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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Hardrick was 25 when we told him to drop a few pounds and come to camp..and also had many games as a starter under his belt..and was trained at a top notch NCAA school..Rice is 30 already, and has shown squat really...and came from UofM...No knock on Canadian schools...bu C'mon man! big difference Morgan was hardly terrible and Conteh is only a second yr guy...but is hardly an unknown...they aren't rookies and from experience..safety is a place you can with stand a mistake here and there and not get yer backside handed to you for colossal losses...
  2. It is actually...They don't have to be a difference maker to play a standard safety role...something they have been doing and have the athleticism to do...Safety in Canadian ball is probably the easiest position to play on defense..you need to be able to have the speed to close a gap and flow to the ball on the deeper passes...or move up on a run after your protection responsibilities are no longer needed...ie...the ball is being ran. YOu Morgan and Conteh are more than capable of doing that..(both have played corner..so can run with a WR) you read the QB and don't fall for look offs...if you ask me..Loffler doesn't have the skill set to play the normal safety role as he doesn't have the skills to read a play in the normal safety spot to flow to a ball to break it up..assist in coverage over the top or read it fast enough to jump a route...The staff here fell in love with the big hits in yr one and as per usual..stick with their guy until it's a foregone conclusion the player is sub par Safety for a lack of a better description is your last line of defence and an area where you can hide a lesser talented player if they are properly coached and know the role...why do you thin that for decades generally the safety was the only place you usually saw a Canadian in a defensive back field??..there is/was a reason...it's EASY to play O-line is your first line of defense..and if you have a guy that is sub-par there..well you have all seen the results of that..
  3. Landon Rice is of no help...30 yr old who has never really started anywhere...we'd be better off with Neuf at tackle and Couture at guard if we wanted to go that silly route
  4. Naw we need a Benny Thompson back there if we hitting the time machine..and if we want a Canuck...gimme Flagl
  5. was away with no internet access until today after the saturday game...digesting the loss haha
  6. Moe had one bad game out of our 10...he's hardly a concern whatsoever, and hasn't lost a step..was a total defensive scheme collapse all around...If anything the use and play of Loffler is hurting this team more than anything...he seems so slow...and stiff....big hits be dammned (way things are going league wise anyway a big hit will probably get flagged) I think he needs to be replaced for a game or two and put in the more athletic Conteh or Morgan and let them play a traditional safety role, because as it is now, he is offer minimum help to the DB's coverage wise and in open space with a receiver running after the catch he almost looks comical and lost out there...not to mention looking like he is plodding through deep wet sand
  7. If Montreal can beat Sask....well..that's just plain funny
  8. funny part the dumped Pipkin and he was just brought back a few weeks ago...and has appeared to look the best of the bunch
  9. actually I think we will get an equal result with Bennett or Streveler to be honest..we have 2 pretty good youngins right now...
  10. you just inadvertently described Bridges time there in Rider land lol
  11. False...only thing Rice has over Foketti is Birth Certificate...If we made that move we would have weakened the O-line significantly Tho I don't know what type of evaluation skill Bauming has I agree with him. From my observations Foketti is pretty much at par with Hardrick, and I would go on record saying would be a starter on almost every team in the league if he hit open market...we havn't realized how lucky we have been the last 3 years having him stashed away and there is a reason he has ben on the 46 all of last year and this...he's being paid full salary for his insurance policy premiums lol
  12. Biggie makes 190k..Harris 195 k..Nichols is a wash as is making on par what all starters do..actually less than Reilly..Collaros and Harris in Ottawa..Prob was less than Rickey Ray too. Also Wild is on the cheap..as is Dressler and Adams relatively speaking compared to most teams #1 and #2 players and we have only 1 guy even remotely close to what youare paying 3 guys on your d-line in Opo..and he makes less than any of those 3...money isn't an issue here...it's the managements blind thinking to go with who you break camp with...never a recipe for success..Cal Murphy was forever bringing in guys and changing mid season...as was Riley...both of who are the only guys that have won a cup here that most if not all fans on this board would recognize name wise....a big reason why Winnipeg has been able to reach the peak a few times over the last 10 yrs..but never conquer it...
