scores week in and week out...it won't last Ottawa beat us in Ottawa after Collaros got hurt and our back up was in So your QB got hurt and you lost...that's just an excuse really...we hammered Montreal with as raw a rookie as you can have..on the road...and the 3rd stringer as well chipped in points...whats your point...should we have defaulted that as a loss?..I guess our back-up is better...you saying if Collaros goes out again..which is likely that you guys won't win again?? Riders have beat teams with winning records The rest of your analysis is your own opinion basically and really based on nothing...and thats your right to have...no qualms with that...but you guys are 1-3 versus teams with a winning record at this point in the year...so again..whats your point?....your season is really just as much in the balance as is Edmonton and Winnipegs...really...not sure how you feel Sask is in the drivers seat by any means....do explain...
  4. yeah and we were on a 3 game streak at one point as well when they were not..whats the point????....it's the cumulative result at seasons end...and the season as far as I know hasn't ended...has it??
  5. Which games are our 3 then Green Sage...and how is your schedule easier...you were lucky to walk away with win vs us..and play us 2 more times in Winnipeg...Ottawa handed your butts to you, and yeah you beat CGY once...but they also beat you, and you have to go there again...highly doubt the same result occurs with a win for you Edm has beaten you...so..they may just again...and christ you lost to MTL...so maybe they have your number and they are much improved since they beat you....so records against opponents past and future are nice to gauge and form a opinion...but each team matches up differently and any one can beat anyone..heck we throttled Mtl and Toronto yet you lost to them...and we lost to you...what does that say?...nothing really and save for a piss poor officiating call on a pick six should have lost to T.O as well...so to say one teams schedule is tougher than anothers is a opinion only..just like mine is...an opinion What is your win total over next 8 games and which ones are wins?
  6. Are you my dad?...don't call me son...People never come good on a message board on bets..
  7. Yup..5-2...I'll stand by that claim I look at things differently than disgruntled and with no offence to anyone on here.. somewhat ignorance of aspects of pro football and reasons for what. And why.. and fuel a lot of their opinions an ideals on passion for a team and at b.c times..unfounded displeasure of things...but to each their own..let the next 7 play out and then discuss
  8. Have a lil faith..we have just been working out the kinks lol...but seriously..... I can't see why we don't sweep the Riders at home, and coming out of the bye have no excuse not to beat the Al's at home. Ottawa loss was I think more of a dud game than a true indication of what we are as a team and see us winning that one, and a split with Edmonton is pretty realistic..pretty hard to beat a team 3 times in a year and even then...they ain't that good. Final game of year against CGY...at home...with them likely sitting some key guys could be a win for us as well...but you never know...but closing out 5-2 isn't a stretch, possible 6-1 if CGY rests most their starters or back to 5-2 if the Shmoes sweep us...and all hinges on if we stand up and deliver on Saturday...or we turtle and concede we are fractured...a big win...convincingly and our season turns Big time players come up with big time plays in big games...lets see who our bigtime players are..or if we have any
  9. we are going 5-2 closing out the season..and based on the teams we play to for it to happen..likely end up in second in west..bank on it!
  10. Yeah in regards to vet salaries sure...in my thought process though I was thinking in general terms through a season in cutting guys before guarantees are locked in. That being said too though if I guy isn't cutting it...and you don't have plans to move forward with him why keep around to save several games worth of salary at the expense of not being able to bring in another body to evaluate...eat your losses and move on...only so many roster spots available to house guys and no point keeping a guy if you have no use..and no future with just because you have to pay him...
  11. well duhh...i meant worst case....neither have season series on us yet...i was saying for the cross over I totally think it is realistic we sweep the riders here...giving us the series...Edmonton...not too sure, but they have a pretty pourous defense and have lost to some bad teams this year themselves...They don't really scare me even with all our warts at the moment..we can improve greatly by the time we play them too
  12. 13th in league in rushing..6th in TD passes and 10th in rushing TD's...all with starting only 3 games of which were basically only after 3 weeks of "Intro to Canadian Ball 101" and limited spot duty...how he can't do any better and most likely make things happen out there that most QB's in this league can only dream off seems pretty unlikely...time for his shot...because as it stands our QB position isn't getting it done
  13. very true...and Streveler's skill set opens up the offence to bigger degree...Defenses have much more to worry about with him in there than they do with Nichols now..
  14. if we win 2 more games...pretty much is a given we can get the crossover this year i think...though that being said...we are 2 points out of second right now...
  15. yeah...he's playing for self preservation now...he needs to sit
  16. I don't think it is an issue with the play calling...hard to determine if it is Nichol's not being able to execute on all the options, or gets jitters and just want to dump it off for fear of getting injured further..and I don't think he is 100 percent...in body and mind I see receivers open...or in a position to be thrown open or lead to a ball...and Nichols isn't pulling the trigger for whatever reason. Also...teams know he is no threat to run this year, and basically disregard that in their pass rush, and even on a play action/roll out...they know he ain't going anywhere. Tho he was no major threat or consistent runner before, the ability/threat was there...and that is huge in an offence to hum along nicely. The fact that Harris is able to accomplish what he is right now is amazing and is a tribute to his talent...and the o-line...now if we could insert a QB who can threaten a defense with the notion he may take off, as well as stand in and make intermediate passes and utilize the offence then we will be onto something...but right now..Nichols funk is affecting things big time and it is the issue we have sputtered..
  17. I believe that next game you start Nichols, and any extended time of non sustained offence, and similar lost look like last game...no more than 2-3 series you insert Streveler (with a full playbook) and see what he does..can he make further throws..extend drives with his legs...hit open receivers...do the guys around him get fired up...and if this all happens...he continues playing in next games until he hits a lul and needs to be back on sidelines to observe a bit. Now, if the same ol same ol keeps occurring...then there is a problem...either a) Lapo has been figured out and needs to adjust b) Lapo become a dunce over night c) it's a personnel issue with the supposed play makers. That will be the telling tale on offence but I think there is something wrong with Matt, and from experience when your QB is flawd, or become a detriment..it trickles down and effects the whole team, and their play/drive....This is when Oshea has to step up and earn his salary. If it's playmakers...well then Walters has to step up...if you have to cut a higher priced vet, or move assets to improve...you just do it...we have both things to utilize to improve...now lets see if we have balls to do anything
  18. We just need to play a clean game..dont give the ball away in our end to help out the sad sack sask offence..no special teams TDs against. I think we can put up 20..25 points.. cant see sask getting 20 unless we crap the bed
  19. Hahaha...maybe he will sprain his digits and lay off the keyboard for a bit hahaha..I kid..I kid
  20. Today at practice were working with crowd noise pumps in..and some interesting ways to combat it..Strev seen some time with it as well...possible offensive tweaks me thinks
  21. lately we seem to stick with the team we break camp with....never a recipe for success
  22. smart move...once again...no harm bringing him in...seeing what he has and if he is worth the money...and cut bait if he isn't...nothing lost there and everything to gain
  23. Streveler runs a 4.4 and gets to speed fast...he can pretty much run anyone down in the league
  24. which isn't uncommon...tho I did notice Jeffcoat on sidelines for better part of second half...sans helmet...so musta got knicked up...possibly why we brought in Rivers...though would have much rather flown in Montgomery but he wouldn't be in game shape since camp ended
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