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Everything posted by Booch

  1. Any player can play that role...you just have to send them down the field...to think Lankford is the only player who can play a deep threat is dumb. Plus that deep route guy has to have the reputation that he may just catch it. Oshea just loves the fact he is a team guy..been here a while and is fast...lots of guys are fast and can play that same role...there are fast guys running without the ball...and fast guys who stay fast with the ball...and Lankford has serious ball security skills if he tries to stay fast and actually make moves post catch with ball in his hands...and is also brutal as a receiver if he has to deal with contact or contested grabs
  2. Yeah I hope I am wrong as well....but history keeps repeating here and Oshea has shown at times to a fault he sticks with his guys too long before basically having to make a move to save his arse...or quench the raging fires surrounding the team....That's his one fault that bugs me the most....outside of that I like how he runs the team and goes about things...can he evolve as a coach and fix this...hopefully so...is it Walters playing scared as a G.M and not trying to continually upgrade positions...regardless of what cuts have to be made for it...who knows...but they need to tweek their mindset a bit if you ask me
  3. Hard to tell..as he hasn't had a lot of touches...but from watching in pre-season and practices...he seems very reliable...quick...gets the gritty yards and makes people miss....that being said he is a rookie so don't kow where he is at in the playbook..etc....but I like what I have seen
  4. Awe is there because he is an upgrade all around...and cause of it..Knapton got the pink slip today..thats what aggressive no holds barred GM's do..and what our guys don't seem to have the knads to do And who knows about Mathews...We said we were not interested in going that direction..so most likely didn't ask...no..pretty certain we didn't ask...and wouldn't shock me to see him materialize somewhere up here..and probably right burn us in a game we need to win
  5. Yeah was going to add that in my post...but didn't want to say disparaging things (tho not really disparaging things really) about Oshea... I know /recall him as a player and he played as mean and nasty as there was on close to being on the line..if not over the line at times...and didn't give a crap about it or feel he had to answer for it...or apologize...it's exactly what we need on the defensive side of the ball...we have that on offence somewhat but where and how it occurs is always evident to the untrained eyes
  6. and so it appears to be occurring again..teams are constanlty evolving their line-ups..bringing in new guys at expense of current ones to better their squad...as we stand pat with the same old "we like our guys"...and "he has worked hard in practice"..."we aren't interested in him (Mathews) This is the reason that I don't think this management group has the stones to get over the hump...blind loyalty and "liking" a guy only goes so far...and I agree with what Leggett said last year...we need a couple grade A assbags on the team who play to win and don't give a flying @##$ what people think on how they do it...we have a more than capable locker room to manage and maintain it...time for coaches and management to stop being a bunch of ******* and be old school football men...infuriates me to no end
  7. What rookie receivers are you referring too? A line-up with Adams..Wolitarsky, Tompkins, Demski and Washington rather than Lankford is hardy conceding the season...nor does it fit your above comment. In my opinion that is our best line-up we could field this year with whats on the roster...why they havn't given this set-up a chance blows my mind
  8. Relying on the best running back in the game.. regardless of age is a silly argument....we do rely on going to the well once too often...mote like constantly and now teams scheme to limit the success....and that's where Lapo has to pull his head out of his arse and adjust and actually use that scheme of his to set up different wrinkles. We also have to like I said in another post layer our routes better and bring everything away from inside the hash marks...within 10-12 yards of the LOS....It's to congested and relying on missed tackles..breaking tackles or wasting receiving options soley for blocking is killing any mediulm to medium deep gains we should be getting. Lokk at Calgary..Edm..even Ottawa..they layer it out and pull defenders apart so receivers get the ball with one guy on them...and if they hit the play right the receiver has major room to scamper and gain big yards...when is the last time you saw that with our offence?...yeah thats right...pretty much never....and thats why inserting Flanders at this point doesn't help the issue...it would compound it. We need a big stud like we have on the PR (washington) to come in and be that guy for us...and if he bombs...cut bait and get someone who can....and saying earlier this month that we had no interest in bringing back Mathews (not sure if he looking at that yet) a proven guy who could really help us deserves a kick to the nads of management as well....they need to lose the mindset that once season starts and whoever makes the cut and PR is who we run with all year....scrap that idea...a roster should always be evolving and that has hindered us the last few years...impact guys come available and we declare we are happy with our roster and see no need to bring in most likely better players....just plain dumb and wherever that mindset is originating...well Miller better find it and knock it out of them
  9. Well other than that yeah I agree...I forgot to mention that part..I think that was a frustration thing..aberration you can say.. this has been the most disciplined team all year..it wont have done a 180 like that overnight..I think that's the least of the worries. Fogg yeah had a bad game too..but not knowing the protections on some of the plays..hard to determine the breakdowns tho on 2 plays he got roasted nicely.