  13. If you want a player...you make it work...and Bighill did say that there was a mutual respect between him and Osh and that he really wanted to play for him...so it helped in the process undeniably
  14. You toss him into a game or two...and make him work hinself off the roster and cut bait...or he makes it impossible to remove him...thats how....Lankford should have been the last resort in this equation...and even then I would probably split reps with Simonese and Peterman in that spot and dressed Flanders in the import roster spot as a non DI or dressed another import for free use on defense
  15. Lol....yup...as much as Jones has shown he sucks as a g.m he does one thing right..constantly brings in guys to try and upgrade what he has..tho some of the guys he kicks tires on are head scratchers. But..they lose a receiver..they bring one in..but we stay pat and recycle a 3rd yr guy with no upside..and really...somewhat useless for the role he is filling in our offence
  16. possibly...unless he is on the 46 and just a gameday scratch...not sure how they manouvered their roster
  17. Well if Walters has it in him...I'd be trying to steal him off the PR...He appears to be a guy who wants to play, and probably sees there being limited opportunity
  18. sometimes though practice is not a true indicator of what a guy will do in a game...happens all the time. Also...I wouldn't hold my breath on Walters making it work on a Zylstra as he didn't on Rogers..or Walker...and doesn't have the guts to sign a guy like that..and cut a Dressler
  19. well then wtf are the guys on PR there for then if Lankford is best option...and a crappy one at that?...I would be hard pressed to think of a team that would pick Lankford up if we dumped him...not even Montreal who just dropped a guy for dropping a sure TD pass in TJ Grahem whom I would take over Lankford in a heartbeat...Even Kavis has the balls to dump a guy for messing up...a guy with significant NFL experience to boot...but we are gonna trot out the same slop over and over
  20. Nope...I know game speed is different for sure...but catching is catching ...Bryant Mitchell sure didn't need to knock off any rust last game for EDM..Tompkins in his first game looked very good with no issues...rust is not a factor if you are practicing all year...they are just polished..good receiver whereas Lankford is not..it's a coaching issue and a loyalty thing being here...plain and simple
  21. well for one...he would have kept running Franklin out there for 3-4 more games for one
  22. Nope...it's not that...and at this point in season there is no rust to knock off for a player who has practiced all year..thats nonsense. And why is he the best for the role..do tell Can he consistently catch a ball without using body??..can he box out a defender to position his body to have best chance to catch ball...caan he out muscle a defender on a 50/50?...can he catch a ball in stride and then make people miss or not go down on first contact?...basically the things you want in that role...well any role for that matter You have to say a confident no to all those questions...but we have a guy in Washington who does all these things....only thing Lankford has on him is tenure and regular season experience and that is where Oshea fails in a coach in his loyalty to that..or his reluctance to roll the dice on a new guy
  23. Not talking about off-season and in TC with guys brought in....it's the in-season adjustments and players brought in....we fail to do that and pretty much every team that sees a weakness or an area where there is an opportunity to upgrade with a player who is available...the Bombers stand pat and throw out the "we are happy with our roster" schtick...even tho it is apparently very obvious there are some soft spots....and pretty much every other team has brought in guys mid-season..who have made a significant impact....I can't even think of an instant where we did that under these guys...and there have been many guys come back to the league the last few years where the opportunity was there...but we don't aggressively go after it trust me former team loyalty only goes so far in the CFL and the $$ value goes a long way..Last year take Derrel Walker for example...if we said hey...u will be our main man..we will pay you 10k more than Edmonton will...he would have been here and you dump Denmark and its done Same as this year..If Zylstra comes free....you offer him what it takes to get him to sign and if it means dumping Dressler...oh well..football business is a ruthless one but it needs to be to be a winner
  24. Things like this is what I commented on before here...as someone who has been in these meetings and you actually know what the design for certain things are..scheme...responsibilities etc...you get to review the how and why things broke down. A lot of times on a forum people sqwuak and moan about things...The Qb has a crap deep ball...Why did the DB leave that guy open...etc..etc..they just don't know the what and why. Football has plays set up where guys are supposed to be in a certain spot...and if 11 guys follow script and one guy deviates..doesn't know where he should be..or plain messes up...and play goes to him well then it fails and sometimes fingers get pointed in wrong direction
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