  10. It looks like they have Loffler playing a non traditional role as a safety..why..not sure.. and is he capable of doing it?..not sure again as I don't know what his responsibilities are supposed to be. Sayles just needs to learn the game..league.. and players.. so he is getting abused bad cause of it..and with a defensive backfield.. if one guy is suffering it really hurts the overall unit as guys overcompensate..and also it just allows too much room in the weak spot. 2 back sets are fine..but we need to pull defenders out of the box and show verticle threat and more layered routes.. we send a token guy deep(ish) and rest are all in the short dump and immediate second level area..and most times usually within the hashes..congests everything and limits a lot of big play stuff as too many defenders in area.. What edm or Calgary how they spread it..and have guys get huge yac up the middle or with crossing patterns..they get the ball and 9 times out of ten have just the man on him to beat.. and if they do open field.. but us..guy makes a catch and within 5-6 yards are multiple defenders to contend with..look back at games and see how many times we have had guys catch in stride with room to romp..I can think of maybe twice? Our Offensive scheme is good if u have some variation and layers to it..but we dont..and teams now see it and will adapt and stifle it
  11. Better not..that ship had better have sailed now...we confirmed last game what he gives us..and it's not much..who gives a flying frick how good a teammate he is and tries hard in practice and gives out water on sideline when on PR...that ain't winning u games
  12. Bad game all around..but nothing to get panties in a wad about..every team this yr has served up a deuce or two..and at end of weekend we will still be in 3rd..and have the tie breaker on B.C and 2 wins up on them and should be 2 wins up on Sask That being said... 1) this loss was totally on the coaching and not the players..from stubbornness to adjust and stupid decisions (putting Nichols back in..roster decisions) you can place this one squarely on the coaches. Sayles is not ready for prime time and was abused repeatedly yet we sit Fenner until the end..and he comes in and just makes plays..inexcusable and if that isnt changed for Cgy game I have lost a lot of faith and respect for the coaches 2) hopefully this ends the Lankford experiment..proof is in the pudding and and he proved it..pathetic kick return results and receiving.. gimme a break! Drops and no real threat at all. As I mentioned before any traffic or contact he cant make the catch as seen on the 3rd down fail and if u have speed to get behind the defense. What good is it if you cant catch. The 3rd down gamble if it was Washington..he makes that grab and would have positioned himself to box out the defender..Lankford doesnt have that skill set. Also not sure if it just me but when ball is in his hands I just cringe thinking he gonna fumble it for some reason. 3) Lapo play calling...deviate for christ sakes and put players in the spots to make the plays..as in the above comment even tho Dressler is a smurf..he can and does make the tough catches in traffic so to put a questionable receiver in that spot for that play is inexcusable as well..Wolitarsky is better suited for that..not a Lankford 4) Roster...A db backfield that doent have Fenner or Leggett starting with Randle..Alexander and Fogg..for now is just stupid..Sayles hurts us and I know our coaching staff gets all hot and bothered by new upstart rookies..but c'mon.. he ain't ready yet and having it as it was last 2 games is not putting out our best roster. Same with offence..If Dressler is still hurt then any receiving corp without Washinton or Flanders in that spot is again wasting talent and not giving us best option..Beat would be Washington as he gives a different body type and mismatch advantage and I will bet my left nut that once he is I bbn lineup..be tough to take him out..and I kinda like my left nut.
  13. Yeah but if you have a Management team that is portrayed us unloyal and borders on unethical..as well as treats players like crap...well you get what is going on in Regina at the moment...there is a time to be Mr Nice Guy Manager...as well as Mr Not so nice...and Mr Jones has no grasp of the happy medium..
  14. never said that and Hughes had no say in the matter...if he wanted to play for Jones he would have signed there when Jones first arrived...but no he re-uppped in CGY...players are always going to say that when there...also...I know Jefferson fielded offers from several teams..so it wasn't straight back my friend...But Jones payed more than what anyone thought to be worth while so yeah...he is there loving Jones...But if you truly think players don't haven't noticed how he has done certain things there (on the management side of things) and it has..and will have an effect moving forward...well then I don't know what to say..
  15. he got traded there...so he has to grin and bear it
  16. well based on pretty much all defensive stats..Richie Hall's defense is better than Jones defense...so being saddled with him would probably have you in a better spot as Oshea would have created the culture a team wants...heck even your own green pompom waving homer Penison has said on record that word around the league is that Winnipeg is the destination players want to be going to..based on how the team treats players, and how much players enjoy playing here..and for each other...for him to say that must of hurt like hell and be so glaringly true...he couldn't spin his usual pro Rider B.S and claim that Riderville was the destination of choice....and based on how veterans have been treated there the last 2 years...good luck on signing any good "quality character" guys
  17. that again in itself...Rider fans are the sole proprietors of this notion that they are the crown jewel of the league and that teams/players/management/fans envy them...which is just blatantly false...as someone with connections to...and in the league...I can honestly say that is untrue...and in a lot of instances players don't really want to go there because Regina is the least desirable city in the league to play in...
  18. which really doesn't mean anything i this argument, or discussion...it's more so how the team and the organization has progressed as a whole under each's direction..and the culture and atmosphere being developed...and you have to have a head buried way deep in the sand and be oblivious to common sense and league wide perception as to which organization is in a better spot..and looked at with more envy
  19. and 8 TD's....720 yards rushing and close to 300 receiving...and is the engine of the offence...Lankford is maybe a Washer Fluid container at this point..there if you need it but you can do without
  20. Harris also handles the ball 15 to 20 times a game..not quite the same scenario...and is also a proven reliable performer
  21. His salary counts..thus the confusion now and Jones going back on his word. Once grieved and determined in wrong basically he was effectively counted against SMS...so when he was healthy he had Riders hand forced and they had to bring him back basically..prob reason why too he was never picked up by anyone I would love to know the figure in money tossed out the window on bonuses paid to Bond..Messam..Carter and salary up to point they were cut..as well as Baggs bonus and salary as I think bagg got a 30k ish bonus too...I bet its upwards of 300k..totally wasted...its almost beyond funny what a mess Jones has architected
  22. nice...really liked him and he is another special teams demon
  23. I think too...the Toronto game...clearly could have reversed the pick 6 as ball wasn't touched so pass interference should have been called...If trestman would have used his challenge..you wouldn't have scored that TD...and most likely T.O scores more points ...I really think you guys are lucky to be 3-4...if thats even lucky
  24. I gotta give you credit my man...as a brainwashed Rider fan...you are at the least tolerable and can give and take constructive criticism unlike many on the Rider site when someone has differing opinion or says something anti-rider...so good on you man!
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